A Step in the Right Direction

Kabam, thank you for adding the additional rewards in the realm event. This is a great step towards the player base and shows you are listening.
I’m curious if you guys will be discussing your thought process on this event and how you intend to move forward.
I am of the opinion that more should be done for those who are paragon and above, and have spent a fair bit on the crystals, but again, just my opinion and I’m grateful for the step you have taken as of now.
I’m curious if you guys will be discussing your thought process on this event and how you intend to move forward.
I am of the opinion that more should be done for those who are paragon and above, and have spent a fair bit on the crystals, but again, just my opinion and I’m grateful for the step you have taken as of now.
It's a step in the right direction but it currently still isn't enough I'm sorry.
Nice touch and helpful. But still it doesn't change the fact that everyone wasted so many units
And post let down we are told to then factor in the totality of the milestone rewards into our unit investment now, which means including the realm event.
So either the event was always planned to be subpar and was never meant to be a grand 10-year celebration OR rewards for the realm event were clearly factored into the reward budget.
A. The reward budget was maxed already and the realm is literally breaking the game economy.
B. The reward budget was under tuned and there was enough room to add Realm.
It can’t be “on top of” unless the baseline for banquet wasn’t already maxed out. If it was already maxed out that would mean they decided to break the economy with the realm rewards.
Can someone try to explain it differently?
I got the 1/1 T4 milestone and got to do this ⬇️ I’m done now, got 10 units and wont be spending $1 on more 💩.
250k - 300k sp2s 🧨🔥🔥🔥
And why did Crashed say "think of it as a package"
This realm update is a band aid to a wound that needs stitches.
Can you elaborate or explain your view more? If you look at banquet as a whole, I only see those two options. Banquet without Realm wasn’t the max reward budget the game could handle or Realm exceeds what the game can handle. There is no other option I see. I’m asking you to explain instead of just say both are wrong.
The realm is an added event. Those rewards are extra. They did not impact what we would have had in the banquet.