is there an actual reason for title rank up requirements



  • LokxLokx Member Posts: 1,570 ★★★★

    Lokx said:

    PT_99 said:

    Rankup resources and r3 gems are available in single and full Necro run, 9.1, crucible, AoA, SQ quests, glory BG shops, July-4 cyber Banquet deals.

    You just don't want to play these modes which is okay,
    But then you also can't go, "wahhh, getting T4 alpha as Paragon is hard 😭"

    bro you say single necro run like it's a walk in the park
    Well i mean if you’re so skilled, why can’t you do it?. You’re bragging about completing act 8 and 9 with a 6* and 5*, surely you can easily go through a necro path. Or even better a crucible run.
    where was this same energy back when abyss was released, oh yeah that's because it was understandably hard content for ultra endgamers and wasn't required to progress.

    if you say necro is also optional I'd agree but anytime I ask people where to get r3 resources, they say "rUN iN tHe NecRo" valiant is side and hand mentioned with necropolis all the time unless you're p2w of course. in that case just pick up a few bundles and woah you're valiant.

    universal idea of skill is timing and health, I go in a quest expecting to go reviveless. necro is reviving camping and a minimum of 5 hours continous gameplay
    This fighting game isn’t like tekken, streetfighter etc. the entire foundation of the game comes from roster depth, fight mechanics (dex, parry, reparry, intercept etc) and knowledge.

    The only content valiants get are geared to these aspects, so whats the point of you becoming valiant if you don’t have the roster to match the content. If you lack r3 then you’re never gonna be able to compete for the rewards outside of story, which by the way has been severely reduced in difficulty compared to typical end game content. I’ve seen people do carina necro challenges with as little as 10 revives, which can be achieved through grinding apothecary and SDE. I’m not saying this to tell you that you are bad but rather you have the wrong idea of what this game is.

    If you don’t want to do a run in necro then you could always explore act 8 and 9 or even one run in crucible. Completing story quest is in no means the test of someones skill.
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,476 ★★★★★
    At this point, no content is hard enough tbh.
    Before 2019, Content was skilled based but after that broken champs were released like Doom, Herc, mags got broken buff which made content easy and somehow broken champs compensated average skills of players in huge numbers.

    That led to rapid progression in game and slowly skilled based meta started shift to champ based meta tied to speedruns. For example if you had Doom ghost mags or herc or CGR, act 7 onwards everything became joke if you have fair idea about those champs. Skills required for Quake and similar champs lost their relevance as using them felt more tedious in comparison to other easy options

    3rd blow came from nerfing act 6 too much and players actually not polishing their skills out there

    4th blow came when community wanted each champ with broken damage and god tier utility thus resulting to a meta where champs were too OP and content felt short

    5th blow came when community became so intolerant to Champ nerfs that Devs has to just powercept champs resulting in more damage to skill based content

    6th blow came when to counter OP champs, new nodes were specifically made to counter them which made community cry like babies and Devs have to release champs bypassing such abilities. Act 8 prime example.

    Now this all relate to progression of accounts too fast in current state.
  • HassamaMamaHassamaMama Member Posts: 292 ★★★

    Lokx said:

    PT_99 said:

    Rankup resources and r3 gems are available in single and full Necro run, 9.1, crucible, AoA, SQ quests, glory BG shops, July-4 cyber Banquet deals.

    You just don't want to play these modes which is okay,
    But then you also can't go, "wahhh, getting T4 alpha as Paragon is hard 😭"

    bro you say single necro run like it's a walk in the park
    Well i mean if you’re so skilled, why can’t you do it?. You’re bragging about completing act 8 and 9 with a 6* and 5*, surely you can easily go through a necro path. Or even better a crucible run.
    where was this same energy back when abyss was released, oh yeah that's because it was understandably hard content for ultra endgamers and wasn't required to progress.

    if you say necro is also optional I'd agree but anytime I ask people where to get r3 resources, they say "rUN iN tHe NecRo" valiant is side and hand mentioned with necropolis all the time unless you're p2w of course. in that case just pick up a few bundles and woah you're valiant.

    universal idea of skill is timing and health, I go in a quest expecting to go reviveless. necro is reviving camping and a minimum of 5 hours continous gameplay
    Gonna dive into the history books.

    Did abyss first run before they announced TB.
    When they announced TB, I already had a r3 6* for its requirement. And I was not any exception, plenty of players were in that postion.
    As gamer mentioned in previous comment either explore act 6 or do 1 abyss run. And You do not want to explore act6 in 2019, I can guarantee you that.

