Banquet 2024 Retrospective



  • Korb12Korb12 Member Posts: 1
    As a paragon pushing for the rank 3’s required for valiant, I was excited about the event. F2P player that saved all my units for the event. I appreciate the comments from Kabam and acknowledge what they were trying to do, however the mega whales already separate themselves during this event. The top rewards vs the lower tiers where the majority of players land respectfully do create that gap. In the 28-35 crystals I opened I got a total of less than 2500k 7* shards and felt very disappointed. Also trying to obtain the milestones when the points are so high for f2p players is very discouraging. I do appreciate the feedback from the game team but overall am very disappointed and disheartened
  • GrabmeMCOCGrabmeMCOC Member Posts: 149 ★★
    edited December 2024
    GalioCube said:

    Hey everyone! I thought I'd try to put in some input that I see:

    2. Personally I don't know why I pushed so hard to Valiant if Thrownbreaker and Paragon are getting the same stuff as me. Sure maybe less of it, but they are still getting 7*s and the same crystals and offers as me... Like why push? I really need to see Paragon and Valiant gaps because that is what the push is for! For example in this event, why not make super crystals available for Paragon and Valiant only? Why not make drop rates better for Valiant? I know thats a coding issue, or moral whatever. But I'm just spatting ideas! Why not make Super Valiant Crystals? Where if you are Valiant you get these crystals! Feel left out? Not to worry! You can get one for free in this event just to see how good Valiant really is!

    Point number 2 hits hard. There was no point Whatsoever.

  • Average_DesiAverage_Desi Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★

    Grinchhh said:

    Hello. This right here I think is the main the main disconnect between how the game team sees this event and how disappointed Summoners see it.

    TyEdge said:

    Here’s the sad reality of this event:

    If you build the main prizes into the milestones, you spread the value around more evenly and you keep whales from getting a huge windfall.

    If the crystals are absolutely lit, megawhales will get more separation from the population as a whole.

    We deliberately include as much of the reward package as we can in the events themselves. This year, everything in the SBC can be used on 7-star champions, so there shouldn't be anything in there that is completely useless to players. But the crystals are never going to be the main focus of the rewards, because if they were as TyEdge correctly summarized, it would mean creating an enormous gap between the big spenders and everyone else.

    I will pop back into this thread after the event is over to share more comprehensive thoughts like I did last year. But in the meantime, I encourage Summoners to take a breath and look at the total reward package that was available as part of this event. I personally think there is more here for ~15K Units than there was during Cyber Week, and I'm having a blast with my new 7-Star Medusa.

    Enjoy the holiday break everyone.
    Didn't you literally say that the crystals wouldn't be as filler this time?
    I think his point is Kabam doesn’t see it as filler because it’s all relevant to 7* champs.

    Players that have been spending resources like trophy tokens on nothing but t6cc for the past many months like myself and have 200+ 25% crystals stacked up are met with a banquet that has 31% t6cc and it’s super disappointing.

    It also seems apparent that the perceived value of 7* shards and particularly titan shards between Kabam and players are very much skewed.
    This is how I view it as well. Filler for me is the iso and gold. I'm constantly waiting on t6cc to rank up.
    t6cc no give dopamine.crystal give dopamine Moneky need dopamine to be happy. Yes. I am also a Moneky. One sentinel pull salvaged it for me
  • LuigihulksmasherLuigihulksmasher Member Posts: 92 ★★

    20k units down the drain and nothing to show for. I've got the message loud and clear. Next year i won't be this dumb anymore Will blow all my units in cyber weeekend and 4th of july offers. not this banquet LMAO

    They robbed us bro
  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,707 ★★★★
    All I will say is this is just another event and no one is forced to participate in the event. If you don’t see any value in it then don’t participate.
    Just for the love of Christ pls stop the whinging and moaning about it. Be an adult and not act like a toddler having a dummy spit!
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,833 ★★★★★
    Bulmkt said:

    All I will say is this is just another event and no one is forced to participate in the event. If you don’t see any value in it then don’t participate.
    Just for the love of Christ pls stop the whinging and moaning about it. Be an adult and not act like a toddler having a dummy spit!

