Is there anyway when you 100% a piece of permanent content, you can just jump to the boss?

There are tons of bosses that I really enjoyed and would love to play again, but not at the cost of revives and time to get too. My favorite boss in the game is Necropolis Grandmaster which I would fight all the time for just fun but as it is now, it’s just to unreasonable. Again, this feature could be locked behind total exploration as to not take away from any monetary gain from initial reward chase, but once that’s done, and there’s no incentive to go into a quest again, why not unlock the fights for those who just really enjoyed them?
Kabam has made skipping to the boss an option before, in Act 4.3 with Venom boss. I remember that because that's what I did lol. So the idea wouldn't be totally new. I think it could be fun, but Kabam would have to find a way minimalize or prevent potential cheating and abuse that Squid mentioned.
I, like you and other on this thread, also always wanted this option, as there are so many fight that I would to jump back in a just have fun with.
But as @MrSakuragi and yourself pointed out it wouldn't happen because some of these content get reused for Carina Challenges, ect.
I think the best we got so far was the Crucible, I wouldn't mind if Kabam make more of that, maybe one for every Act, and for the lower (earlier Act) they can put a champion rarity in (like 4* only or 5* only), so players remember what it feel like completely those Bosses with lower rarity champions. Would be good fun nostalgia 😊
Now where was I? Oh yeah..