Thoughts on the 3 buffs?



  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,633 ★★★★★
    EdisonLaw said:

    DannyB01 said:

    Northstar remains a ramp-up champion that can lose his ramp-up within fights (pauses expire too quickly) and is guaranteed to lose his ramp-up between fights (no persistent charge). How this wasn’t addressed in the rebalance is beyond me.

    Silver Sable’s rebalance is a full-on buff and most welcome. Arcade I’m not familiar with but he wasn’t awful before so any improvement is just a cherry on top.

    Maybe not all ramp-up champs are supposed to have persistent charges
    I think that post was meant to say that he either needed to be able to carry something from one fight to the next or not have it fall off so easily within one fight.

    I agree he doesn’t need persistent charges, but a slight buff to his pause duration would have been welcome.
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,593 ★★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    EdisonLaw said:

    DannyB01 said:

    Northstar remains a ramp-up champion that can lose his ramp-up within fights (pauses expire too quickly) and is guaranteed to lose his ramp-up between fights (no persistent charge). How this wasn’t addressed in the rebalance is beyond me.

    Silver Sable’s rebalance is a full-on buff and most welcome. Arcade I’m not familiar with but he wasn’t awful before so any improvement is just a cherry on top.

    Maybe not all ramp-up champs are supposed to have persistent charges
    I think that post was meant to say that he either needed to be able to carry something from one fight to the next or not have it fall off so easily within one fight.

    I agree he doesn’t need persistent charges, but a slight buff to his pause duration would have been welcome.
    I've always liked Refreshing more than Pausing even if functionally the end result is the same. The former feels like it is more my decision, while the latter feels more like I am relying on the computer to not decide to play keepaway. Funnily, Northstar buff gets an increased pause on SP3, while Silver Sable gets refresh and a pause on SP3.
  • _puy000__puy000_ Member Posts: 877 ★★★

    _puy000_ said:

    I was confused as to why I wasn’t seeing the damage output y'all were talking about and then I realized that I hadn’t updated.

    Bro same. I feel so dumb 🥲

    @Squidopus sorry for the rant in another thread 🤣

    As do I lol
  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 2,156 ★★★★
    DannyB01 said:

    Northstar remains a ramp-up champion that can lose his ramp-up within fights (pauses expire too quickly) and is guaranteed to lose his ramp-up between fights (no persistent charge). How this wasn’t addressed in the rebalance is beyond me.

    Silver Sable’s rebalance is a full-on buff and most welcome. Arcade I’m not familiar with but he wasn’t awful before so any improvement is just a cherry on top.

    If the pauses are running out your aren't playing him right
  • TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 932 ★★★

    I got sable r3. She’s very VERY good now imo. Three sp1’s and then an sp2 will kill most defenders. All you need to know is intercepts and good special timing.

    So all you need is resources to R3 her, use 5 bars of power, spam intercepts, and control the map. Sounds like an amazing champ.
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,175 ★★★★
    Quick question guys: I currently have both Guardian and Arcade duped, which one is more worth investing sigs into?
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,209 ★★★★

    DannyB01 said:

    Northstar remains a ramp-up champion that can lose his ramp-up within fights (pauses expire too quickly) and is guaranteed to lose his ramp-up between fights (no persistent charge). How this wasn’t addressed in the rebalance is beyond me.

    Silver Sable’s rebalance is a full-on buff and most welcome. Arcade I’m not familiar with but he wasn’t awful before so any improvement is just a cherry on top.

    If the pauses are running out your aren't playing him right

    How well does he work in non-RoL fights? Places where you have to manage the opponent’s power, for example. Can you keep up the tempo that’s working for you?
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,303 ★★★★★

    Quick question guys: I currently have both Guardian and Arcade duped, which one is more worth investing sigs into?

    Guardian since it makes him tankier and more sustainable
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,131 ★★★★★
    North star for faster ramp up, but seems to have less damage now. It could be fair exchange, but he also lost his stun and got nothing instead, so I'd call it a nerf. Wouldn't want to use him anyway, I actually hate his animations even more then quick silver's
  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 2,156 ★★★★
    Aleor said:

    North star for faster ramp up, but seems to have less damage now. It could be fair exchange, but he also lost his stun and got nothing instead, so I'd call it a nerf. Wouldn't want to use him anyway, I actually hate his animations even more then quick silver's

    His damage is currently bugged. The stun got removed because it was over powered
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,702 ★★★★★
    Wait I might have to take the NS slander back, I wasn’t getting that much damage off the sp1 but apparently he’s bugged and was only hitting 2/3 of his damage or something? Is that true and can anyone outside of BMCG confirm that?
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