My necropolis 10 year challenge experience!

captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,092 ★★★★★
Ok I knocked out my 10 year challenge run as well, despite being low on revives. I still spent around 25 solo and a team revive, so definitely not a cheap one. I also didn't use wong for every fight, unlike others.

7* r2 unduped wong (with 6* r2 juggs relic)
7* r3 spam duped (with 6* r3 antman relic)
7* r2 ironheart duped (with 6* r2 sentinel relic)
7* r3 wiccan Duped (with 6* r2 ghost rider relic)
7* r2 vox duped (with 6* r2 ms marvel relic)

Titty - wong took her to 17%, ended with vox. Just annoying with haymaker
Aarkus - revived wong and tried here. Ate a sp3 when he was at 70% health. Wiccan took the rest. Don't sleep on Wiccan he got insane damage.

OS - wong took her to 30% then died, Wicgoat did the rest.
Air Walker - revived wong and got the only solo with him.
Cap Britain - Had a very long fight with ironheart, spanning both enrage timers. She's literally indestructible in the fight with prowess management, wish she got better damage. Still only manages to take 50% health. Wicgoat did the rest

Wiccan - wong is indestructible here once set up, but for some reason Wiccan ai became self aware and thrown sp1 even when I blocked for 5 secs(like enchantress) especially at low health. Got frustrated at one point, quitted out and did the rest with ironheart.
Psycho - vox with 3 revives. His degen apply will fail if you throw a special in control box special mode, just beware of that. You'll lose all buffs. But his debuff removal never fails thanks to corrupted buff extra aa.

Took apoc path, no regrets this time thanks to wicgoat again.
Apoc - had a pretty good run with wong, but ate a sp1 poison when apoc was at 70% health which drained my health. Spent a few revives for another good wong run. 4 revives here.
Tigra - I underestimated the rupture damage, so spent a few revives getting a hang on this fight used entire team but pig was the mvp. 3 revives and a team revive.
Herc - Oh gosh. This fight would've been a revive sink. Wong cannon deal good damage cuz the time he reaches max ramp herc likely reaches half enrage and 2-3 specials on root kills you. Sadly wong won't regen physical damage. Spent few revives only managed to get him to 70%. Then wicgoat came for the rescure. His insane damage with no ramp helped a lot. Did the rest with 3 revives. Wicgoat ftw.
Cap sam - vox solo. Keep him on corner and strategically spam sp1. He never auto blocks thanks to undermine, and the ruptures deal no damage so use it for wp regen and don't be afraid to hit on block

Drago - spam solo. Force restartrd once since drago thrown a special during indestructible which consumed the giga sp3 power stings for no damage. Spam can take multiple specials on face and even healed from sp2 incenerate. Keep drago on corner (and don't be afraid to intercept when needed, even if drago has a bar of power) so he won't throw speciala during indestructible.

Capiw - oh gosh this one was wayy annoying than I thought. Wong was tough to ramp since cap gets more kinetic charges against mystics. So used vox after dying with wong. Even with vox, you have to pray everytime you launcha sp1, since if the final hit glance, your buffs will get consumed but he won't inflict any degens. 4 revives here.

Nova - I have to change the playsthle here since your speciala deal no damage on unblockanle and you have to dance around since you can't stay near nova for 6+ secs. Wong + Wiccan tag team. 1 revive here.

Grandmaster - spam was the mvp here. Spent 5 revives, was able to get him wounded once in phase 3. Soloed phase 4 with wiccan.

Rewards :

Obviously I have to get an AG on the class I already have. Basics were meh as well, but titan was good. Took my bad boyu to r3 max sig

Took this bad boy to r3 max sig and now he's my new top champ (Finally!)

I'm glad I don't have to fight GM again ever. Still dimensional challenge is left to do, then I can finally say goodbye to necropolis. Cheers ✌



  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,364 ★★★★★
    edited January 13

    Guys don't sleep on Wiccan he's very underrated. He definitely deserves the r3.

    Yea he’s great to stil surprised why you didn’t wong the Brit after ramp op you just blok her sp and take no damage curious why. But nice write up and gl one your last one
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,092 ★★★★★
    Gamer said:

    Guys don't sleep on Wiccan he's very underrated. He definitely deserves the r3.

    Yea he’s great to stil surprised why you didn’t wong the Brit after ramp op you just blok her sp and take no damage curious why. But nice write up and gl one your last one
    I planned to use wong once ironheart and wiccan dies but they ended the fight. I just hate setting up wong so didn't use him unless it's necessary
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 4,962 ★★★★★
    So gamora would be better to bring than vox for the tech champs and cap since cap iw was rough with vox?

  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,092 ★★★★★
    Polygon said:

    So gamora would be better to bring than vox for the tech champs and cap since cap iw was rough with vox?

    Doesn't gamora's bleeds fail during specials? and what does he have to counter sam's autoblock? and she ma not gain her buffs with cap's glancing? If she has stuff to handle than you can use her definitely.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 4,962 ★★★★★

    Polygon said:

    So gamora would be better to bring than vox for the tech champs and cap since cap iw was rough with vox?

    Doesn't gamora's bleeds fail during specials? and what does he have to counter sam's autoblock? and she ma not gain her buffs with cap's glancing? If she has stuff to handle than you can use her definitely.
    I forgot the cap iw nodes so bare with me but
    Gamoras sp2 has extra ability accuracy, wont that help with cap iw?

    She may not have autoblock counter but i heard wong can do sam wilson.

    Also, vox doesnt seem anywhere as good for grandmaster as gamora right?
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,092 ★★★★★

    I think gamora gains a true strike buff via sp3 right? That'll work for sam, just go for sp3s

    Cap will get his sig ability effects as defender, rotating between each class for 8 seconds. Only one that matters is skill one cuz he can purify debuffs. And his usual glance effects. It can fail gamora's buffs.

    For psycho you can't really decide which special you wanna throw since you have to play his game but he is not really tough or anything.

