Sentry deserves better

As someone initially really excited about Sentry's buff, I'm not the only one who thinks it was quite a let down and the worst buff among the Glorious Guradians buffs. The dude is supposed to have "The power of a million exploding suns" but in no way truly feels like it when playing him. For harder, long term content, such as Necropolis, his ramp is simply too long and not rewarding enough to be an exciting champion worth investing in and using. I really hope Kabam sees that his buff is just not good enough for what he's supposed to do and decides to give him some extra love down the line.

If you have the time, I'd appreciate feedback on my idea for what I'd like to see get added/changed in his kit. I spent a quite some time thinking about how he could be improved, true to his buffed nature.

Starting off by completing the anti-mystic Immunities.

• Added Immunities of Neutralize, Stagger, Atrophy, and Soul Barb.

I believe Sentry needs a lot more going on with his Reality Warps, so I added extra Benefits to each Reality Warp you get to.

1. At one Reality Warp, increase the chance the opponent throws their special attack by 50%.
2. At two Reality Warps, the number of solar energy needed to change forms in reduced by 5. (15 max).
3. No change. Same as what's in his kit.
4. At four Reality Warps, the number of solar energy needed to change forms in reduced by an additional 5. (10 max).
5. At five Reality Warps, increase the max stacks of Exhasustion, wither, and Energy vulnerability by 10. (Max 20 stacks each).
6. No change. Same as what's in his kit.
7. At seven Reality Warps, increase the max stacks of Exhasustion, wither, and Energy vulnerability by an additional 10. (Max 30 stacks each).
8. Same as what's in his kit. Except Sentry will not longer go into "No solar" form mode. "No solar form" mode removed from his rotation. Additionally, Sentry now places an Exhasution debuff on his empowered attacks in his other solar forms.
9. At nine Reality Warps, personnal passives on Sentry gain a flat 5 second duration increase. Sentry also gains an indefinite steadfast passive.
10. At ten Reality Warps, Sentry enters the solar form "Power of a million exploding suns". This is indefinite while at 10 Reality Warps and Sentry will not longer change forms. (Absolute Strength and Brilliant Might taken out of Sentry's rotation). While in this form, all basic attacks are empowered and inflict 1 Exhasution, Wither, and energy vulnerability debuff. Additionally against non-skill opponents, if one of Sentry's debuffs are removed on the opponent for any reason it deals a burst of "insert damage value number here" (The value for which is dependant on star level, Rank, and level) damage in direct damage to the opponent.

The next bit is added Benefits to Special attacks for each multiple of 5 Reality Warps you get to. (Benefits at 5 and 10 Reality warps).

Special attack 1

• At 5 Reality Warps, on activation, inflict a sunder debuff for 20 seconds.
• At 10 Reality Warps, on activation, inflict a crush debuff for 20 seconds.

Special attack 2

• At 5 Reality Warps, on activation, Sentry Gains 1 of of his fury passives for each debuff on the opponent, up to 20.
• At 10 Reality Warps, on activation, Sentry Gains 1 of of his fury passives for each debuff on the opponent, up to 40.

Special attack 3

• At 5 Reality Warps, on activation, for the rest of the quest, gain an indefinite Resistance Up passive. (The value for which is dependant on star level, Rank, and level). Starting each subesquent fight in the same quest has you start with this Resistance Up passive. Can only be activated once per quest.
• At 10 Reality Warps, on activation, for the rest on the quest, reduce degeneration damage and duration by 90%, and the opponent cannot increase their degeneration potency or duration by any means. Can only be activated once per quest.

Thanks for reading. Have a nice day!


  • BanannaPandaBanannaPanda Member Posts: 153
    All he needs in my opinion is the Northstar treatment. Just cut down his ramp from 20 buffs converted per form to 10 buffs.
  • SquidopusSquidopus Member Posts: 821 ★★★★

    I feel like there's some good ideas but this is way way more than he actually needs. I don't understand how giving him immunity to literally every single mystic ability is really that beneficial to him in his target match ups, and giving him so many bonuses for each reality warp is just too much more than he needs

    I’m inclined to agree. Forget extra love, the ridiculous amount of changes here would probably add 2 or 3 digits to his damage, and regardless of if you think he’s underperforming you can’t honestly say he’s worse than the likes of Kate and Aegon by a factor of a hundred. He doesn’t need that much.

    Just for clarity, you are asking for all of the following:
    • Ramp time is dramatically lowered, probably close to half of what it is now.
    • Triple the amount of debuffs, which means triple the damage boost on empowered attacks and in practice way more than that because you have triple energy vulnerabilities.
    • Quadruple the furies on his sp2.
    • No dud time via the base form.
    • Extra ease of use thanks to perma-taunt and longer duration on effects.
    • At max warps, he no longer has to manage any forms at all and has permanent crush after a single sp1.

    And a bunch of other extra goodies that I’m not mentioning for brevity. You don’t think this is maybe a little excessive? I think Sentry needs some extra love. I think you think he’s bottom of the barrel based on these changes.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,780 ★★★★★
    1) his buffs accuracy is unaffected by non skill champs, and whenever one of his buff ends, he inflicts a 100 concussion passive for 0.5 seconds.

    2) Instead of exhaustions he should inflict weakness in regular form, so it actually interacts with bulwarks and make him tanky.

    3) 10 buffs conversion is enough for ramp up

    4) petrifies instead of withers.

    5) heavy chain at 3 charges and can be done with any base attacks.
  • SirSpectreSirSpectre Member Posts: 8
    Realistically, I never expect kabam to implement into his kit any and especially all of these ideas from the get-go. Having just a 1/8 of these ideas added to his kit would make me happy. At the end of the day, I just want Kabam to know disappointing Sentry's buff was.
  • Average_DesiAverage_Desi Member Posts: 1,394 ★★★★
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