Some changes I expect in 2025

1. I think champion rarity should be locked behind progression, because I think 4 and 5 star is enough for Uncollected, 6 stars can be unlocked after Uncollected and 7 stars can be available after cavalier.
2. I think, I need some changes in store UI, because I liked it before, Now it's kinda messed up, before it was well organised and easy to see what I wanted separately.
3. Solo and alliance events UI need a change to, because we already have seperate tab for them why we need combined view of them, that's totally unnecessary.
4. Filter option need an update, we have way more tags now.
5. Incursion team up also need an update, because you know sometimes people left the match or don't choose options like next or conclude after finishing a match, it leads to waste time and champions (they goes cooldown even if we have full health) if there is a timer to vote (next match or conclude dungeon) it would be cool, if one of the teammate didn't vote in time, I need an option to enter solo.
6. Battleground match making doesn't make sense in whole another level, because why Uncollected players has to fight a valiant players, I know it requires some high level grinding and roster but an Uncollected and valiant player fighting on bronze v is never make sense.
7. Resource availability need a tune up too, because sometimes gold and iso 8 are still hard to get because we have way more champions now.
8. RNG Based events like banquet need way more attention, especially when people spend real money, even a single $ should get what it's worth...
9. Champion buffs should be given to top 3 from a voting instead of just one, if you ask me to vote between Dr. Strange and groot, I'll go insane, both of them are sleeping in my roster for years...
10. Events based on years/tags are also need some tune up like the one currently going on, I need a separate crystal to get them instead of buying them with units. Like 2023 champions for 11k shreds... That would be way more better...
This is all I expect in 2025, hope they make atleast few changes...
Happy new year guys...
2. I think, I need some changes in store UI, because I liked it before, Now it's kinda messed up, before it was well organised and easy to see what I wanted separately.
3. Solo and alliance events UI need a change to, because we already have seperate tab for them why we need combined view of them, that's totally unnecessary.
4. Filter option need an update, we have way more tags now.
5. Incursion team up also need an update, because you know sometimes people left the match or don't choose options like next or conclude after finishing a match, it leads to waste time and champions (they goes cooldown even if we have full health) if there is a timer to vote (next match or conclude dungeon) it would be cool, if one of the teammate didn't vote in time, I need an option to enter solo.
6. Battleground match making doesn't make sense in whole another level, because why Uncollected players has to fight a valiant players, I know it requires some high level grinding and roster but an Uncollected and valiant player fighting on bronze v is never make sense.
7. Resource availability need a tune up too, because sometimes gold and iso 8 are still hard to get because we have way more champions now.
8. RNG Based events like banquet need way more attention, especially when people spend real money, even a single $ should get what it's worth...
9. Champion buffs should be given to top 3 from a voting instead of just one, if you ask me to vote between Dr. Strange and groot, I'll go insane, both of them are sleeping in my roster for years...
10. Events based on years/tags are also need some tune up like the one currently going on, I need a separate crystal to get them instead of buying them with units. Like 2023 champions for 11k shreds... That would be way more better...
This is all I expect in 2025, hope they make atleast few changes...
Happy new year guys...
Would have been better if you’d phrased it as “hope for”.
Maybe temper your expectations so that you won’t be disappointed when almost none of this happens.
In the kabam community we don't have any "expectations"
(2), (3), and (4) maybe.
(10) unlikely but possible.
(5) something is possible, but probably not that.
(7) is happening all the time, whether players ask or not.
Improved communication.
Improved community engagement.
Improved attention to detail.
Improved update releases.
Also, you shouldn't be expecting any changes to BG matchmaking. It is the best it has ever been or will be so long as the game mode remains as it is.
Restricting obtaining champions is awful, especially when usually it isn't really enough to push by in regards to story progression.
Like 6*'s during the Bubble Bauble event is the only reason I was able to push in the story from where I was stuck at.
Witholding higher rank champs is just going out of your way to hinder newer players and hold them down compared to players nowadays having those higher rank champions, it's just unfair at that point.