    Gamora could be useful for tigra since she can't miss after 8 buffs? Need a little setup there and wong isn't really rhe best for tigra.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 4,962 ★★★★★
    edited January 13


    I think gamora gains a true strike buff via sp3 right? That'll work for sam, just go for sp3s

    Cap will get his sig ability effects as defender, rotating between each class for 8 seconds. Only one that matters is skill one cuz he can purify debuffs. And his usual glance effects. It can fail gamora's buffs.

    For psycho you can't really decide which special you wanna throw since you have to play his game but he is not really tough or anything.

    Gamora could be useful for tigra since she can't miss after 8 buffs? Need a little setup there and wong isn't really rhe best for tigra.

    Yeah she has true strike on sp3 but it only lasts for 14 seconds sadly so it might not be the best option for falcon.

    I have to look at streams to see why wong is bad for cap falcon, tigra, cap iw cause someone i know said they used him for those 3.

    For tigra, does spam work? I was gonna bring my 6* photon as i heard she does good for GM , and i know she counters miss too.
  • FolkvangrFolkvangr Member Posts: 204 ★★
    Polygon said:


    I think gamora gains a true strike buff via sp3 right? That'll work for sam, just go for sp3s

    Cap will get his sig ability effects as defender, rotating between each class for 8 seconds. Only one that matters is skill one cuz he can purify debuffs. And his usual glance effects. It can fail gamora's buffs.

    For psycho you can't really decide which special you wanna throw since you have to play his game but he is not really tough or anything.

    Gamora could be useful for tigra since she can't miss after 8 buffs? Need a little setup there and wong isn't really rhe best for tigra.

    Yeah she has true strike on sp3 but it only lasts for 14 seconds sadly so it might not be the best option for falcon.

    I have to look at streams to see why wong is bad for cap falcon, tigra, cap cause someone i know said they used him for those 3.

    For tigra, does spam work? I was gonna bring my 6* photon as i heard she does good for GM , and i know she counters miss too.
    I soloed Sam with Wong, just throw his unblockable sp2 when Sam has 3 or more armor ups, he will try to autoblock but you will ignore it with the unblockable and his armors will be removed
    Also bait only sp1
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 4,962 ★★★★★
    Folkvangr said:

    Polygon said:


    I think gamora gains a true strike buff via sp3 right? That'll work for sam, just go for sp3s

    Cap will get his sig ability effects as defender, rotating between each class for 8 seconds. Only one that matters is skill one cuz he can purify debuffs. And his usual glance effects. It can fail gamora's buffs.

    For psycho you can't really decide which special you wanna throw since you have to play his game but he is not really tough or anything.

    Gamora could be useful for tigra since she can't miss after 8 buffs? Need a little setup there and wong isn't really rhe best for tigra.

    Yeah she has true strike on sp3 but it only lasts for 14 seconds sadly so it might not be the best option for falcon.

    I have to look at streams to see why wong is bad for cap falcon, tigra, cap cause someone i know said they used him for those 3.

    For tigra, does spam work? I was gonna bring my 6* photon as i heard she does good for GM , and i know she counters miss too.
    I soloed Sam with Wong, just throw his unblockable sp2 when Sam has 3 or more armor ups, he will try to autoblock but you will ignore it with the unblockable and his armors will be removed
    Also bait only sp1
    @Folkvangr Thanks that solves that problem. Did you also use him for cap iw /tigra? Who did you use for GM phase 3 btw
  • FolkvangrFolkvangr Member Posts: 204 ★★
    Polygon said:

    Folkvangr said:

    Polygon said:


    I think gamora gains a true strike buff via sp3 right? That'll work for sam, just go for sp3s

    Cap will get his sig ability effects as defender, rotating between each class for 8 seconds. Only one that matters is skill one cuz he can purify debuffs. And his usual glance effects. It can fail gamora's buffs.

    For psycho you can't really decide which special you wanna throw since you have to play his game but he is not really tough or anything.

    Gamora could be useful for tigra since she can't miss after 8 buffs? Need a little setup there and wong isn't really rhe best for tigra.

    Yeah she has true strike on sp3 but it only lasts for 14 seconds sadly so it might not be the best option for falcon.

    I have to look at streams to see why wong is bad for cap falcon, tigra, cap cause someone i know said they used him for those 3.

    For tigra, does spam work? I was gonna bring my 6* photon as i heard she does good for GM , and i know she counters miss too.
    I soloed Sam with Wong, just throw his unblockable sp2 when Sam has 3 or more armor ups, he will try to autoblock but you will ignore it with the unblockable and his armors will be removed
    Also bait only sp1
    @Folkvangr Thanks that solves that problem. Did you also use him for cap iw /tigra? Who did you use for GM phase 3 btw
    Wiccan for phase 3
    Wong for the other two
    I think Cap was a solo/1 revive
    With Tigra I used like 3 or 4 revives until I got the rhythm of the fight, but once you ramp up wong it’s easy to keep it going

  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,092 ★★★★★
    I mean you could just use gamora for cap sam he doesn't have any annoying nodes just stick to sp3s.

    Wong can definitely do tigra and cap, just not the best option. Cheelith works better for these two I've heard. If you have her you can bring her instead.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 4,962 ★★★★★
    Folkvangr said:

    Polygon said:

    Folkvangr said:

    Polygon said:


    I think gamora gains a true strike buff via sp3 right? That'll work for sam, just go for sp3s

    Cap will get his sig ability effects as defender, rotating between each class for 8 seconds. Only one that matters is skill one cuz he can purify debuffs. And his usual glance effects. It can fail gamora's buffs.

    For psycho you can't really decide which special you wanna throw since you have to play his game but he is not really tough or anything.

    Gamora could be useful for tigra since she can't miss after 8 buffs? Need a little setup there and wong isn't really rhe best for tigra.

    Yeah she has true strike on sp3 but it only lasts for 14 seconds sadly so it might not be the best option for falcon.

