Regarding Dimensional Being Necro Challenge

GhostboytjieGhostboytjie Member Posts: 2,572 ★★★★★
Anyone got tips on who to bring?

I have no Kushala which is fine.

But no Fantman aswell (no 6*).

I litterally have no idea who to bring. Either that or I wait years and finally get fantman. Also kushala is not needed right? But fantman is a must?


  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,436 ★★★★★
    Ideally you want both of them, but at least one is better than none. None would be unwise.
  • ChiefGoatChiefGoat Member Posts: 223 ★★
    You WANT Fant for that run
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,330 ★★★★★
    I did it without Future Ant ... and he was on the team. I just didn't see any matchup that Chavez, Kush and Purgatory weren't better at taking. I used Future Ant for clean up mostly when I needed against Silver Centurion. That was the only fight I used him.
  • DonDudu2809DonDudu2809 Member Posts: 384 ★★
    edited January 13
    I have done it without FantMan and Kushala. Wasn't that bad. If you have revives stashed it's fine. I used Chavez (r3 7 star) for Odin (solo), same for Claire, Shang Chi is tricky but can be done with anyone but expect to use some revives (I used CGR r6), squirrel girl is easy can use anyone (I used Shatra r3), Centurion sucks but you can go for a couple of sp2's every run before he can throw sp3 with CGR and in about 5 revives you take him down, spidey 2099 you can Chavez Cheese in the corner (will take half an hour and about 5 revives but at least you don't have to bother) and Sunspot is easy you can use anyone.
  • FolkvangrFolkvangr Member Posts: 267 ★★★

    I have done it without FantMan and Kushala. Wasn't that bad. If you have revives stashed it's fine. I used Chavez (r3 7 star) for Odin (solo), same for Claire, Shang Chi is tricky but can be done with anyone but expect to use some revives (I used CGR r6), squirrel girl is easy can use anyone (I used Shatra r3), Centurion sucks but you can go for a couple of sp2's every run before he can throw sp3 with CGR and in about 5 revives you take him down, spidey 2099 you can Chavez Cheese in the corner (will take half an hour and about 5 revives but at least you don't have to bother) and Sunspot is easy you can use anyone.

    How many revives did you end up using?

  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,620 ★★★★
    Deacon said:

    I did it without Future Ant ... and he was on the team. I just didn't see any matchup that Chavez, Kush and Purgatory weren't better at taking. I used Future Ant for clean up mostly when I needed against Silver Centurion. That was the only fight I used him.

    I'm liking my Purgatory, and was wondering about her in the Necropolis.

    @Deacon , Was there any specific fight you liked her for, or was she just a good damage dealer?
  • GhostboytjieGhostboytjie Member Posts: 2,572 ★★★★★
    I have a 7* Chavez
    Maybe a 6* Purgatory
    I have a R4 ascended cgr which I can R5

    So I basically need to nuke down silver cent with cgr and use chavez for rest.

    I havn't played purg. So will test her on the run. But for now im gonna need to farm a hella lot of revives
  • GhostboytjieGhostboytjie Member Posts: 2,572 ★★★★★

    This is what I have to work with
  • UltragamerUltragamer Member Posts: 605 ★★★
    Chavez and kushala were my MVPs Chavez can handle kushala fights but everyone else was pretty irrelevant outside s99 fight
  • GyanemdjerGyanemdjer Member Posts: 200

    This is what I have to work with

    i would just wait till i upgrade chavez and get fant man , chavez can do heavy lifting but at r1 itll take a lot of revives
    I used r3 chavez,r3 kushala, r5 cgr, r5 fant and r1 spot(only for synergy) and it still cost me 14 solo and 3 team revives it will be a lot more expensive without 2 of them and chavez at r1
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,266 ★★★★★
    Wish someone made a post of getting 6* fam instead of 7* kamala. Oh well
  • Sceptilemaniac2Sceptilemaniac2 Member Posts: 402 ★★★
    CGR was more useful to me than it seems.
    Fantman is very safe but you have to nail light intercepts while having reversed controls.
    The AI just doesn't seem to go for that anymore.
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,330 ★★★★★
    altavista said:

    I'm liking my Purgatory, and was wondering about her in the Necropolis.

    @Deacon , Was there any specific fight you liked her for, or was she just a good damage dealer?
    she deals so much damage ... I used her for Shang Chi and she nearly got the solo. she put in work on Centurion too although now that I know how to do that fight I'm sure she could solo lol. but I just couldn't' figure it out until after I had gotten past the fight.
  • GhostboytjieGhostboytjie Member Posts: 2,572 ★★★★★

    I just got her. Shes dimensional being. Now I just need fantman (she will replace kushala)
  • Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 706 ★★★
    I did it with out Future Antman. It honestly sucked...

    This was probably my most hated Karina Challenge. There were a few tricky fights but honestly, aside from having a bad run against Airwalker, I just truly hate the Spiderman 2099 truly. To answer your question though, if you have America Chavez, you can kind of cheese the Spiderman 2099 fight if your willing to age a bit. Heres a video kind of explaning what to do via example:

    Basically, just full heavy him until he has full power-gain reversal, get him into a corner and you can heavy him for 10 damage for 20 minutes and he'll eventually go down.
    As for the other fights, there are counters, but this Spiderman 2099 (and Shang Chi to some extent) is the real awful thing about that mission.
  • Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 706 ★★★
    America Chavez, like every other corner of the game was my MVP for this challenge.
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