    Don't bring down f2p with those statements.
    Here's my f2p alt account, without doing necro.

    how do you even do that
    Gamer said:

    Lokx said:

    PT_99 said:

    Rankup resources and r3 gems are available in single and full Necro run, 9.1, crucible, AoA, SQ quests, glory BG shops, July-4 cyber Banquet deals.

    You just don't want to play these modes which is okay,
    But then you also can't go, "wahhh, getting T4 alpha as Paragon is hard 😭"

    bro you say single necro run like it's a walk in the park
    Well i mean if you’re so skilled, why can’t you do it?. You’re bragging about completing act 8 and 9 with a 6* and 5*, surely you can easily go through a necro path. Or even better a crucible run.
    where was this same energy back when abyss was released, oh yeah that's because it was understandably hard content for ultra endgamers and wasn't required to progress.

    if you say necro is also optional I'd agree but anytime I ask people where to get r3 resources, they say "rUN iN tHe NecRo" valiant is side and hand mentioned with necropolis all the time unless you're p2w of course. in that case just pick up a few bundles and woah you're valiant.

    universal idea of skill is timing and health, I go in a quest expecting to go reviveless. necro is reviving camping and a minimum of 5 hours continous gameplay
    Gonna dive into the history books.

    Did abyss first run before they announced TB.
    When they announced TB, I already had a r3 6* for its requirement. And I was not any exception, plenty of players were in that postion.
    As gamer mentioned in previous comment either explore act 6 or do 1 abyss run. And You do not want to explore act6 in 2019, I can guarantee you that.

    Don't bring down f2p with those statements.
    Here's my f2p alt account, without doing necro.

    how do you even do that
    Buy playing and doing the content necessary. It that’s simple
    ok makes sense. ig but necros still too hard for me to ever touch because I'm not that good and the next time endgame content comes around the rewards might be too meh for the effort.

    I've concluded that I'm just too lazy and will never invest too much time into "endgame" so I'm sorry for sounding dumb.

    I think I'll reach valiant by the time 9.2 rolls around anyways
    If that’s genuinely your attitude then there’s no point in making this thread. Don’t want to do Necro? Fine, don’t do it. Want to be Valiant? Do the other things to get the right ranked champs for it, meaning 100% Act 8, 100% Act 9.1, 100% the Crucible, each of which give a r3 gem. Complaining about not wanting to play the game and advance your roster (which should be a natural progression) to get higher rewards is pointless.
  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,680 ★★★★

    Gamer said:

    Lokx said:

    PT_99 said:

    Rankup resources and r3 gems are available in single and full Necro run, 9.1, crucible, AoA, SQ quests, glory BG shops, July-4 cyber Banquet deals.

    You just don't want to play these modes which is okay,
    But then you also can't go, "wahhh, getting T4 alpha as Paragon is hard 😭"

    bro you say single necro run like it's a walk in the park
    Well i mean if you’re so skilled, why can’t you do it?. You’re bragging about completing act 8 and 9 with a 6* and 5*, surely you can easily go through a necro path. Or even better a crucible run.
    where was this same energy back when abyss was released, oh yeah that's because it was understandably hard content for ultra endgamers and wasn't required to progress.

    if you say necro is also optional I'd agree but anytime I ask people where to get r3 resources, they say "rUN iN tHe NecRo" valiant is side and hand mentioned with necropolis all the time unless you're p2w of course. in that case just pick up a few bundles and woah you're valiant.

    universal idea of skill is timing and health, I go in a quest expecting to go reviveless. necro is reviving camping and a minimum of 5 hours continous gameplay
    Gonna dive into the history books.

    Did abyss first run before they announced TB.
    When they announced TB, I already had a r3 6* for its requirement. And I was not any exception, plenty of players were in that postion.
    As gamer mentioned in previous comment either explore act 6 or do 1 abyss run. And You do not want to explore act6 in 2019, I can guarantee you that.

    Don't bring down f2p with those statements.
    Here's my f2p alt account, without doing necro.

    how do you even do that
    Gamer said:

    Lokx said:

    PT_99 said:

    Rankup resources and r3 gems are available in single and full Necro run, 9.1, crucible, AoA, SQ quests, glory BG shops, July-4 cyber Banquet deals.

    You just don't want to play these modes which is okay,
    But then you also can't go, "wahhh, getting T4 alpha as Paragon is hard 😭"

    bro you say single necro run like it's a walk in the park
    Well i mean if you’re so skilled, why can’t you do it?. You’re bragging about completing act 8 and 9 with a 6* and 5*, surely you can easily go through a necro path. Or even better a crucible run.
    where was this same energy back when abyss was released, oh yeah that's because it was understandably hard content for ultra endgamers and wasn't required to progress.

    if you say necro is also optional I'd agree but anytime I ask people where to get r3 resources, they say "rUN iN tHe NecRo" valiant is side and hand mentioned with necropolis all the time unless you're p2w of course. in that case just pick up a few bundles and woah you're valiant.

    universal idea of skill is timing and health, I go in a quest expecting to go reviveless. necro is reviving camping and a minimum of 5 hours continous gameplay
    Gonna dive into the history books.