    I have to look at streams to see why wong is bad for cap falcon, tigra, cap cause someone i know said they used him for those 3.

    For tigra, does spam work? I was gonna bring my 6* photon as i heard she does good for GM , and i know she counters miss too.
    I soloed Sam with Wong, just throw his unblockable sp2 when Sam has 3 or more armor ups, he will try to autoblock but you will ignore it with the unblockable and his armors will be removed
    Also bait only sp1
    @Folkvangr Thanks that solves that problem. Did you also use him for cap iw /tigra? Who did you use for GM phase 3 btw
    Wiccan for phase 3
    Wong for the other two
    I think Cap was a solo/1 revive
    With Tigra I used like 3 or 4 revives until I got the rhythm of the fight, but once you ramp up wong it’s easy to keep it going

    Interesting it seems a lot of people are using a RC immune for phase 3 despite the 1% health handicap.

    Was it still fine completing the prompts or did you just brute force? Saw a suggestion to save specials for the knocking down prompt but if you get the perform well time blocked , youre cooked lol. Or Alternatively, if he corners you and doesn't throw specials it can be roughm
  • Peakyblinder007Peakyblinder007 Member Posts: 71

    Ok I knocked out my 10 year challenge run as well, despite being low on revives. I still spent around 25 solo and a team revive, so definitely not a cheap one. I also didn't use wong for every fight, unlike others.

    7* r2 unduped wong (with 6* r2 juggs relic)
    7* r3 spam duped (with 6* r3 antman relic)
    7* r2 ironheart duped (with 6* r2 sentinel relic)
    7* r3 wiccan Duped (with 6* r2 ghost rider relic)
    7* r2 vox duped (with 6* r2 ms marvel relic)

    Titty - wong took her to 17%, ended with vox. Just annoying with haymaker
    Aarkus - revived wong and tried here. Ate a sp3 when he was at 70% health. Wiccan took the rest. Don't sleep on Wiccan he got insane damage.

    OS - wong took her to 30% then died, Wicgoat did the rest.
    Air Walker - revived wong and got the only solo with him.
    Cap Britain - Had a very long fight with ironheart, spanning both enrage timers. She's literally indestructible in the fight with prowess management, wish she got better damage. Still only manages to take 50% health. Wicgoat did the rest

    Wiccan - wong is indestructible here once set up, but for some reason Wiccan ai became self aware and thrown sp1 even when I blocked for 5 secs(like enchantress) especially at low health. Got frustrated at one point, quitted out and did the rest with ironheart.
    Psycho - vox with 3 revives. His degen apply will fail if you throw a special in control box special mode, just beware of that. You'll lose all buffs. But his debuff removal never fails thanks to corrupted buff extra aa.

    Took apoc path, no regrets this time thanks to wicgoat again.
    Apoc - had a pretty good run with wong, but ate a sp1 poison when apoc was at 70% health which drained my health. Spent a few revives for another good wong run. 4 revives here.
    Tigra - I underestimated the rupture damage, so spent a few revives getting a hang on this fight used entire team but pig was the mvp. 3 revives and a team revive.
    Herc - Oh gosh. This fight would've been a revive sink. Wong cannon deal good damage cuz the time he reaches max ramp herc likely reaches half enrage and 2-3 specials on root kills you. Sadly wong won't regen physical damage. Spent few revives only managed to get him to 70%. Then wicgoat came for the rescure. His insane damage with no ramp helped a lot. Did the rest with 3 revives. Wicgoat ftw.
    Cap sam - vox solo. Keep him on corner and strategically spam sp1. He never auto blocks thanks to undermine, and the ruptures deal no damage so use it for wp regen and don't be afraid to hit on block

    Drago - spam solo. Force restartrd once since drago thrown a special during indestructible which consumed the giga sp3 power stings for no damage. Spam can take multiple specials on face and even healed from sp2 incenerate. Keep drago on corner (and don't be afraid to intercept when needed, even if drago has a bar of power) so he won't throw speciala during indestructible.

    Capiw - oh gosh this one was wayy annoying than I thought. Wong was tough to ramp since cap gets more kinetic charges against mystics. So used vox after dying with wong. Even with vox, you have to pray everytime you launcha sp1, since if the final hit glance, your buffs will get consumed but he won't inflict any degens. 4 revives here.

    Nova - I have to change the playsthle here since your speciala deal no damage on unblockanle and you have to dance around since you can't stay near nova for 6+ secs. Wong + Wiccan tag team. 1 revive here.

    Grandmaster - spam was the mvp here. Spent 5 revives, was able to get him wounded once in phase 3. Soloed phase 4 with wiccan.

    Rewards :

    Obviously I have to get an AG on the class I already have. Basics were meh as well, but titan was good. Took my bad boyu to r3 max sig

    Took this bad boy to r3 max sig and now he's my new top champ (Finally!)

    I'm glad I don't have to fight GM again ever. Still dimensional challenge is left to do, then I can finally say goodbye to necropolis. Cheers ✌

    I want to go to the gaurdian path in the last section will it

    Ok I knocked out my 10 year challenge run as well, despite being low on revives. I still spent around 25 solo and a team revive, so definitely not a cheap one. I also didn't use wong for every fight, unlike others.

    7* r2 unduped wong (with 6* r2 juggs relic)
    7* r3 spam duped (with 6* r3 antman relic)
    7* r2 ironheart duped (with 6* r2 sentinel relic)
    7* r3 wiccan Duped (with 6* r2 ghost rider relic)
    7* r2 vox duped (with 6* r2 ms marvel relic)

    Titty - wong took her to 17%, ended with vox. Just annoying with haymaker
    Aarkus - revived wong and tried here. Ate a sp3 when he was at 70% health. Wiccan took the rest. Don't sleep on Wiccan he got insane damage.

