Looking for 6 star rank up advice as a late game player

JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 1,251 ★★★★
edited January 4 in General Discussion
I know the game has shifted towards 7 stars completely just about, but as a semi late game player where I have completed act 8, but haven’t attempted any Everest content (no abyss, no necro, no crucible, etc), and only having done shooting stars and AOA/SOS, what 6 stars are still viable to rank up? I am still missing major science counters as 6 and 7 stars so I’m wondering if hulk, photon, jj (for BGs), or Titania is the way to go here until I pull 6 star scorp. Science champs tend to avoid me lol.

My next question is I am missing some other big counters in other classes. I have a list to choose a couple (pick 3) from that I am thinking about ranking up. I am trying to see if some are still worth it since most of them are available as 7 stars now. If any need awakening/high sig please specify. I want to get major counters out of the way and solid before I get carried away with just fun rankups.
- Shocker
- OG Scarlett Witch (I’ve seen crazy things in BGs)
- Prowler
- Omega Sentinel
- Kitty Pride
- Hulk/Photon - depending on if you chose one of them for the science poll

Looking for 6 star rank up advice as a late game player 29 votes

chrisfernendezzzAzenstarqm44willrun4adonutKingering_KingOldManHoprsmsd 7 votes
Il_CuocoAlex13369Sarvanga1_TheInfintyRenaxqqLBN1Ansh_AHulk808SUP_RonBoostComicGrimmreaper101 11 votes
Jessica Jones
Ben_15455Scott_Summers82Oliver345781Uzzy131004CookieJarMonstaNacho98shield311Awesomep12MeriocreGamer 9 votes
DrZolaSagacious0wl 2 votes


  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 1,251 ★★★★
    If whoever you pick for the science poll needs the dupe and or high sigs please specify as well
  • LBN1LBN1 Member Posts: 204 ★★
    Hulk smashes and is great for damage and stun loop. Photon is great to apply lots of debuffs. Jessica Jones I just ranked up, ascended, awakened and added sigs and she's a blast! Each has a different use but all 3 are great.

    I just haven't used Titania so can't comment on her.
  • TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 1,562 ★★★★
    edited January 4
    Maxed rank sig 200 ascended 6s are still just as viable as 7R3s. They obviously will get weaker and weaker as the 7s advance but not for a while.
    Anyhow, I only use 3-4 and 4-5 rank up gems on the 6s, and the sig stones and dust are 6 specific too, so it's basically just gold that you're taking away from using on 7s. I say rank up as many 6s as you can and want. Fully exploring Act 7 and 8 will give you lots of resources for maxing 6s.
  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 1,251 ★★★★
    LBN1 said:

    Hulk smashes and is great for damage and stun loop. Photon is great to apply lots of debuffs. Jessica Jones I just ranked up, ascended, awakened and added sigs and she's a blast! Each has a different use but all 3 are great.

    I just haven't used Titania so can't comment on her.

    I’ll look up her playstyle. I’m afraid most people have a counter for her now.
  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 1,251 ★★★★

    Maxed rank sig 200 ascended 6s are still just as viable as 7R3s. They obviously will get weaker and weaker as the 7s advance but not for a while.
    Anyhow, I only use 3-4 and 4-5 rank up gems on the 6s, and the sig stones and dust are 6 specific too, so it's basically just gold that you're taking away from using on 7s. I say rank up as many 6s as you can and want. Fully exploring Act 7 and 8 will give you lots of resources for maxing 6s.

    Man I got the resources I’m just trying to figure out who😂
  • TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 1,562 ★★★★

    Maxed rank sig 200 ascended 6s are still just as viable as 7R3s. They obviously will get weaker and weaker as the 7s advance but not for a while.
    Anyhow, I only use 3-4 and 4-5 rank up gems on the 6s, and the sig stones and dust are 6 specific too, so it's basically just gold that you're taking away from using on 7s. I say rank up as many 6s as you can and want. Fully exploring Act 7 and 8 will give you lots of resources for maxing 6s.

    Man I got the resources I’m just trying to figure out who😂
    Hulk, Photon, and Titania are all in the basic 7 crystal pool, so I'd say JJ since you won't be pulling her as a 7 anytime soon.
  • SUP_RonSUP_Ron Member Posts: 5
    I went for Photon, as you seem to be feeling the pain in Science and she's a better dual threat than JJ (although I just took JJ to r6 myself as I don't have 7* Photon and my Science defense is a bit weak).

    For other 6-stars, my list to focus on (based on who I still use regularly) would be:

    - Future Ant Man
    - Nick Fury
    - Kate Bishop
    - Hulkling
    - Absorbing Man (don't use him too much now, but great for Act content and Carina's)

    Second tier/fun: Kingpin (hard carried me through a lot of content), Archangel, Red Guardian

    OG Scarlet Witch is very fun in Crit Me, and I took her to r6. I wouldn't say it's the most sensible use of resources though!

    If you really want to do any of the others, then I would recommended Kitty (6* locked, amazing if you like her and can play her well) or Shocker/Prowler (both benefit from high/max sig).
  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 1,251 ★★★★
    SUP_Ron said:

    I went for Photon, as you seem to be feeling the pain in Science and she's a better dual threat than JJ (although I just took JJ to r6 myself as I don't have 7* Photon and my Science defense is a bit weak).

    For other 6-stars, my list to focus on (based on who I still use regularly) would be:

    - Future Ant Man
    - Nick Fury
    - Kate Bishop
    - Hulkling
    - Absorbing Man (don't use him too much now, but great for Act content and Carina's)

    Second tier/fun: Kingpin (hard carried me through a lot of content), Archangel, Red Guardian

    OG Scarlet Witch is very fun in Crit Me, and I took her to r6. I wouldn't say it's the most sensible use of resources though!

    If you really want to do any of the others, then I would recommended Kitty (6* locked, amazing if you like her and can play her well) or Shocker/Prowler (both benefit from high/max sig).

    Nice! Yeah I’ve seen some cool things with jessica jones. I’ll probably take her up eventually but even with those other guys being in the basic I needed those counters for content since I literally have nothing in science lol. They literally avoid me.

    As far as those other champs all of the ones you listed I have at r4 or r5 ascended haha. I have yet to pull kingpin and archangel as well

    Yeah I went ahead and took shocker to r3 and like his playstyle a lot. I think prowler counters more and has more utility so I was torn there. What I’d really like to have for the tech class is a ranked I doom so I could roast bishop quickly in BGs lol
  • SUP_RonSUP_Ron Member Posts: 5
    Sweet, no bad choices there! I used a 7* Tech AG on Shocker and took him R3. Zero regrets.

    I'm an Ironheart enjoyer, so I like to cook (rupture?) Bishop with her! Also, my girl Silk demolishes him :)
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