Extreme Disappointment

I don't know what system determines what champions you get out of crystals, but it needs to be adjusted. Almost every crystal I open gives me different star versions of heroes I already have, making it impossible to awaken any of their signature abilities. Receiving different star versions also makes the weaker versions useless, which is incredibly demoralizing after spending so many resources ranking them up.
I have been playing with a 5-star gambit as my top champion for the past few years. Recently, I have been on my way to obtaining my first 7-star hero. I was very much looking forward to getting to play with a new champion and adding some much-needed strength to my team. Much to my dismay, the crystal I purchased with my hard-earned shards gave me A 7 STAR VERSION OF GAMBIT. After spending hours and hours trying to gather the resources for a 7-star, it is incredibly enraging to be stuck with the same damn champion that I've had for years now. PLEASE FIX THIS.
I have been playing with a 5-star gambit as my top champion for the past few years. Recently, I have been on my way to obtaining my first 7-star hero. I was very much looking forward to getting to play with a new champion and adding some much-needed strength to my team. Much to my dismay, the crystal I purchased with my hard-earned shards gave me A 7 STAR VERSION OF GAMBIT. After spending hours and hours trying to gather the resources for a 7-star, it is incredibly enraging to be stuck with the same damn champion that I've had for years now. PLEASE FIX THIS.
If you do, this is not the game for you. In fact, probably no online game as a service is for you. You should stick to single player boxed games you can buy, take home, then mod to your heart’s content to get exactly what you want when you want it.
Honestly, I doubt that Kabam wants you to spend money on this game, if this is your attitude. They don’t need your money if you’re going to spend it out of spite. They would much rather have players who understand the game and understand what they are buying and choose to spend because they want to.
Honestly, this is one of the most friendly games to both F2P and casual players I’ve ever played in over twenty years of playing online games. The only thing this game is not friendly to is impatience. Everyone gets everything eventually. You can whale out and get it now. You can spend moderately and get it sooner than later. Or you can play for free and get everything down the road. But if your patience runs out before your cash does, then you’ll cry “pay to win” and leave in a huff, and no one else is going to care.