    OS - wong took her to 30% then died, Wicgoat did the rest.
    Air Walker - revived wong and got the only solo with him.
    Cap Britain - Had a very long fight with ironheart, spanning both enrage timers. She's literally indestructible in the fight with prowess management, wish she got better damage. Still only manages to take 50% health. Wicgoat did the rest

    Wiccan - wong is indestructible here once set up, but for some reason Wiccan ai became self aware and thrown sp1 even when I blocked for 5 secs(like enchantress) especially at low health. Got frustrated at one point, quitted out and did the rest with ironheart.
    Psycho - vox with 3 revives. His degen apply will fail if you throw a special in control box special mode, just beware of that. You'll lose all buffs. But his debuff removal never fails thanks to corrupted buff extra aa.

    Took apoc path, no regrets this time thanks to wicgoat again.
    Apoc - had a pretty good run with wong, but ate a sp1 poison when apoc was at 70% health which drained my health. Spent a few revives for another good wong run. 4 revives here.
    Tigra - I underestimated the rupture damage, so spent a few revives getting a hang on this fight used entire team but pig was the mvp. 3 revives and a team revive.
    Herc - Oh gosh. This fight would've been a revive sink. Wong cannon deal good damage cuz the time he reaches max ramp herc likely reaches half enrage and 2-3 specials on root kills you. Sadly wong won't regen physical damage. Spent few revives only managed to get him to 70%. Then wicgoat came for the rescure. His insane damage with no ramp helped a lot. Did the rest with 3 revives. Wicgoat ftw.
    Cap sam - vox solo. Keep him on corner and strategically spam sp1. He never auto blocks thanks to undermine, and the ruptures deal no damage so use it for wp regen and don't be afraid to hit on block

    Drago - spam solo. Force restartrd once since drago thrown a special during indestructible which consumed the giga sp3 power stings for no damage. Spam can take multiple specials on face and even healed from sp2 incenerate. Keep drago on corner (and don't be afraid to intercept when needed, even if drago has a bar of power) so he won't throw speciala during indestructible.

    Capiw - oh gosh this one was wayy annoying than I thought. Wong was tough to ramp since cap gets more kinetic charges against mystics. So used vox after dying with wong. Even with vox, you have to pray everytime you launcha sp1, since if the final hit glance, your buffs will get consumed but he won't inflict any degens. 4 revives here.

    Nova - I have to change the playsthle here since your speciala deal no damage on unblockanle and you have to dance around since you can't stay near nova for 6+ secs. Wong + Wiccan tag team. 1 revive here.

    Grandmaster - spam was the mvp here. Spent 5 revives, was able to get him wounded once in phase 3. Soloed phase 4 with wiccan.

    Rewards :

    Obviously I have to get an AG on the class I already have. Basics were meh as well, but titan was good. Took my bad boyu to r3 max sig

    Took this bad boy to r3 max sig and now he's my new top champ (Finally!)

    I'm glad I don't have to fight GM again ever. Still dimensional challenge is left to do, then I can finally say goodbye to necropolis. Cheers ✌

    I want to go to the gaurdian path in third section will it be a problem? Also I don't have wong will wiccan do? And last how did you counter vison arkus with wiccan ? Doesn't wiccan nulify buffs after his 5 hit combo? And vison has one power gain buff from the start.? I guess.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,092 ★★★★★
    @Peakyblinder007 wiccan has this hidden ability where he nullfiies power gain buff when he throws a heavy.
  • Peakyblinder007Peakyblinder007 Member Posts: 71

    @Peakyblinder007 wiccan has this hidden ability where he nullfiies power gain buff when he throws a heavy.

    Wow nice I didn't know that. What about rest of my questions?
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 4,962 ★★★★★
    What made spam good for boss btw? Power stings did a lot of dmg?

    I can bring 2 of 3 between pig, photon, and cheel. Or double photon depending on whos best for GM
  • Wolf911Wolf911 Member Posts: 721 ★★★
    Polygon said:

    What made spam good for boss btw? Power stings did a lot of dmg?

    I can bring 2 of 3 between pig, photon, and cheel. Or double photon depending on whos best for GM

    i don’t think power stings do damage

    but spam has high crit damage so it would help taking a lot of health off in a single wounded phase
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,092 ★★★★★
    Polygon said:

    What made spam good for boss btw? Power stings did a lot of dmg?

    I can bring 2 of 3 between pig, photon, and cheel. Or double photon depending on whos best for GM

    Nothing. He just hits hard and has high crit rating. Only hit damage (white and yellow numbers) deal damage against GM. Burst and dot effects won't damage him.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,092 ★★★★★
    @Peakyblinder007 valk could be a pain in guardian path, rest are fine.
    Wiccan can take aarkus, OS, air Walker, cap Britain, nova, dragonman. Vox can take guardian, psychoman and cap sam (or you could use gamora/knull). Cheelith can take the science champs. You can use these champs if you don't have wongers
  • Peakyblinder007Peakyblinder007 Member Posts: 71

    @Peakyblinder007 valk could be a pain in guardian path, rest are fine.
    Wiccan can take aarkus, OS, air Walker, cap Britain, nova, dragonman. Vox can take guardian, psychoman and cap sam (or you could use gamora/knull). Cheelith can take the science champs. You can use these champs if you don't have wongers

    Bro I haven't done necro before. It's my first time completion. So I don't understand properly. Why will valkarie will be a problem? Is it because you can't parry her? If so will it be ok if I go apoc path but I can't dex apoc sp and I saw herc fight on yt it seems annoying..
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,092 ★★★★★

    @Peakyblinder007 valk could be a pain in guardian path, rest are fine.
    Wiccan can take aarkus, OS, air Walker, cap Britain, nova, dragonman. Vox can take guardian, psychoman and cap sam (or you could use gamora/knull). Cheelith can take the science champs. You can use these champs if you don't have wongers

    Bro I haven't done necro before. It's my first time completion. So I don't understand properly. Why will valkarie will be a problem? Is it because you can't parry her? If so will it be ok if I go apoc path but I can't dex apoc sp and I saw herc fight on yt it seems annoying..
    If it's your first time take guardian path. Valk is a problem because you can't block at all. You can play around this by heavy hitters like kate and aegon but not sure how 10 year team work. Also guardian is currently bugged so sometimes you can't see the screen (surrounded by white flashes). But I'll say valk path is better than apoc if you don't have Wong.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 5,884 ★★★★★

    Ok I knocked out my 10 year challenge run as well, despite being low on revives. I still spent around 25 solo and a team revive, so definitely not a cheap one. I also didn't use wong for every fight, unlike others.

