Banquet event is dead, thanks kabam

Evil2devilEvil2devil Member Posts: 11
No more saving units for the banquet event bcoz kabam has killed it, i am at 26k points so you know I've spent enough units, didn't get anything except catalyst fragments, last year I got 1-2 rare 6*s but this year nothing, not a single 7* or 7* crystal or titan crystal or fully formed catalyst or anything apart from catalyst fragments, i think the biggest glorious reveal was what kabam thinks of it's players even after 10 years, most disappointing event ever in the history of the game


  • AshacekarAshacekar Member Posts: 2,371 ★★★★★
    edited December 2024

    No more saving units for the banquet event bcoz kabam has killed it, i am at 26k points so you know I've spent enough units, didn't get anything except catalyst fragments, last year I got 1-2 rare 6*s but this year nothing, not a single 7* or 7* crystal or titan crystal or fully formed catalyst or anything apart from catalyst fragments, i think the biggest glorious reveal was what kabam thinks of it's players even after 10 years, most disappointing event ever in the history of the game

    Every line is true for me. I m also at same points.
  • aastikranjanaastikranjan Member Posts: 13
    I'll Open 100X Superior Banquet Crystal For Wasting 30k Units. And Got Only Catalyst Fragments And 7 Star Crystal Or Titan Shards. Not Received Any Type Of 7 Star Crystal, Key Or 7 Star Thanos, Kang, Or Jessica Jones. Not This Year Only Although Previous Year Also. Report To Kabam And Don't Buy Banquet Crystal.
  • Deder80Deder80 Member Posts: 740 ★★★
    Ashacekar said:

    No more saving units for the banquet event bcoz kabam has killed it, i am at 26k points so you know I've spent enough units, didn't get anything except catalyst fragments, last year I got 1-2 rare 6*s but this year nothing, not a single 7* or 7* crystal or titan crystal or fully formed catalyst or anything apart from catalyst fragments, i think the biggest glorious reveal was what kabam thinks of it's players even after 10 years, most disappointing event ever in the history of the game

    Even line is true for me. I m also at same points.
    Same. I bought every cyber weekend sale for 2 accounts. They are losing a big chunk of money from me this year. If this event would been as they hyped it up to be I would whales on 2 accounts
  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 1,252 ★★★★
    It’s kind of funny and telling of the integrity of the “grand banquet” how the community has collectively come together and almost all are coming to an agreement on this
  • Tony886Tony886 Member Posts: 815 ★★★
    PT_99 said:

    To lump TB (player who beat Grandmaster) with Valaints (player who 100% Necro on January 2024) is nothing but circus, a bad one on top of it.

    Last year players also complained why we're getting bundled with Cavs, Kabam said that it was a mistake and promised to do good but once again, bundled together.

    What's the point of titles, milestones if everyone gets same rewards? Remove titles and give everyone Valiant since yall don't respect the titles and progression that yall made and brought into game at first place.

    It's ridiculous and pathetic.

    Last year they bundled with Cavs this year they bundled together with TB and introduce TB and above player has access to SBC but what's the point of doing this if drop rates and rng sucks.
    I think issue is people want rewards which useful for further progression instead of having more champs with same rank
  • Villain_87Villain_87 Member Posts: 226 ★★
    i am not going to spend from next time niether dollars nor units
  • ControversyControversy Member Posts: 84
    edited December 2024
    I only opened 17 sbc and 5 gbc and so far 17 of those crystals have given me catalysts. 50% filler my @ass. Not to mention 3 of the crystals that gave me other rewards were sig stones so cool I got +5 sig to a mystic (although ironically i dont have a viable 7* mystic awakened yet) a +5 sig to mutants (which ironically still dont have a viable dupe and i aint giving it to gambit) and +1 sig on any champion of my choice so.... thanks kabam¿

    Oh and the rest only gave me 2k 7* shards (2 1k pulls) and 1.5k titans shards, so it's cool to think i had to pull 7* shards twice to obtain more than an objectively rarer form of shards.
    Overall a total let down, totally making me rethink investing more into the banquet
  • VantaVanta Member Posts: 26
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