    Did abyss first run before they announced TB.
    When they announced TB, I already had a r3 6* for its requirement. And I was not any exception, plenty of players were in that postion.
    As gamer mentioned in previous comment either explore act 6 or do 1 abyss run. And You do not want to explore act6 in 2019, I can guarantee you that.

    Don't bring down f2p with those statements.
    Here's my f2p alt account, without doing necro.

    how do you even do that
    Buy playing and doing the content necessary. It that’s simple
    ok makes sense. ig but necros still too hard for me to ever touch because I'm not that good and the next time endgame content comes around the rewards might be too meh for the effort.

    I've concluded that I'm just too lazy and will never invest too much time into "endgame" so I'm sorry for sounding dumb.

    I think I'll reach valiant by the time 9.2 rolls around anyways
    We’re all don’t play the same that also a fact so that said a lot and if you’re ain’t in to endgame content then shouldn’t say the new progression lvl shouldn’t required anything hard fx story content isn’t hard anymore it simple just take time
    no that's the thing, people tell me to do necro like it's the next natural thing for paragons to do

    My ftp alliance mate hasn't touched necro and got all this from hoarding 20k units from arenas and enjoying the banquet rewards.

    We were a 1-5% alliance rank, to be fair. I'll ask him where he is in story. Certainly not 9.1, of course.
  • the_eradicatorthe_eradicator Member Posts: 407 ★★★
    There was absolutely no need to touch necro to get valiant, crucible and act 8 and 9 100% will give you all the stuff.
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,034 ★★★★★
    I'm a f2p valiant who has never touched necro lol
  • Darthbane3141Darthbane3141 Member Posts: 764 ★★★

    Everyone knows Story content is easy. That’s why there’s speed runs to Valiant in less that a few weeks. The roadblocks are pulling the right champs for the right content. If you’ve completed 9.1 I’d assume you’re set.

    I really wish the next progression title is locked behind some seriously hard requirements, cause these casuals are getting too cocky and undeserving.

    Minimum requirements.

    100% all story content
    1 path in lab, abyss, necro.
    Must have 15 r3 7*, 3 x r4 7*
    Account no less than 3m
    PVP streak above 200
    Achieve Gladiators Circuit 10 times.
    Full deathless team unlocked.

    Speed run that noobs

    That might honestly be the worst idea I've seen on the forums, and there are a lot of bad ideas. That is what the top few players in the world do, do you want like 5 people to have the next title?
  • TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 929 ★★★

    No seriously, why cant it just be "woah you're skilled enough, here's the title"

    it takes the fun out of the game as I finished act 9 chapter 1 a long time ago with my 6 and 5 stars and after all this time I still have only barely enough to rank up 1 rank 3 seven star.

    people have told to explore act 9 and 8 but doesn't that go against the point of titles. honestly at this point just make it explore 100% and get the title

    I don't understand. There's definitely enough mats in 8 and 9.1 to get two 7R3s. And you finished those with 6s and 5s, and got some more 6s and 7s along the way now. So what's the problem again? You can totally become Valiant with little effort if what you say is true.
    Or are you saying you Herc'd your way through 8 and 9.1, but are doubting whether you have enough Hercing and revives left to fully Herxplore 8 and 9.1?
  • IronwarriorIronwarrior Member Posts: 100

    Lokx said:

    PT_99 said:

    Rankup resources and r3 gems are available in single and full Necro run, 9.1, crucible, AoA, SQ quests, glory BG shops, July-4 cyber Banquet deals.

    You just don't want to play these modes which is okay,
    But then you also can't go, "wahhh, getting T4 alpha as Paragon is hard 😭"

    bro you say single necro run like it's a walk in the park
    Well i mean if you’re so skilled, why can’t you do it?. You’re bragging about completing act 8 and 9 with a 6* and 5*, surely you can easily go through a necro path. Or even better a crucible run.
    where was this same energy back when abyss was released, oh yeah that's because it was understandably hard content for ultra endgamers and wasn't required to progress.

    if you say necro is also optional I'd agree but anytime I ask people where to get r3 resources, they say "rUN iN tHe NecRo" valiant is side and hand mentioned with necropolis all the time unless you're p2w of course. in that case just pick up a few bundles and woah you're valiant.

    universal idea of skill is timing and health, I go in a quest expecting to go reviveless. necro is reviving camping and a minimum of 5 hours continous gameplay
    Gonna dive into the history books.