    7* r2 unduped wong (with 6* r2 juggs relic)
    7* r3 spam duped (with 6* r3 antman relic)
    7* r2 ironheart duped (with 6* r2 sentinel relic)
    7* r3 wiccan Duped (with 6* r2 ghost rider relic)
    7* r2 vox duped (with 6* r2 ms marvel relic)

    Titty - wong took her to 17%, ended with vox. Just annoying with haymaker
    Aarkus - revived wong and tried here. Ate a sp3 when he was at 70% health. Wiccan took the rest. Don't sleep on Wiccan he got insane damage.

    OS - wong took her to 30% then died, Wicgoat did the rest.
    Air Walker - revived wong and got the only solo with him.
    Cap Britain - Had a very long fight with ironheart, spanning both enrage timers. She's literally indestructible in the fight with prowess management, wish she got better damage. Still only manages to take 50% health. Wicgoat did the rest

    Wiccan - wong is indestructible here once set up, but for some reason Wiccan ai became self aware and thrown sp1 even when I blocked for 5 secs(like enchantress) especially at low health. Got frustrated at one point, quitted out and did the rest with ironheart.
    Psycho - vox with 3 revives. His degen apply will fail if you throw a special in control box special mode, just beware of that. You'll lose all buffs. But his debuff removal never fails thanks to corrupted buff extra aa.

    Took apoc path, no regrets this time thanks to wicgoat again.
    Apoc - had a pretty good run with wong, but ate a sp1 poison when apoc was at 70% health which drained my health. Spent a few revives for another good wong run. 4 revives here.
    Tigra - I underestimated the rupture damage, so spent a few revives getting a hang on this fight used entire team but pig was the mvp. 3 revives and a team revive.
    Herc - Oh gosh. This fight would've been a revive sink. Wong cannon deal good damage cuz the time he reaches max ramp herc likely reaches half enrage and 2-3 specials on root kills you. Sadly wong won't regen physical damage. Spent few revives only managed to get him to 70%. Then wicgoat came for the rescure. His insane damage with no ramp helped a lot. Did the rest with 3 revives. Wicgoat ftw.
    Cap sam - vox solo. Keep him on corner and strategically spam sp1. He never auto blocks thanks to undermine, and the ruptures deal no damage so use it for wp regen and don't be afraid to hit on block

    Drago - spam solo. Force restartrd once since drago thrown a special during indestructible which consumed the giga sp3 power stings for no damage. Spam can take multiple specials on face and even healed from sp2 incenerate. Keep drago on corner (and don't be afraid to intercept when needed, even if drago has a bar of power) so he won't throw speciala during indestructible.

    Capiw - oh gosh this one was wayy annoying than I thought. Wong was tough to ramp since cap gets more kinetic charges against mystics. So used vox after dying with wong. Even with vox, you have to pray everytime you launcha sp1, since if the final hit glance, your buffs will get consumed but he won't inflict any degens. 4 revives here.

    Nova - I have to change the playsthle here since your speciala deal no damage on unblockanle and you have to dance around since you can't stay near nova for 6+ secs. Wong + Wiccan tag team. 1 revive here.

    Grandmaster - spam was the mvp here. Spent 5 revives, was able to get him wounded once in phase 3. Soloed phase 4 with wiccan.

    Rewards :

    Obviously I have to get an AG on the class I already have. Basics were meh as well, but titan was good. Took my bad boyu to r3 max sig

    Took this bad boy to r3 max sig and now he's my new top champ (Finally!)

    I'm glad I don't have to fight GM again ever. Still dimensional challenge is left to do, then I can finally say goodbye to necropolis. Cheers ✌

    I want to go to the gaurdian path in the last section will it

    Ok I knocked out my 10 year challenge run as well, despite being low on revives. I still spent around 25 solo and a team revive, so definitely not a cheap one. I also didn't use wong for every fight, unlike others.

    7* r2 unduped wong (with 6* r2 juggs relic)
    7* r3 spam duped (with 6* r3 antman relic)
    7* r2 ironheart duped (with 6* r2 sentinel relic)
    7* r3 wiccan Duped (with 6* r2 ghost rider relic)
    7* r2 vox duped (with 6* r2 ms marvel relic)

    Titty - wong took her to 17%, ended with vox. Just annoying with haymaker
    Aarkus - revived wong and tried here. Ate a sp3 when he was at 70% health. Wiccan took the rest. Don't sleep on Wiccan he got insane damage.

    OS - wong took her to 30% then died, Wicgoat did the rest.
    Air Walker - revived wong and got the only solo with him.
    Cap Britain - Had a very long fight with ironheart, spanning both enrage timers. She's literally indestructible in the fight with prowess management, wish she got better damage. Still only manages to take 50% health. Wicgoat did the rest

    Wiccan - wong is indestructible here once set up, but for some reason Wiccan ai became self aware and thrown sp1 even when I blocked for 5 secs(like enchantress) especially at low health. Got frustrated at one point, quitted out and did the rest with ironheart.
    Psycho - vox with 3 revives. His degen apply will fail if you throw a special in control box special mode, just beware of that. You'll lose all buffs. But his debuff removal never fails thanks to corrupted buff extra aa.

