It was taking too long to get the mutant catalysts for some reason, and I was getting impatient. The moment I needed them the catalysts dried up lol. Gonna do wags when I get the 3 tier 4 alphas after aoa is done
That’s just the rotation I saw a few streamers running in BGs when they had her in their decks. I got lucky enough that I pulled her out of my first loyalty 7 star and I was thinking about taking her to r3 but hesitant bc cheelith is in the mix…and bullseye could possibly be in the near future. I’m torn between one of those two and Odin atm
That’s just the rotation I saw a few streamers running in BGs when they had her in their decks. I got lucky enough that I pulled her out of my first loyalty 7 star and I was thinking about taking her to r3 but hesitant bc cheelith is in the mix…and bullseye could possibly be in the near future. I’m torn between one of those two and Odin atm
I have a sig 20 bullseye, sig 30 something attuma, a shang chi and a cheilith and I still r3d black cat. The others can stay at r2 for a bit. Black cat is worth it
Obviously she works against champs who bleed but I know she also shuts down Thing’s rock stacks. Are there any other good matchups like this that I’m missing?
Obviously she works against champs who bleed but I know she also shuts down Thing’s rock stacks. Are there any other good matchups like this that I’m missing?
Literally any champ that gains an ability when you hit them. So cosmics who get bare buffs on attack like hulkling, gorr etc get cheesed by her
We go straight to sp2