With no changes noted for jugger in the patch notes how does this happen, silent nerf?
The answer is spaghetti code. MCOC is a ten year old live service game, and as such it has been built upon over and over and over again. As a result, there are times where a change made in one area of the game can have an unpredictable impact on another area entirely. That’s what we’re seeing here.
It is not a silent nerf. It’s a bug. These are very different things.
I'm very aware that a bug and silent nerfs are different things
I'm just questioning the severity of the bug, I understand minor interactions etc but changing out one champs special for another does seems like a weird unexpected bug from an (assumed) unrelated change, it seems more like something changed with jugger (or hulk) resulting in an unexpected bug
The best part of these bugs is we get to wait at least 30 days for them to be fixed in the next update. Oh well, it’s not like anyone uses R3 Juggernaut…
With no changes noted for jugger in the patch notes how does this happen, silent nerf?
The answer is spaghetti code. MCOC is a ten year old live service game, and as such it has been built upon over and over and over again. As a result, there are times where a change made in one area of the game can have an unpredictable impact on another area entirely. That’s what we’re seeing here.
It is not a silent nerf. It’s a bug. These are very different things.
That is a good explanation but why only juggernaut gets affected? Last time juggs was nullifying his own buffs and now this,
Sorry I am just tired
His sp3 is also incredibly janky.
With no changes noted for jugger in the patch notes how does this happen, silent nerf?
The answer is spaghetti code. MCOC is a ten year old live service game, and as such it has been built upon over and over and over again. As a result, there are times where a change made in one area of the game can have an unpredictable impact on another area entirely. That’s what we’re seeing here.
It is not a silent nerf. It’s a bug. These are very different things.
I'm just questioning the severity of the bug, I understand minor interactions etc but changing out one champs special for another does seems like a weird unexpected bug from an (assumed) unrelated change, it seems more like something changed with jugger (or hulk) resulting in an unexpected bug
We have eyes on this and are working on a Hotfix for all of Juggernaut's issues at the moment
Visually bugged too