    Took apoc path, no regrets this time thanks to wicgoat again.
    Apoc - had a pretty good run with wong, but ate a sp1 poison when apoc was at 70% health which drained my health. Spent a few revives for another good wong run. 4 revives here.
    Tigra - I underestimated the rupture damage, so spent a few revives getting a hang on this fight used entire team but pig was the mvp. 3 revives and a team revive.
    Herc - Oh gosh. This fight would've been a revive sink. Wong cannon deal good damage cuz the time he reaches max ramp herc likely reaches half enrage and 2-3 specials on root kills you. Sadly wong won't regen physical damage. Spent few revives only managed to get him to 70%. Then wicgoat came for the rescure. His insane damage with no ramp helped a lot. Did the rest with 3 revives. Wicgoat ftw.
    Cap sam - vox solo. Keep him on corner and strategically spam sp1. He never auto blocks thanks to undermine, and the ruptures deal no damage so use it for wp regen and don't be afraid to hit on block

    Drago - spam solo. Force restartrd once since drago thrown a special during indestructible which consumed the giga sp3 power stings for no damage. Spam can take multiple specials on face and even healed from sp2 incenerate. Keep drago on corner (and don't be afraid to intercept when needed, even if drago has a bar of power) so he won't throw speciala during indestructible.

    Capiw - oh gosh this one was wayy annoying than I thought. Wong was tough to ramp since cap gets more kinetic charges against mystics. So used vox after dying with wong. Even with vox, you have to pray everytime you launcha sp1, since if the final hit glance, your buffs will get consumed but he won't inflict any degens. 4 revives here.

    Nova - I have to change the playsthle here since your speciala deal no damage on unblockanle and you have to dance around since you can't stay near nova for 6+ secs. Wong + Wiccan tag team. 1 revive here.

    Grandmaster - spam was the mvp here. Spent 5 revives, was able to get him wounded once in phase 3. Soloed phase 4 with wiccan.

    Rewards :

    Obviously I have to get an AG on the class I already have. Basics were meh as well, but titan was good. Took my bad boyu to r3 max sig

    Took this bad boy to r3 max sig and now he's my new top champ (Finally!)

    I'm glad I don't have to fight GM again ever. Still dimensional challenge is left to do, then I can finally say goodbye to necropolis. Cheers ✌

    I want to go to the gaurdian path in third section will it be a problem? Also I don't have wong will wiccan do? And last how did you counter vison arkus with wiccan ? Doesn't wiccan nulify buffs after his 5 hit combo? And vison has one power gain buff from the start.? I guess.
    You gotta stop quoting these long threads just use @ and tag the person you want to ask the question.
  • Kikkis123Kikkis123 Member Posts: 26

    Ok I knocked out my 10 year challenge run as well, despite being low on revives. I still spent around 25 solo and a team revive, so definitely not a cheap one. I also didn't use wong for every fight, unlike others.

    7* r2 unduped wong (with 6* r2 juggs relic)
    7* r3 spam duped (with 6* r3 antman relic)
    7* r2 ironheart duped (with 6* r2 sentinel relic)
    7* r3 wiccan Duped (with 6* r2 ghost rider relic)
    7* r2 vox duped (with 6* r2 ms marvel relic)

    Thanks i didnt know that ham does also so well in there i only done one path and 2 half paths this far. Next with deathless team or that wong team

  • Peakyblinder007Peakyblinder007 Member Posts: 71

    @Peakyblinder007 valk could be a pain in guardian path, rest are fine.
    Wiccan can take aarkus, OS, air Walker, cap Britain, nova, dragonman. Vox can take guardian, psychoman and cap sam (or you could use gamora/knull). Cheelith can take the science champs. You can use these champs if you don't have wongers

    Bro I haven't done necro before. It's my first time completion. So I don't understand properly. Why will valkarie will be a problem? Is it because you can't parry her? If so will it be ok if I go apoc path but I can't dex apoc sp and I saw herc fight on yt it seems annoying..
    If it's your first time take guardian path. Valk is a problem because you can't block at all. You can play around this by heavy hitters like kate and aegon but not sure how 10 year team work. Also guardian is currently bugged so sometimes you can't see the screen (surrounded by white flashes). But I'll say valk path is better than apoc if you don't have Wong.
    Thanks bro . Any suggestion how many revives should I bring in and potions?
  • Peakyblinder007Peakyblinder007 Member Posts: 71

    Ok I knocked out my 10 year challenge run as well, despite being low on revives. I still spent around 25 solo and a team revive, so definitely not a cheap one. I also didn't use wong for every fight, unlike others.

    7* r2 unduped wong (with 6* r2 juggs relic)
    7* r3 spam duped (with 6* r3 antman relic)
    7* r2 ironheart duped (with 6* r2 sentinel relic)
    7* r3 wiccan Duped (with 6* r2 ghost rider relic)
    7* r2 vox duped (with 6* r2 ms marvel relic)

    Titty - wong took her to 17%, ended with vox. Just annoying with haymaker
    Aarkus - revived wong and tried here. Ate a sp3 when he was at 70% health. Wiccan took the rest. Don't sleep on Wiccan he got insane damage.

    OS - wong took her to 30% then died, Wicgoat did the rest.
    Air Walker - revived wong and got the only solo with him.
    Cap Britain - Had a very long fight with ironheart, spanning both enrage timers. She's literally indestructible in the fight with prowess management, wish she got better damage. Still only manages to take 50% health. Wicgoat did the rest

    Wiccan - wong is indestructible here once set up, but for some reason Wiccan ai became self aware and thrown sp1 even when I blocked for 5 secs(like enchantress) especially at low health. Got frustrated at one point, quitted out and did the rest with ironheart.
    Psycho - vox with 3 revives. His degen apply will fail if you throw a special in control box special mode, just beware of that. You'll lose all buffs. But his debuff removal never fails thanks to corrupted buff extra aa.