    But there is value if they had better rates 7 shards t6cc t4a which people to r3 7s but they instead made it 10% lowest amount which is terrible
  • Twist1298Twist1298 Member Posts: 244 ★★

    I took a screenshot of all the items I got from my crystals. Then put the total I spent, both real money and earned units above it, and pretended it was a bundle Kabam was offering. I would never have bought the bundle. I paid 10 dollars for like 250k gold, TWO seven star sig stones and 3 ISO. Another TEN DOLLAR spend was 100k gold, 2 t5cc, and 3 ISO....At some point, did anyone at Kabam sit down together and see these possibilities and think. THIS is what they want? THIS will for sure be the event they deserve? If so, then perhaps we are all on different pages and should just break up. I haven't seen rug pulls this bad since the Hawk Tuah girl launched her meme coin...

    I agree with absolutely everything you said here and unfortunately yes the Kabam economist definitely thought this was a excellent idea, but I have to admit that last line made me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  • MLJMLJ Member Posts: 5
    I think we need new worker at KABAM or in the Developement. So they can do something for the Player base, the last 10 years was not so good…. disapointing this Event and this in the 10th year :-(
  • MakhdoomAJSMakhdoomAJS Member Posts: 2
    I also spent 15k units to get hardly things which are exciting,n which can be only bought in banquet n nowhere else ..but nothing i can say abt except of gaccha box which again was rng not a selector to atleast soothe the wounds given by medicore rewards...rewrds are basically things we even get from daily valiant so what is special a t spending 15k units and get such pathetic rewrds..i understand the concept of rare rewrds but kabam dsnt want to understand abt good rewrds ,we will not great rewrds alwayz but ders no atleast also in their dictionary
    I feel that game can make a comeback on things by
    1. Giving a plain compensation common to all
    2.Give out a compensation to people according to their spent units
    3.after the 3 7* added in realm dey can increase the count of last 4 milestones of realm to 5k titan so the last 4 make 1whole titan..people coming so far n getting 4k titan as last 4 rewrds is pathetic
  • Dtl7714Dtl7714 Member Posts: 493 ★★★
    Grinchhh said:

    Hello. This right here I think is the main the main disconnect between how the game team sees this event and how disappointed Summoners see it.

    TyEdge said:

    Here’s the sad reality of this event:

    If you build the main prizes into the milestones, you spread the value around more evenly and you keep whales from getting a huge windfall.

    If the crystals are absolutely lit, megawhales will get more separation from the population as a whole.

    We deliberately include as much of the reward package as we can in the events themselves. This year, everything in the SBC can be used on 7-star champions, so there shouldn't be anything in there that is completely useless to players. But the crystals are never going to be the main focus of the rewards, because if they were as TyEdge correctly summarized, it would mean creating an enormous gap between the big spenders and everyone else.

    I will pop back into this thread after the event is over to share more comprehensive thoughts like I did last year. But in the meantime, I encourage Summoners to take a breath and look at the total reward package that was available as part of this event. I personally think there is more here for ~15K Units than there was during Cyber Week, and I'm having a blast with my new 7-Star Medusa.

    Enjoy the holiday break everyone.
    Didn't you literally say that the crystals wouldn't be as filler this time?
    I think this right here is the major disconnect between Kabam and all the players who are disappointed in this event (including myself).

    From Kabam's perspective the crystals aren't filler because we are getting materials to R2/R3 7*s which are the top of the game.

    From player's perspective who have R2/R3 7*s the crystals are trash because alot of people feel like they aren't getting anything useful.

    For example, for many people who are Paragon or Valiant this event did nothing for you.
  • 404Tired404Tired Member Posts: 15
    Kabam logic:

  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,707 ★★★★
    This is the test for me on whether the 2024 Banquet event is a success or failure.

    We’re in day 2 of a 14 day event and we have reached milestone 23 of the realm component. If we reach milestone 33 (Isophyne dupe) then IMO it’s a success.
    (But I’ll be happy if we reach milestone 30)

    As for the SBC’s themselves. I’m yet to open my stash of them. But they are better than GBC’s which is what we had last yr.

