Lost 7* because of YOUR connection issues. Need help!!!!

BmanBman Member Posts: 315 ★★
I was trying to open 7*, when of course I get spinning wheel trying to connect (my wifi is fine same as always, literally 5-6 other internet devices all work 100%). Stupid spinning wheel spin until it said “reconnect” while I’m waiting on my 7* champ?!?! Hit “reconnect”, same dam issue. Got reconnect again, so I did AGAIN. THEN GOT IT A 3rd time, and did again. Then got same reconnect message a 4th time?? Stupid before we even got here!! I did again, and same darn thing. Obviously was NOT going to connect and give my 7* after attempts and prob 5-8min of trying. Even though every other device on my wifi worked 100%??? I tried turning off wifi on my phone and went to cellular. Screen went black, so I obviously closed the app and reopened. Hoping/praying and knowing full well my 7* champ would appear. IT DID NOT!!!!!!! I’ve restarted 2 more times since and STILL HAVE NO 7*?!?! All of my 7* are exactly what they were before I TRIED TO OPEN THIS CRYSTAL. Please refund me my 15k shards so I can actually get whatever 7* champ I earned from the game. This is literally BEYOND RIDICULOUS!!!!!!! After last restart it took me to the Sigil screen. Seriously. Just give me what I earned guys. Pretty beyond mad about whole thing


  • Cap_MuricaCap_Murica Member Posts: 568 ★★★
    Unfortunately no one can help you over here. Your only option is to contact Kabam support and for you to validate your account authenticity by answering all the questions correctly even if it means digging through your past transactions.
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    Send screenshot of your ally feed
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    I don't know exactly how Kabam's support system works but I don't think you have to know exactly when you first downloaded the game, just be in the same ballpark. No one knows exactly when they started playing the game, but people still get help from Kabam support. I've been in contact with them myself in the past and was similarly frustrated by the question, but I think I gave some vague "I don't know, in 2017 or thereabout" answer and that was enough for them to see that I was legit.

    I think the question is more to weed out people who have no idea when an account was first created because they are just trying to scam the actual account owner or something. As long as you know roughly when your account was first created, you should be fine.

    With that said, it is like others have said. As soon as you opened the crystal, you should have gotten the content. You don't get it at the end of the spin. Chances are that, if you didn't get a new champ, you just got 20 random sigs on someone. I've had similar things happen and it can be a pain to try to see who actually got those sigs (especially if there's a lot of openings happening in your alliance, so that your own opening isn't as clearly visible in the alliance tab as it might have otherwise been). But you most likely didn't "lose" your crystal.
  • OgnarOgnar Member Posts: 9
    shield311 said:

    It doesn't work like that, the moment you put the crystal in the spinning slot, your pull has been determined, doesn't matter if the game crashed or not. Check your alliance chat there must be something lol

    I believe you actually have to tap it once you start it spinning. You don’t get the new champion indicator unless you tap it and if you force quit before the tap, the crystal goes back into your inventory.
  • BmanBman Member Posts: 315 ★★
    Screen shot off ally thread means 0! No idea when pic was taken. Putting in spinner already determined champ u get? According to Kabam years ago is accurate, spinning is just for show/fun/anger. Whatever
  • BmanBman Member Posts: 315 ★★
    All this ****, and then next day, today. Crystal was NOT opened because I had a 7* crystal again. I didn’t open when I 1st logged in, had to clean house, and then did like 2hrs questing. When I decided to open that same dam 7*??? It was gone again?!?! WTF?!?! 10yrs playing never seen this. 4,5, maybe even 6* wouldn’t care enough for all this drama. 7*? Dam right I do. Gone, back, and GONE A DAM 2nd time. WTF?!?! @mod? Ticket in. Still waiting to hear back. Thought was good when I had 7* crystal hours ago, but then literally disappeared again?!?! This is too much
  • BmanBman Member Posts: 315 ★★
    The problem with “champ being decided immediately upon opening”???? Have to be able to actually connect 2 Kabam servers! This is where problem started, and still continues.
  • BmanBman Member Posts: 315 ★★
    Which is also where it’s a problem for most summoners. It’s pretty rare I open more than 2/4 crystals with “spinning wheel”. That means when u opened crystal? U were NOT connected to Kabam servers when u opened it! When it “reconnects”? That’s the champ u get’ which means each time u get a spinning wheel??? U are NOT getting champ u should, u get whatever champ after it “reconnects” to their servers! Questions were answered when I “lost connection” before I got champ. Instead? Got back to 7* crystal to open later. Yet to continue F’ing problem??? Crystal dam disappeared agin a few hrs later
  • BmanBman Member Posts: 315 ★★
    U keep hitting “disagree”??? Same as most ppl that haven’t had whatever the issue is AFFECT YOU PERSONALLY!!! If it was you, and I hit “disagree” for NO reason and not having all info? U would feel like what the hell. Just say “hasn’t affected me this way, hope all works out”. Instead just mash disagree because u haven’t had to deal with said situation?!?! Game is broken and diff ppl get diff situations to deal with. U have NOT had to deal with this situation?? Great happy for u!!! Don’t minimize others issues because doesn’t affect u personally. Just comment and move on
  • psp742psp742 Member Posts: 2,714 ★★★★
    edited December 2024
    How many 7* did you own? If you know how many and what sig level they are.. its high probability that it was a duplicate 7* champion (moreso if its a bad champion).. if many in your alliance were opening random crystals at the same time as you, the champion you pull will almost cycle thru (and no longer visible).

    When playing MCoC, do you link Google account or Kabam account? Almost everyone will remember their Google account (unless the MCoC account was purchased)
  • BmanBman Member Posts: 315 ★★
    This thread has been resolved. Yes I opened 7*, reconnected 4x, still nothing. Restarted 3x still nothing. Went to bed, 7* crystal was there next day. Didn’t open yet, and disappeared for like 4hrs (gone again) Finally re-appeared so opened before was gone again. Not happy with champ, but it’s RNG. Atleast 1.5 days later I Finally got to get my 7* atleast. Thx for comments, some actually being helpful (others not at all), way of the forums. POST IS DONE. PROBLEM SOLVED. Thx again
  • shield311shield311 Member Posts: 1,365 ★★★★

    i WISH my titans disappeared before my eyes had to look at this monstrosity
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    I love how this whole time he didn't send screenshots of ally feed...this stinks of cap but whatever not my problem
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,687 ★★★★★
    shield311 said:

    i WISH my titans disappeared before my eyes had to look at this monstrosity

    He does kinda need high sig though. The higher sig, the higher potency the precision gains. Gonna be useful once he gets buffed too
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