Kabam!? I hope that Christmas anniversary gift is good.

Because if not then whatever the heck this 10th anniversary Banquet was supposed to be fell flat perhaps flatter than that Mid-O-phyne that yall played the whole community as a bad joke.
Both Banquet and Isophyne was overhyped, perhaps the most and both are nothing but makes you say, "Well, that's it?"
Yall said that we removed MOST filler items but the remaining filler items had their probability/odds increased,
I don't know what you guys think that will be achieved after gatekeeping the rewards for no reason,
Every single year, community tells you guys to PLEASE make Banquet appropriate to every single milestone level in-game, yet every single year yall continue to pamper and please these Cavs and TB players by giving them everything of value but only thing Valiants recieve is nothing but repeated kick in nuts and when we ask why? we get slapped with another 10% CC crystal.
Last year you guys said we'll do better and if this is better then I'm very disappointed and disgusted, look at this picture.

Yall recieved feedback clearly last year to not lump top players with bottom barrel players because that only means mid rewards for top players but still YOU GUYS WON'T LISTEN, it's not anymore communication issue, it's being deaf to everything.
I absolutely despise having to open same rewards TB players can open, then what's the point of story milestones, doing Necro 100% and gatekeeping? What's the point of doing hardest content if at end of year a guy who beat grandmaster can open same rewards as us. Make EVERYONE Valaints since yall give everyone same rewards afterall, it's nothing but bad and lazy design, no excuses at all and whoever keeps making these decisions needs to ask him/her why it's happening?
Legit I don't think that we will reach all the milestones in that realm event because excitement to open more sUPeriOr crystals died the moment one opened them.
Every single recognised content creator's stream has people shitting on this event and for all the right reasons.
Only good thing I got was Sentry out of that funny box thing and he'll eat dust after that Necro challenge
What a way to end the year with slap in the face, see yall next year to open these same crystals.
Both Banquet and Isophyne was overhyped, perhaps the most and both are nothing but makes you say, "Well, that's it?"
Yall said that we removed MOST filler items but the remaining filler items had their probability/odds increased,
I don't know what you guys think that will be achieved after gatekeeping the rewards for no reason,
Every single year, community tells you guys to PLEASE make Banquet appropriate to every single milestone level in-game, yet every single year yall continue to pamper and please these Cavs and TB players by giving them everything of value but only thing Valiants recieve is nothing but repeated kick in nuts and when we ask why? we get slapped with another 10% CC crystal.
Last year you guys said we'll do better and if this is better then I'm very disappointed and disgusted, look at this picture.

Yall recieved feedback clearly last year to not lump top players with bottom barrel players because that only means mid rewards for top players but still YOU GUYS WON'T LISTEN, it's not anymore communication issue, it's being deaf to everything.
I absolutely despise having to open same rewards TB players can open, then what's the point of story milestones, doing Necro 100% and gatekeeping? What's the point of doing hardest content if at end of year a guy who beat grandmaster can open same rewards as us. Make EVERYONE Valaints since yall give everyone same rewards afterall, it's nothing but bad and lazy design, no excuses at all and whoever keeps making these decisions needs to ask him/her why it's happening?
Legit I don't think that we will reach all the milestones in that realm event because excitement to open more sUPeriOr crystals died the moment one opened them.
Every single recognised content creator's stream has people shitting on this event and for all the right reasons.
Only good thing I got was Sentry out of that funny box thing and he'll eat dust after that Necro challenge
What a way to end the year with slap in the face, see yall next year to open these same crystals.
Will they do anything? No.
But they will 100% try to sell you more deals and especially those keys to get rework champions lol.
Dont think any gift will compensate the sheer amount of disappointment with this event.
How it makes sense when from past 3-4 months yall selling 7* specific heroes, sig stones and rankup bundle for 8000 units
If anything I'm expecting 2024 selector or past years selector with another choice based on rankup, sigs or even perhaps Nexus.
Why I still have hopes in Kabam? Idk but maybe this wildfire hot backlash might make them do better?
Fear not, lesson learned, you won't see a penny more from me.
(because the 7* doesn't exist yet)