Why remove items from glory/battlegrounds stores

Mace999xlMace999xl Member Posts: 22
Hello, I am Valient and a big reason I love to play this game is to max out/level up characters, I have been playing for 10 years now. I know I am a niche player, and there are going to be people who say bigger fish to fry, so take your negativity elsewhere. I would love to know why 5-star sig stones and accessibility to 4-star stones are almost nonexistent when you reach a certain level. Sure I don't need them for the meta, but they do bring me enjoyment to look at my roster I have accumulated over the years. even getting 5-star and lower shards is becoming rarer if I wanted to sig them up that way. I used to get max stones every battleground store reset, and about 2 thirds through maxing out all my 5's. Can we add these back in for people who enjoy it? Am I alone in this?


  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,853 ★★★★★
    U dont need 5 sigs if ur valiant also they remove so higher stores aint clustered and they move somewhere else as it was mentioned with bg store they most likely be heading to traders outpost
  • Awesomep12Awesomep12 Member Posts: 1,704 ★★★★
    Bendy said:

    U dont need 5 sigs if ur valiant also they remove so higher stores aint clustered and they move somewhere else as it was mentioned with bg store they most likely be heading to traders outpost

    "Clustered". Pah! That's stupid! There's no reason to remove those resources. I regularly bought the 5* sig stones. Lack of availability of lower tier rewards is a massive problem, as we gave no access to 4* shards besides arena, and we now have no access to 5* shards. This makes iso more difficult to get. It is funny to see Crashed Tey to justify it and the community rightfully tell him he's incorrect. Such a stupid decision on their part. It benefits no one at all.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,853 ★★★★★

    Bendy said:

    U dont need 5 sigs if ur valiant also they remove so higher stores aint clustered and they move somewhere else as it was mentioned with bg store they most likely be heading to traders outpost

    "Clustered". Pah! That's stupid! There's no reason to remove those resources. I regularly bought the 5* sig stones. Lack of availability of lower tier rewards is a massive problem, as we gave no access to 4* shards besides arena, and we now have no access to 5* shards. This makes iso more difficult to get. It is funny to see Crashed Tey to justify it and the community rightfully tell him he's incorrect. Such a stupid decision on their part. It benefits no one at all.
    Yeah and he said they be going into traders most likely as they wanna keep glory or bgs to be high end not anything lower
  • Awesomep12Awesomep12 Member Posts: 1,704 ★★★★
    Bendy said:

    Bendy said:

    U dont need 5 sigs if ur valiant also they remove so higher stores aint clustered and they move somewhere else as it was mentioned with bg store they most likely be heading to traders outpost

    "Clustered". Pah! That's stupid! There's no reason to remove those resources. I regularly bought the 5* sig stones. Lack of availability of lower tier rewards is a massive problem, as we gave no access to 4* shards besides arena, and we now have no access to 5* shards. This makes iso more difficult to get. It is funny to see Crashed Tey to justify it and the community rightfully tell him he's incorrect. Such a stupid decision on their part. It benefits no one at all.
    Yeah and he said they be going into traders most likely as they wanna keep glory or bgs to be high end not anything lower
    What about people who don't want to do the useless and tedious monthly events? They suck.
  • OsborneOsborne Member Posts: 38
    They fkd up ... They want us to leave
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