For the Moasuleum, I'm guessing each path will be a Deathless Gate Key, but man, I am nervous about:

The Deathless Vision path. Obviously I don't know what the mechanic will be for that fight but, with Vision's kit, I'm guessing it will center around keeping a constant heal block on the opponent where one mistake and they heal half there health right then and there...and probable the other half when you start the fight over. I really hope this is not the case, I've always hated fights where that's how it goes but what do you guys think?
I don’t mind if the signature ability helps and saves you a few revives here in there because the people that just did the EOP deserve it, I should’ve done it, but I’m just hoping, truly hoping that it’s not a situation where if you didn’t do EOP to get the dupe, you are doing like 50 K damage before you force quit and have to revive up to 1.5 million health because of it.
I hadn't thought of that (I have all champs, duped and r2+ ready to go), but that would be really lame. I wasn't upset about banquet, but this i do feel would be a 👋😑😤😵💫😡(slap in the face to the community)
While DGuillotine would be happy to cut us up to small pieces for DeJen to have us in small little bite (because she is a lady) 🤣.
Honestly though I really hope the Path for DeVision isn't too hard, I really, really don't want to have to rank him up just for one path.
The one upside is, it almost feels too cruel to make a fight where the only way to do damage is with degeneration during a heal block state because at that point it’s like anybody who bought a piece for an exorbitant amount of money for specifically Thanos, even if they have everything else or in some cases I’m sure there are people that might have purchased every single piece for every single champion using all those deals that just happened for extra units because they are super excited for Thanos now because he’s not some distant future champ, but a very real one coming out in four days that is now after spending exorbitant amounts of money, is simply blocked out.
So, that definitely bodes well for it being a doable fight without the signature ability but again, just after years and years and years and years of playing this game and seeing what it’s turning into, it it’s hard not to think that there isn’t gonna be some 20,000 unit deal for a vision dupe. Again, I hope I’m wrong, with great a big sigh, I ranked three’s him and ranked two’d everybody else with most likely one more going to rank up three for the sole reason to just have more damage output in case these fights becomes a hit him five times quit hitting five times quit hit them five times revive quit yada yada yada.
Funny enough though, I’ve been practicing him so much trying to get the ideal rotation pre-node BS to make sure that I have a constant heal block up at all times, I’ve un-ironically become probably one of the best deathless vision players in the world lol.
In the end, I guess we’ll just have to see though. It’s definitely pretty silly to be stressing out over a mobile video game so much but we’ll see. It would just be truly truly sad for all of that work, all the revives, all the cash along the way, I have done five out of the six Carina challenges (they weren’t all ftp, I made a mistake on Airwalker but was two stubborn to quit, you guys can take a guess at the revive cost of that ethical fight…) to just be simply blocked out of this for no other reason than a very low tier Champion’s signature ability.