Member Posts: 137 ★
Passive: Power Cosmic Charge
Each charge grants 8% perfect Block Chance and 10% energy resistance.
Gain +50% Special Attack Damage per charge.
Last 5 seconds.
Stack up to 10.
Every 5 hits landed or received
Gain 1 Power cosmic charge.
Crossing a power threshold(like cable)
Refresh any active Power Cosmic Charges.
SP1 Power Steal 16% of the opponenet’s max power.
SP2 Power Steal 33% of the opponenet’s max power.
SP3 Power Steal 33% of the opponenet’s max power.
Grants 3 Power Cosmic Charges.
Signature Abilty
Each Power cosmic charge increases power gain by (2-10%) and reduces enemy power gain by (1-5%).
Synergies can probably allow him to start with some power and another one could increase the duration of the charges.
Crazy sig ability power gain allows you to spam Specials to wreck your opponent.
Good power control.
Immune to energy damage once you get 10 charges.
Cosmic charges cannot be nullified as they are passive.
Thoughts ?
Each charge grants 8% perfect Block Chance and 10% energy resistance.
Gain +50% Special Attack Damage per charge.
Last 5 seconds.
Stack up to 10.
Every 5 hits landed or received
Gain 1 Power cosmic charge.
Crossing a power threshold(like cable)
Refresh any active Power Cosmic Charges.
SP1 Power Steal 16% of the opponenet’s max power.
SP2 Power Steal 33% of the opponenet’s max power.
SP3 Power Steal 33% of the opponenet’s max power.
Grants 3 Power Cosmic Charges.
Signature Abilty
Each Power cosmic charge increases power gain by (2-10%) and reduces enemy power gain by (1-5%).
Synergies can probably allow him to start with some power and another one could increase the duration of the charges.
Crazy sig ability power gain allows you to spam Specials to wreck your opponent.
Good power control.
Immune to energy damage once you get 10 charges.
Cosmic charges cannot be nullified as they are passive.
Thoughts ?
You basically want a stronger Hyperion with power steal abilities!!
Just like how Wolverine won't be joining the Avengers in the movies like he should. Different franchises that won't play nice.
If I am wrong then please do not hesitate to point ot out.
Second, the reason that Kabam has not been granted the rights to characters related to FF is that Marvel was so pissed that Fox made poor movies. Fox refused to renegotiate the movie rights (give them back) that Marvel stopped all cross promotional licences (comics, toys, video games) for the FF. Now that Disney owns Fox we may see the FF in newer content but I ain't holding my breath.