Are you ranking your Deathless champs for the Mausoleum/Necropolis challenges?

I know some folks have taken their full set of Deathless champs to R3 and others aren’t. What is your plan?
I’m planning to rank up a subset - the ones I like the most or the ones that I feel like are playing a critical role. I’m planning on taking Deathless Thanos to R3, I’ve already taken She Hulk to R2, and am going to use the Mausoleum R1-R2 gem on Guilly. I’m debating Vision - think I might take him up given he’ll be playing a key role with GM Phase 3 in Necropolis.
What is your plan?
I’m planning to rank up a subset - the ones I like the most or the ones that I feel like are playing a critical role. I’m planning on taking Deathless Thanos to R3, I’ve already taken She Hulk to R2, and am going to use the Mausoleum R1-R2 gem on Guilly. I’m debating Vision - think I might take him up given he’ll be playing a key role with GM Phase 3 in Necropolis.
What is your plan?
Are you ranking your Deathless champs for the Mausoleum/Necropolis challenges? 127 votes
I already r2ed she hulk and will r3 thanos. Might r2 guilly if needed that's it. Thanks and DKG take similar matchups in necro and vision is just a dud
Thanos is going to R3 regardless - have a gem ready for him
I might r2 Guilly, but Vision completely isn't worth it without a rebalance. And there's no guarantee of that ever happening.
My Deathless Champs:
Guilly: R1
Vision: R1
King Groot: R1
She Hulk: R3
(Thanos will be an instant R3 for Deathless Necro challenge).
Hopefully I don’t need to rank champs I won’t use in the future do so this 4 path Thanos Challenge. I’ll just use more revives I guess. I hope it isn’t too challenging.
If I can r3 those two before the Necropolis run, that would be great. But I have some other champions that I plan to rank up before them, so we'll see.