7* Hercules!????

Just wondering when Herc will be coming as a 7* since I just got the 6 star from a nexus. My prediction is probably around October/November this year. Or maybe early 2026.
Let me know since I don’t wanna waste resources ranking up the 6 star. And no, this isn’t a troll post.
Let me know since I don’t wanna waste resources ranking up the 6 star. And no, this isn’t a troll post.
With that, Magik & Quake were never released as 6*s and they aren’t on the same level as Hercules. That should tell you a lot about the prospects of a 7* Hercules being released in the game.
If he'd been released before 6*s, chances are we'd hv never seen a 6* of his either.
7* herc tho? not for anotha 5-6 yrs atleast
I didn't use him in act 8, act 9, don't use him in incursions, war, BGs, end game content. His only place is on map8.
But I understand that most of what came after act 6 was designed with making Herc less of a nuke in mind. Yet he still does his thing in most cases.