    Took apoc path, no regrets this time thanks to wicgoat again.
    Apoc - had a pretty good run with wong, but ate a sp1 poison when apoc was at 70% health which drained my health. Spent a few revives for another good wong run. 4 revives here.
    Tigra - I underestimated the rupture damage, so spent a few revives getting a hang on this fight used entire team but pig was the mvp. 3 revives and a team revive.
    Herc - Oh gosh. This fight would've been a revive sink. Wong cannon deal good damage cuz the time he reaches max ramp herc likely reaches half enrage and 2-3 specials on root kills you. Sadly wong won't regen physical damage. Spent few revives only managed to get him to 70%. Then wicgoat came for the rescure. His insane damage with no ramp helped a lot. Did the rest with 3 revives. Wicgoat ftw.
    Cap sam - vox solo. Keep him on corner and strategically spam sp1. He never auto blocks thanks to undermine, and the ruptures deal no damage so use it for wp regen and don't be afraid to hit on block

    Drago - spam solo. Force restartrd once since drago thrown a special during indestructible which consumed the giga sp3 power stings for no damage. Spam can take multiple specials on face and even healed from sp2 incenerate. Keep drago on corner (and don't be afraid to intercept when needed, even if drago has a bar of power) so he won't throw speciala during indestructible.

    Capiw - oh gosh this one was wayy annoying than I thought. Wong was tough to ramp since cap gets more kinetic charges against mystics. So used vox after dying with wong. Even with vox, you have to pray everytime you launcha sp1, since if the final hit glance, your buffs will get consumed but he won't inflict any degens. 4 revives here.

    Nova - I have to change the playsthle here since your speciala deal no damage on unblockanle and you have to dance around since you can't stay near nova for 6+ secs. Wong + Wiccan tag team. 1 revive here.

    Grandmaster - spam was the mvp here. Spent 5 revives, was able to get him wounded once in phase 3. Soloed phase 4 with wiccan.

    Rewards :

    Obviously I have to get an AG on the class I already have. Basics were meh as well, but titan was good. Took my bad boyu to r3 max sig

    Took this bad boy to r3 max sig and now he's my new top champ (Finally!)

    I'm glad I don't have to fight GM again ever. Still dimensional challenge is left to do, then I can finally say goodbye to necropolis. Cheers ✌

    I want to go to the gaurdian path in the last section will it

    Ok I knocked out my 10 year challenge run as well, despite being low on revives. I still spent around 25 solo and a team revive, so definitely not a cheap one. I also didn't use wong for every fight, unlike others.

    7* r2 unduped wong (with 6* r2 juggs relic)
    7* r3 spam duped (with 6* r3 antman relic)
    7* r2 ironheart duped (with 6* r2 sentinel relic)
    7* r3 wiccan Duped (with 6* r2 ghost rider relic)
    7* r2 vox duped (with 6* r2 ms marvel relic)

    Titty - wong took her to 17%, ended with vox. Just annoying with haymaker
    Aarkus - revived wong and tried here. Ate a sp3 when he was at 70% health. Wiccan took the rest. Don't sleep on Wiccan he got insane damage.

    OS - wong took her to 30% then died, Wicgoat did the rest.
    Air Walker - revived wong and got the only solo with him.
    Cap Britain - Had a very long fight with ironheart, spanning both enrage timers. She's literally indestructible in the fight with prowess management, wish she got better damage. Still only manages to take 50% health. Wicgoat did the rest

    Wiccan - wong is indestructible here once set up, but for some reason Wiccan ai became self aware and thrown sp1 even when I blocked for 5 secs(like enchantress) especially at low health. Got frustrated at one point, quitted out and did the rest with ironheart.
    Psycho - vox with 3 revives. His degen apply will fail if you throw a special in control box special mode, just beware of that. You'll lose all buffs. But his debuff removal never fails thanks to corrupted buff extra aa.

    Took apoc path, no regrets this time thanks to wicgoat again.
    Apoc - had a pretty good run with wong, but ate a sp1 poison when apoc was at 70% health which drained my health. Spent a few revives for another good wong run. 4 revives here.
    Tigra - I underestimated the rupture damage, so spent a few revives getting a hang on this fight used entire team but pig was the mvp. 3 revives and a team revive.
    Herc - Oh gosh. This fight would've been a revive sink. Wong cannon deal good damage cuz the time he reaches max ramp herc likely reaches half enrage and 2-3 specials on root kills you. Sadly wong won't regen physical damage. Spent few revives only managed to get him to 70%. Then wicgoat came for the rescure. His insane damage with no ramp helped a lot. Did the rest with 3 revives. Wicgoat ftw.
    Cap sam - vox solo. Keep him on corner and strategically spam sp1. He never auto blocks thanks to undermine, and the ruptures deal no damage so use it for wp regen and don't be afraid to hit on block

    Drago - spam solo. Force restartrd once since drago thrown a special during indestructible which consumed the giga sp3 power stings for no damage. Spam can take multiple specials on face and even healed from sp2 incenerate. Keep drago on corner (and don't be afraid to intercept when needed, even if drago has a bar of power) so he won't throw speciala during indestructible.

    Capiw - oh gosh this one was wayy annoying than I thought. Wong was tough to ramp since cap gets more kinetic charges against mystics. So used vox after dying with wong. Even with vox, you have to pray everytime you launcha sp1, since if the final hit glance, your buffs will get consumed but he won't inflict any degens. 4 revives here.

    Nova - I have to change the playsthle here since your speciala deal no damage on unblockanle and you have to dance around since you can't stay near nova for 6+ secs. Wong + Wiccan tag team. 1 revive here.

    Grandmaster - spam was the mvp here. Spent 5 revives, was able to get him wounded once in phase 3. Soloed phase 4 with wiccan.

    Rewards :

    Obviously I have to get an AG on the class I already have. Basics were meh as well, but titan was good. Took my bad boyu to r3 max sig

    Took this bad boy to r3 max sig and now he's my new top champ (Finally!)

