Banquet Realm Event Changes

GoldenLordGoldenLord Member Posts: 58 β˜…
They should have reduced the requirements to hit the higher milestone rewards... only big spenders getting that selector


  • woawoa Member Posts: 4
    Polygon said:

    They should have reduced the requirements to hit the higher milestone rewards... only big spenders getting that selector

    Its a marketing tactic to make people spend more on odins to buy more crystals. And with the SBC crystals being as bad as they are to have the entire community ranting, if Kabam adds rewards to the event, it will be seen as a positive (even if tge addition is for the heavy spenders strictly). Genius move or manipulative one depending on what angle you look at it from
    If they were really smart a great "marketing tool" would be adding more champs to the selector that requires a key, which can be only obtained with buying odin packs. They missed that opportunity IMO.
  • 713_o_f1673r713_o_f1673r Member Posts: 616 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Or better if Stark Foundation just donates even higher points than last time to at least get to justify calling the event the GRAND banquet event by approximately 1%.
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,604 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    edited December 2024

    I believe many would appreciate if kabam added:

    1) 1 more glorious guardian key
    2) 1 7* basic class selector
    3) 1 limited crystal champion selector
    4) 1 trophy champion selector
    5) R3 class crystal (which many wouldn't mind)
    6) 1 7* crystal (choose between ex-magica, arcade games, saga)
    7) sig +200 selector (choose between ex-magica, arcade games, saga)
    8) R3 crystal selector (choose between ex-magica, arcade games, saga)
    9) AG crystal selector (choose between ex-magica, arcade games, saga)
    10) 1 7* deathless champion selector (vision, kg, guilotine)
    11) 1 7* basic champion selector (yes, select the champion you want most in basic that you haven't got)
    12) combine all those titan shards into 1 titan crystal (or 20k titan shards, whichever)

    players are spending money, give them something rewarding

    Ask for 10 Titan Abyss class Nexus while you're at it.
    Just noticed bro also want 7* deathless hero, not a single piece but a whole deathless πŸ€ͺ
  • Average_DesiAverage_Desi Member Posts: 1,410 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    NONYABIZZ said:

    And why is there a vision, kang and Thanos selector in there as the TOP MILESTONE???
    Coulda just put a titan nexus or an awakening gem instead not that trash selector.

    How many points do you have @NONYABIZZ
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,222 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    NONYABIZZ said:

    And why is there a vision, kang and Thanos selector in there as the TOP MILESTONE???
    Coulda just put a titan nexus or an awakening gem instead not that trash selector.

    If we hit it I'm assuming there will be 3 more milestones with a titan nexus or awakening gem as the last one
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,149 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    NONYABIZZ said:

    And why is there a vision, kang and Thanos selector in there as the TOP MILESTONE???
    Coulda just put a titan nexus or an awakening gem instead not that trash selector.

    Some people like to be able to collect all available champs regardless if they stink.
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,336 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    what I will say about this is that the community has definitely gone above and beyond expectations with this event even in the face of what is truly a TERRIBLE crystal in return that you literally have to get in bulk otherwise it gives you nothing of value .. just bricks and bricks of ISO.
  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,560 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    I don’t really care about the trophy champs but the 2-3 gem would be nice and seems very doable at our current burn rate.
  • Vance2_jrVance2_jr Member Posts: 788 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Having said all that, where does everyone think end the realm event at? I was honestly surprised it shot up as quick as it did after the Isophyne dupe achievement. Five days is a long time….curious to see where it ends.
  • NukeNuke Member Posts: 94 β˜…
    Kabam playing with the numbers to artificially create excitement.
  • Super_Cretu90Super_Cretu90 Member Posts: 272 β˜…β˜…
    Vance2_jr said:

    Having said all that, where does everyone think end the realm event at? I was honestly surprised it shot up as quick as it did after the Isophyne dupe achievement. Five days is a long time….curious to see where it ends.

    If we won't reach the last milestone, Kabam should help us reach it by donating 5k points to each summoner. That way, the ones that have spent a lot less that the final milestone, could still claim some rewards along the way.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,825 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Vance2_jr said:

    Having said all that, where does everyone think end the realm event at? I was honestly surprised it shot up as quick as it did after the Isophyne dupe achievement. Five days is a long time….curious to see where it ends.

    I think the 2-3 gem we have too little time for over 5b
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,169 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Tying more to realm event is just annoying. Want people to open more? Make it so we get what we earned in the solo and alliance event.
  • Rudolph_RaindeerRudolph_Raindeer Member Posts: 333 β˜…β˜…β˜…

    They should have reduced the requirements to hit the higher milestone rewards... only big spenders getting that selector

    Nah. I am able to get all milestones without spending a single dollar. All units from arena and other parts of the game.
  • Friendly001Friendly001 Member Posts: 870 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    They just want to suck as much money as they can from everyone even if the rewards aren’t worth it.
  • SkunkcabbageSkunkcabbage Member Posts: 404 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    This further compounds the pain for players who spent under 10k units on the event.

    It doesn't make anything better for them, it makes it worse! Surely this tactic has to be driven by wanting to increase sales for the company, rather than balancing the crystals better for the average player.

    Just really disappointing to see from Kabam IMO.
  • SquammoSquammo Member Posts: 616 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    NONYABIZZ said:

    And why is there a vision, kang and Thanos selector in there as the TOP MILESTONE???
    Coulda just put a titan nexus or an awakening gem instead not that trash selector.

    I am definitely not going to open more crystals to get that far up for that selector. Had it been a key or something else, maybe.
  • SkunkcabbageSkunkcabbage Member Posts: 404 β˜…β˜…β˜…

    They should have reduced the requirements to hit the higher milestone rewards... only big spenders getting that selector

    Nah. I am able to get all milestones without spending a single dollar. All units from arena and other parts of the game.
    15k units on one event is a significant amount, considering the countless other sales that happen throughout the year.

    The difference here is that if you start spending you really need to finish at 15k+ otherwise you're getting terrible value for your spend.

    Players never expected the value to be top loaded like this and for the crystals to be so despicably poor, based on all the years that we've done this event before.
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