Is Northstar in need of another buff?

I have been testing this man out for days now. I want to like him, I love his kit, I've used synergies, suicides, different rotations, I've tried various forms of content, boosts, etc. My god, he is underwhelming. Long form? Onslaught is better by a mile. Short form? Pick almost any mutant and they'll destroy him. Medium? Mid at best. Please, tell me if I'm missing something.
Is Northstar in need of another buff? 67 votes
Not a single spot he fits into,
Kebem have to think, why will anyone use him over easier better quicker everest fighters?
Odin 30 second ramp eats away 4-6% HP in Necro with each sp2
Kate coldsnap is CRAZY
Shuri shock constant damage that adds up
Zemo bleed got his fans (karatemike)
Enchantress, fat sp2 infinite healing
Aegon combo banker machine
Guill-99 just don't let enemy throw special lol
Like tell me a place where players will use this scuffed Quicksilver over these heroes? Not only he got longer ramp but you have to do it again and again and again and again with little payoff in end.
Heck even in this new Necro for mutants, better options were onslaught, mr sinister and even Storm shock abuse with Apoc horseman (I used her personally, thing of beauty)
He's laughably bad.
R2, unduped, no relic, no synergy, no recoils. One sp2 followed by two sp1s. His power retention in speed burst mode made that quick and dirty, probably could’ve gone even faster if I’d built a little more power before throwing the first special.
It s Sentry who needs a buff
Or Leader too
Obviously a bad champ, so terrible, not good at anything.
Yes, there is a synergy team in place here where Northstar was made a Horseman and had a Guidance prefight. But it’s also at the last fight of the Abyss (and is a viable team for the Magnificent Mutants Necropolis challenge), so it’s hard to say it’s not a practical team.
Also worth noting that BMcG went for sp1 spam rather than a cycle involving multiple sp2s to ramp the damage further. This is a safer way to play, especially considering he was getting *terrible* crit rng on his specials. Nameless Collector might have really high Challenge Rating or crit resistance, that could cause you to be better served by an sp1 spam rotation.
But with all of that in mind, Nameless Collector is, imo, the hardest fight in the game and it’s not close. Any champ who can solo it, especially as comfortably as shown here, is a champ worth taking notice of.