Beyond Disappointed

Honestly, this entire event felt like a slap in the face to long-time veterans and dedicated players. The Superior Crystals were nothing more than glorified Gold and ISO Crystals or Supreme Solo Crystals. For an event of this magnitude, you should’ve at least provided enough resources to rank up a 7-star champion to R4 or introduced exclusive content with meaningful rewards specifically tailored for valiant players.
Instead, it feels like the game is being catered to new players. It’s incredibly frustrating to pour years of time, effort, and money into this game, only to see newcomers receiving similar or even better rewards with minimal effort. I can confidently say that the players spending the most money are the veterans—those of us trying to push past the endless plateau. Yet, the only “veteran content” you roll out consists of deathless champions and Necro, which are clear money traps.
Worse still, the inability to obtain missing Deathless pieces essentially guarantees that if you miss one, you have no chance of getting Deathless Thanos. This exclusivity doesn’t feel rewarding—it feels punishing. After this event, I’ve decided I won’t spend another dollar on crystals or events. It’s clear that the game lacks balance and respect for its veteran players.
And handing out 10 free 7-stars? That was an outright insult to those of us who spent years building our rosters during the 5-star and 6-star eras. New players shouldn’t be able to breeze through the story content with minimal effort when we struggled through it the way it was meant to be played. The game has turned into a blatant money pit, with very little payoff for those of us who’ve supported it for so long.
Instead of endlessly releasing new champions and rebalancing old ones, the focus should be on creating a game that challenges and rewards players appropriately. Becoming Valiant should be an achievement that takes effort, not something made easier for newcomers, especially when prior content has already been heavily nerfed. Acts 7, 8, and 9 are more accessible than ever, with fewer paths and easier fights.
This Christmas event was a massive disappointment, and if this trend continues, I’m not sure how much longer loyal veterans will stick around.
Instead, it feels like the game is being catered to new players. It’s incredibly frustrating to pour years of time, effort, and money into this game, only to see newcomers receiving similar or even better rewards with minimal effort. I can confidently say that the players spending the most money are the veterans—those of us trying to push past the endless plateau. Yet, the only “veteran content” you roll out consists of deathless champions and Necro, which are clear money traps.
Worse still, the inability to obtain missing Deathless pieces essentially guarantees that if you miss one, you have no chance of getting Deathless Thanos. This exclusivity doesn’t feel rewarding—it feels punishing. After this event, I’ve decided I won’t spend another dollar on crystals or events. It’s clear that the game lacks balance and respect for its veteran players.
And handing out 10 free 7-stars? That was an outright insult to those of us who spent years building our rosters during the 5-star and 6-star eras. New players shouldn’t be able to breeze through the story content with minimal effort when we struggled through it the way it was meant to be played. The game has turned into a blatant money pit, with very little payoff for those of us who’ve supported it for so long.
Instead of endlessly releasing new champions and rebalancing old ones, the focus should be on creating a game that challenges and rewards players appropriately. Becoming Valiant should be an achievement that takes effort, not something made easier for newcomers, especially when prior content has already been heavily nerfed. Acts 7, 8, and 9 are more accessible than ever, with fewer paths and easier fights.
This Christmas event was a massive disappointment, and if this trend continues, I’m not sure how much longer loyal veterans will stick around.
I think the themes you've hit upon and shared with a significant amount of others.
I'm hopeful that Kabam will be able to reflect and adjust the next one so that it can give players a better level of enjoyment of it as a whole.
I also think that if you spent <15k units you had a very different amount of positivity about how it felt, compared to those that hit the 15k unit target.
I'm hoping the community does some math for the next similar event so they can decide whether they want to make the investment in the event, or roll that unit spend forward into the next event, where it can maximise the return on investment for them.
Most players aren't saying anything about the event at all - they're too busy living their lives and playing the game to talk about it on the forum/discord (or they don't speak English.)
There will always be people who angrily complain that they didn't get what they wanted/expected, there will always be people who are vocally disappointed that the rewards don't feel relevant to them, and there will always be a huge chunk of players who spend an average amount and say nothing. We on the forums could arguably be viewed as some of the more passionate members of the community, but we don't come anywhere close to representing the views or behavior of the majority of players.
I got 40 K points for 2-3% and the alliance was in the top 1% because we were all similar spenders. We had all accumulated a lot of units though, so perhaps if we were spending cash for the equivalent, then we might have been more disappointed.
Lots of new champs from Titans and 7*basic and the alliance has definitely jumped up plus we all managed to rank around five champs to rank three.
Last banquet was when I became valiant and this banquet has really helped me cement my BG roster. I’d give it a 7/10.
Firstly for the deathless champions we were told countless times that missing a piece would be costly and that if you want deathless Thanos you need to collect ALL of the pieces no matter what. I get for newer players joining that it can feel sucky that they miss out on the whole event just cause they joined recently. But if you’re coming at this complaining from the perspective of someone who has been playing for years, there was no excuse for missing out. I guess feeling “forced” to complete certain content isn’t great, but nothing we’ve had to do has been over the top or unfair, at least if you’re an endgame player
Secondly the 10 for 10 really isn’t that big a deal. You had to be paragon or valiant to even get the 7*s, most of whom would either have them already or have much better ones than the champs given out. Aside from Isophyne and Gwenpool every champ given out was a dupe for me (as it was for many others especially valiants) and even then the best picks were Gambit, Guilly 2099 and IMIW, not exactly game changing
Blud giving away 7r4 just because "veteran players 😳"
But also complain when Kebem gives away 10 7* ?🤔
I just wanna discuss these 2 points, I agree with the rest of your post and I’m actually angry at kabam for just lying to players about banquet.
