Has game lag gone through the roof?
What’s up with this new level of lag. Just crazy. Stu…(ai hits you) ….t…(ai hits you)….t…(ai hits you)….e..(ai hits you)…r….(ai hits you)….s (you can finally block). … like mad.
Ai is just enjoying the fact that opponent seems to have disconnected from the game and proceeds to get a free ko.
And tons of failed inputs again. Amount of time my block isn’t registering or my dash back, I swear at the start of every fight, may aswell just tell me I’m going to start with 50% hp..
On a side note, Apart from the huge lags spikes, Deathless mausaleum is great though. And deathless necro run..massive win for whoever designed it all. Thanos and his synergies really pull it all together.
Ai is just enjoying the fact that opponent seems to have disconnected from the game and proceeds to get a free ko.
And tons of failed inputs again. Amount of time my block isn’t registering or my dash back, I swear at the start of every fight, may aswell just tell me I’m going to start with 50% hp..
On a side note, Apart from the huge lags spikes, Deathless mausaleum is great though. And deathless necro run..massive win for whoever designed it all. Thanos and his synergies really pull it all together.
Also, Deathless Necro challenge was great. Deathless She-Hulk is amazing. It was the first time in a while that I thought Kabam dropped a really good, fun challenge and I was very happy… But then I decided to play the AW Showcase right after doing Deathless Necro and I spent 3x the revives on it then I did for the entire Deathless Necro Path. That challenge reminded me of how revive-dumpy most content is nowadays. Kabam couldn’t just let me be happy with them for an hour… smh.
I've had at least five full team attempts against him and each time it's unplayable because of lag. Rest of the quest is fine tho.