    I myself don’t care that I have dropped 51,000 units on this event. The majority of them I earned F2P during the yr just playing this silly game. Sure I bought a few Odin’s during cyber to get more units but that was money I had put aside from my entertainment budget so not concerned about that spend.
  • TryakshaTryaksha Member Posts: 210
    edited December 2024
    1. There are whales who are spending thousands on getting the top rank rewards, good for them.
    2. There are people who are not yet valiant and yet saved up for the event , spent say about 100 dollars to make sure they reached the final Isophyne milestone in the realm event.
    3. From the look of it, we are not going to reach the final milestone as a collective effort.
    4. The fact that the option to buy the SBC bundle in store is only for three days and does not go to the end of the event, does not give the option to people to wait and see if we are going to reach the final milestone.

    My question is -
    Will Kabam ensure that people who have saved for a year, or spent money to reach the final milestone get the realm rewards even if we do not reach the final milestone as a collective? Irrespective of their progression in the game? I know throne breakers and paragons who have spent money to reach that milestone, hoping to dupe the 7*. Give people their time and moneys worth at least.
    @Kabam Miike
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,683 ★★★★★

    Hello. This right here I think is the main the main disconnect between how the game team sees this event and how disappointed Summoners see it.

    TyEdge said:

    Here’s the sad reality of this event:

    If you build the main prizes into the milestones, you spread the value around more evenly and you keep whales from getting a huge windfall.

    If the crystals are absolutely lit, megawhales will get more separation from the population as a whole.

    We deliberately include as much of the reward package as we can in the events themselves. This year, everything in the SBC can be used on 7-star champions, so there shouldn't be anything in there that is completely useless to players. But the crystals are never going to be the main focus of the rewards, because if they were as TyEdge correctly summarized, it would mean creating an enormous gap between the big spenders and everyone else.

    I will pop back into this thread after the event is over to share more comprehensive thoughts like I did last year. But in the meantime, I encourage Summoners to take a breath and look at the total reward package that was available as part of this event. I personally think there is more here for ~15K Units than there was during Cyber Week, and I'm having a blast with my new 7-Star Medusa.

    Enjoy the holiday break everyone.

    People just dont understand the realm milestones haha.

    And @Kabam_Crashed , @Kabam_Pinwheel ,some summoners here want to censor mine and other summoner words that are ok with Banquet and everything we got.

    They even had a memory lapse forgetting the 10 amazing received champs

    Everyone is entitled to express his/her oppinion.

    Not a bunch of summoners crying over rng crystals will stop me/us
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,683 ★★★★★

    Hello. This right here I think is the main the main disconnect between how the game team sees this event and how disappointed Summoners see it.

    TyEdge said:

    Here’s the sad reality of this event:

    If you build the main prizes into the milestones, you spread the value around more evenly and you keep whales from getting a huge windfall.

    If the crystals are absolutely lit, megawhales will get more separation from the population as a whole.

    We deliberately include as much of the reward package as we can in the events themselves. This year, everything in the SBC can be used on 7-star champions, so there shouldn't be anything in there that is completely useless to players. But the crystals are never going to be the main focus of the rewards, because if they were as TyEdge correctly summarized, it would mean creating an enormous gap between the big spenders and everyone else.

    I will pop back into this thread after the event is over to share more comprehensive thoughts like I did last year. But in the meantime, I encourage Summoners to take a breath and look at the total reward package that was available as part of this event. I personally think there is more here for ~15K Units than there was during Cyber Week, and I'm having a blast with my new 7-Star Medusa.

    Enjoy the holiday break everyone.

    People just dont understand the realm milestones haha.

    And @Kabam_Crashed , @Kabam_Pinwheel ,some summoners here want to censor mine and other summoner words that are ok with Banquet and everything we got.

    They even had a memory lapse forgetting the 10 amazing received champs

    Everyone is entitled to express his/her oppinion.

    Not a bunch of summoners crying over rng crystals will stop me/us
    Being one of Royal Familly Mi 6 agents surprises me the way you answer with big Caps, not polite as your answer is seen as you're yellying, as we can read the same way.

    10 champs are indeed part of the festivities.

    Maybe if they put the champs on every day now, during banquet, nobody would be crying
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