Extreme Disappointment

I don't know what system determines what champions you get out of crystals, but it needs to be adjusted. Almost every crystal I open gives me different star versions of heroes I already have, making it impossible to awaken any of their signature abilities. Receiving different star versions also makes the weaker versions useless, which is incredibly demoralizing after spending so many resources ranking them up.

I have been playing with a 5-star gambit as my top champion for the past few years. Recently, I have been on my way to obtaining my first 7-star hero. I was very much looking forward to getting to play with a new champion and adding some much-needed strength to my team. Much to my dismay, the crystal I purchased with my hard-earned shards gave me A 7 STAR VERSION OF GAMBIT. After spending hours and hours trying to gather the resources for a 7-star, it is incredibly enraging to be stuck with the same damn champion that I've had for years now. PLEASE FIX THIS.


  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,687 ★★★★★
  • Awesomep12Awesomep12 Member Posts: 1,680 ★★★★
    I haven't spent money but I have gotten good pulls. Why? Because of luck. I get 7* scream yesterday (5% chance) who was my most wanted from the titan. Not because of money, but because of time.
  • Sunstar19Sunstar19 Member Posts: 288 ★★
    I would have thought you’d be happy with a 7 star version of a champ whom you have maxed out as 5 star, which I assumed you had fully enjoyed playing. Damage from a 7 star is so much higher.
  • CaptainaidenCaptainaiden Member Posts: 1,166 ★★★★
    edited January 2
    Please understand what is RNG, and you can't get all what you want
  • LokxLokx Member Posts: 1,577 ★★★★
    How has 5* gambit been the top of your roster for the past few years.
  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,443 ★★★★★
    Play more, open more. Players can get past using 5* completely in their first few weeks, yet you've been sitting on a 5* for years. It doesn't really matter how long you've been playing for if you haven't actually been playing. And yeah, getting new champs to try out is nice, but a 7* at its worst is already considerably better than a 5* at its best, so while it may be a repeat champ it is still a significant upgrade for your account. I can only imagine you're in Act 5, maybe early Act 6 (unlikely), so you don't even need a 7* champ, yet here you are with one. Play more, open more, get more. You're not going to pull Gambit every time and complaining that it happened this time is ridiculous.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,687 ★★★★★
    Lokx said:

    How has 5* gambit been the top of your roster for the past few years.

    He’s probably Cav or uncollected
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