Firstly for the deathless champions we were told countless times that missing a piece would be costly and that if you want deathless Thanos you need to collect ALL of the pieces no matter what. I get for newer players joining that it can feel sucky that they miss out on the whole event just cause they joined recently. But if you’re coming at this complaining from the perspective of someone who has been playing for years, there was no excuse for missing out. I guess feeling “forced” to complete certain content isn’t great, but nothing we’ve had to do has been over the top or unfair, at least if you’re an endgame player
Secondly the 10 for 10 really isn’t that big a deal. You had to be paragon or valiant to even get the 7*s, most of whom would either have them already or have much better ones than the champs given out. Aside from Isophyne and Gwenpool every champ given out was a dupe for me (as it was for many others especially valiants) and even then the best picks were Gambit, Guilly 2099 and IMIW, not exactly game changing
I agree with the first part, but my main point is that the Deathless event felt more like a cash grab for Kabam than a genuine effort to enhance the player experience. The Deathless champs, apart from Thanos, were nowhere near as impactful as they were hyped up to be, and it’s clear that community backlash was the only reason Thanos ended up as strong as he is. On the second part, players under Valiant gained an enormous advantage with the introduction of 7-star champs. Even a rank 1 7-star can breeze through Book 1, and handing out 10 of them drastically closed the skill gap, giving new players or alt accounts massive incentives while leaving veterans with little to gain. This approach has effectively turned the game into a profit-driven melting pot designed to engage new players far more than veterans, despite veterans being the ones who have kept the game alive.
My major point is that veteran Valiant players need harder, skill-based special events with better rewards that are attainable only by truly exceptional players or veterans—without turning them into impossible cash grabs like Necropolis. I’d much rather see improved and more frequent story content than constant updates or new champions. Simply handing out 7-stars to anyone who logs in is not only unfair but also undermines the core progression system. Kabam clearly prioritizes profits over creating a balanced game, and while the only good move for the 10-year anniversary was enabling 60fps (something that should’ve been done years ago), it’s frustrating to see the potential for a great game wasted. The technology exists to make MCOC truly outstanding, but Kabam’s lack of reinvestment in the gaming experience speaks volumes.
Do you know there are people that paid $99 for 4500 t5B shards when they first rolled out? This is how it's always worked. People want to be the first and Kabam gives them that option but they have to pay.
Then in a few months, regular players have access. It took less than a year for us to have R3's after last years banquet. Now T4A is all over the place.
Firstly for the deathless champions we were told countless times that missing a piece would be costly and that if you want deathless Thanos you need to collect ALL of the pieces no matter what. I get for newer players joining that it can feel sucky that they miss out on the whole event just cause they joined recently. But if you’re coming at this complaining from the perspective of someone who has been playing for years, there was no excuse for missing out. I guess feeling “forced” to complete certain content isn’t great, but nothing we’ve had to do has been over the top or unfair, at least if you’re an endgame player
Secondly the 10 for 10 really isn’t that big a deal. You had to be paragon or valiant to even get the 7*s, most of whom would either have them already or have much better ones than the champs given out. Aside from Isophyne and Gwenpool every champ given out was a dupe for me (as it was for many others especially valiants) and even then the best picks were Gambit, Guilly 2099 and IMIW, not exactly game changing
I agree with the first part, but my main point is that the Deathless event felt more like a cash grab for Kabam than a genuine effort to enhance the player experience. The Deathless champs, apart from Thanos, were nowhere near as impactful as they were hyped up to be, and it’s clear that community backlash was the only reason Thanos ended up as strong as he is. On the second part, players under Valiant gained an enormous advantage with the introduction of 7-star champs. Even a rank 1 7-star can breeze through Book 1, and handing out 10 of them drastically closed the skill gap, giving new players or alt accounts massive incentives while leaving veterans with little to gain. This approach has effectively turned the game into a profit-driven melting pot designed to engage new players far more than veterans, despite veterans being the ones who have kept the game alive.
My major point is that veteran Valiant players need harder, skill-based special events with better rewards that are attainable only by truly exceptional players or veterans—without turning them into impossible cash grabs like Necropolis. I’d much rather see improved and more frequent story content than constant updates or new champions. Simply handing out 7-stars to anyone who logs in is not only unfair but also undermines the core progression system. Kabam clearly prioritizes profits over creating a balanced game, and while the only good move for the 10-year anniversary was enabling 60fps (something that should’ve been done years ago), it’s frustrating to see the potential for a great game wasted. The technology exists to make MCOC truly outstanding, but Kabam’s lack of reinvestment in the gaming experience speaks volumes.
How was deathless a cash grab when it was entirely available ftp pretty easily