    I'm glad I don't have to fight GM again ever. Still dimensional challenge is left to do, then I can finally say goodbye to necropolis. Cheers ✌

    I want to go to the gaurdian path in third section will it be a problem? Also I don't have wong will wiccan do? And last how did you counter vison arkus with wiccan ? Doesn't wiccan nulify buffs after his 5 hit combo? And vison has one power gain buff from the start.? I guess.
    You gotta stop quoting these long threads just use @ and tag the person you want to ask the question.
    I don't know how it works I don't use forum much.
  • Peakyblinder007Peakyblinder007 Member Posts: 71

    @Peakyblinder007 valk could be a pain in guardian path, rest are fine.
    Wiccan can take aarkus, OS, air Walker, cap Britain, nova, dragonman. Vox can take guardian, psychoman and cap sam (or you could use gamora/knull). Cheelith can take the science champs. You can use these champs if you don't have wongers

    Bro I haven't done necro before. It's my first time completion. So I don't understand properly. Why will valkarie will be a problem? Is it because you can't parry her? If so will it be ok if I go apoc path but I can't dex apoc sp and I saw herc fight on yt it seems annoying..
    If it's your first time take guardian path. Valk is a problem because you can't block at all. You can play around this by heavy hitters like kate and aegon but not sure how 10 year team work. Also guardian is currently bugged so sometimes you can't see the screen (surrounded by white flashes). But I'll say valk path is better than apoc if you don't have Wong.
    So I will be ok if I don't block right?
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,205 ★★★★★

    Ok I knocked out my 10 year challenge run as well, despite being low on revives. I still spent around 25 solo and a team revive, so definitely not a cheap one. I also didn't use wong for every fight, unlike others.

    7* r2 unduped wong (with 6* r2 juggs relic)
    7* r3 spam duped (with 6* r3 antman relic)
    7* r2 ironheart duped (with 6* r2 sentinel relic)
    7* r3 wiccan Duped (with 6* r2 ghost rider relic)
    7* r2 vox duped (with 6* r2 ms marvel relic)

    Titty - wong took her to 17%, ended with vox. Just annoying with haymaker
    Aarkus - revived wong and tried here. Ate a sp3 when he was at 70% health. Wiccan took the rest. Don't sleep on Wiccan he got insane damage.

    OS - wong took her to 30% then died, Wicgoat did the rest.
    Air Walker - revived wong and got the only solo with him.
    Cap Britain - Had a very long fight with ironheart, spanning both enrage timers. She's literally indestructible in the fight with prowess management, wish she got better damage. Still only manages to take 50% health. Wicgoat did the rest

    Wiccan - wong is indestructible here once set up, but for some reason Wiccan ai became self aware and thrown sp1 even when I blocked for 5 secs(like enchantress) especially at low health. Got frustrated at one point, quitted out and did the rest with ironheart.
    Psycho - vox with 3 revives. His degen apply will fail if you throw a special in control box special mode, just beware of that. You'll lose all buffs. But his debuff removal never fails thanks to corrupted buff extra aa.

    Took apoc path, no regrets this time thanks to wicgoat again.
    Apoc - had a pretty good run with wong, but ate a sp1 poison when apoc was at 70% health which drained my health. Spent a few revives for another good wong run. 4 revives here.
    Tigra - I underestimated the rupture damage, so spent a few revives getting a hang on this fight used entire team but pig was the mvp. 3 revives and a team revive.
    Herc - Oh gosh. This fight would've been a revive sink. Wong cannon deal good damage cuz the time he reaches max ramp herc likely reaches half enrage and 2-3 specials on root kills you. Sadly wong won't regen physical damage. Spent few revives only managed to get him to 70%. Then wicgoat came for the rescure. His insane damage with no ramp helped a lot. Did the rest with 3 revives. Wicgoat ftw.
    Cap sam - vox solo. Keep him on corner and strategically spam sp1. He never auto blocks thanks to undermine, and the ruptures deal no damage so use it for wp regen and don't be afraid to hit on block

    Drago - spam solo. Force restartrd once since drago thrown a special during indestructible which consumed the giga sp3 power stings for no damage. Spam can take multiple specials on face and even healed from sp2 incenerate. Keep drago on corner (and don't be afraid to intercept when needed, even if drago has a bar of power) so he won't throw speciala during indestructible.

    Capiw - oh gosh this one was wayy annoying than I thought. Wong was tough to ramp since cap gets more kinetic charges against mystics. So used vox after dying with wong. Even with vox, you have to pray everytime you launcha sp1, since if the final hit glance, your buffs will get consumed but he won't inflict any degens. 4 revives here.

    Nova - I have to change the playsthle here since your speciala deal no damage on unblockanle and you have to dance around since you can't stay near nova for 6+ secs. Wong + Wiccan tag team. 1 revive here.

    Grandmaster - spam was the mvp here. Spent 5 revives, was able to get him wounded once in phase 3. Soloed phase 4 with wiccan.

    Rewards :

    Obviously I have to get an AG on the class I already have. Basics were meh as well, but titan was good. Took my bad boyu to r3 max sig

    Took this bad boy to r3 max sig and now he's my new top champ (Finally!)

    I'm glad I don't have to fight GM again ever. Still dimensional challenge is left to do, then I can finally say goodbye to necropolis. Cheers ✌


    Congrats on Shocker
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 4,962 ★★★★★

    Polygon said:

    What made spam good for boss btw? Power stings did a lot of dmg?

    I can bring 2 of 3 between pig, photon, and cheel. Or double photon depending on whos best for GM

    Nothing. He just hits hard and has high crit rating. Only hit damage (white and yellow numbers) deal damage against GM. Burst and dot effects won't damage him.
    Interesting might drop photon for spam then since a lot of her damage is from red numbers. Anyone used photon or cheel for GM?
  • UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,679 ★★★★★
    Considering I don't have *ANY* of those top 3 as 7*s and only have Wiccan and Vox, I'm not feeling so good about my ability to accomplish this.
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