Kindest looking champ?

Do you have any? Because I do.
Based on class, I think:
For Skill I would say Kate Bishop
For Science I would say Photon
For Mutant I would say Dani Moonstar
For Tech I would say Shuri
For Cosmic I would say Kamala Khan
For Mystic I would say Mordo
Overall I think it is Kate Bishop
Based on class, I think:
For Skill I would say Kate Bishop
For Science I would say Photon
For Mutant I would say Dani Moonstar
For Tech I would say Shuri
For Cosmic I would say Kamala Khan
For Mystic I would say Mordo
Overall I think it is Kate Bishop
Arcade, Squirrel girl, Jubilee, Mojo and Ms marvel.
He's a lil cutie patootie, wouldn't hurt a soul...