    Did abyss first run before they announced TB.
    When they announced TB, I already had a r3 6* for its requirement. And I was not any exception, plenty of players were in that postion.
    As gamer mentioned in previous comment either explore act 6 or do 1 abyss run. And You do not want to explore act6 in 2019, I can guarantee you that.

    Don't bring down f2p with those statements.
    Here's my f2p alt account, without doing necro.

    how do you even do that
    Gamer said:

    Lokx said:

    PT_99 said:

    Rankup resources and r3 gems are available in single and full Necro run, 9.1, crucible, AoA, SQ quests, glory BG shops, July-4 cyber Banquet deals.

    You just don't want to play these modes which is okay,
    But then you also can't go, "wahhh, getting T4 alpha as Paragon is hard 😭"

    bro you say single necro run like it's a walk in the park
    Well i mean if you’re so skilled, why can’t you do it?. You’re bragging about completing act 8 and 9 with a 6* and 5*, surely you can easily go through a necro path. Or even better a crucible run.
    where was this same energy back when abyss was released, oh yeah that's because it was understandably hard content for ultra endgamers and wasn't required to progress.

    if you say necro is also optional I'd agree but anytime I ask people where to get r3 resources, they say "rUN iN tHe NecRo" valiant is side and hand mentioned with necropolis all the time unless you're p2w of course. in that case just pick up a few bundles and woah you're valiant.

    universal idea of skill is timing and health, I go in a quest expecting to go reviveless. necro is reviving camping and a minimum of 5 hours continous gameplay
    Gonna dive into the history books.

    Did abyss first run before they announced TB.
    When they announced TB, I already had a r3 6* for its requirement. And I was not any exception, plenty of players were in that postion.
    As gamer mentioned in previous comment either explore act 6 or do 1 abyss run. And You do not want to explore act6 in 2019, I can guarantee you that.

    Don't bring down f2p with those statements.
    Here's my f2p alt account, without doing necro.

    how do you even do that
    Buy playing and doing the content necessary. It that’s simple
    ok makes sense. ig but necros still too hard for me to ever touch because I'm not that good and the next time endgame content comes around the rewards might be too meh for the effort.

    I've concluded that I'm just too lazy and will never invest too much time into "endgame" so I'm sorry for sounding dumb.

    I think I'll reach valiant by the time 9.2 rolls around anyways
    If that’s genuinely your attitude then there’s no point in making this thread. Don’t want to do Necro? Fine, don’t do it. Want to be Valiant? Do the other things to get the right ranked champs for it, meaning 100% Act 8, 100% Act 9.1, 100% the Crucible, each of which give a r3 gem. Complaining about not wanting to play the game and advance your roster (which should be a natural progression) to get higher rewards is pointless.
    bro aside from ultra hard content the side quests barely give out any r3 mats if at all

    No seriously, why cant it just be "woah you're skilled enough, here's the title"

    it takes the fun out of the game as I finished act 9 chapter 1 a long time ago with my 6 and 5 stars and after all this time I still have only barely enough to rank up 1 rank 3 seven star.

    people have told to explore act 9 and 8 but doesn't that go against the point of titles. honestly at this point just make it explore 100% and get the title

    I don't understand. There's definitely enough mats in 8 and 9.1 to get two 7R3s. And you finished those with 6s and 5s, and got some more 6s and 7s along the way now. So what's the problem again? You can totally become Valiant with little effort if what you say is true.
    Or are you saying you Herc'd your way through 8 and 9.1, but are doubting whether you have enough Hercing and revives left to fully Herxplore 8 and 9.1?
    I don't have hercules
  • HassamaMamaHassamaMama Member Posts: 292 ★★★
    edited January 19

    Lokx said:

    PT_99 said:

    Rankup resources and r3 gems are available in single and full Necro run, 9.1, crucible, AoA, SQ quests, glory BG shops, July-4 cyber Banquet deals.

    You just don't want to play these modes which is okay,
    But then you also can't go, "wahhh, getting T4 alpha as Paragon is hard 😭"

    bro you say single necro run like it's a walk in the park
    Well i mean if you’re so skilled, why can’t you do it?. You’re bragging about completing act 8 and 9 with a 6* and 5*, surely you can easily go through a necro path. Or even better a crucible run.
    where was this same energy back when abyss was released, oh yeah that's because it was understandably hard content for ultra endgamers and wasn't required to progress.

    if you say necro is also optional I'd agree but anytime I ask people where to get r3 resources, they say "rUN iN tHe NecRo" valiant is side and hand mentioned with necropolis all the time unless you're p2w of course. in that case just pick up a few bundles and woah you're valiant.

    universal idea of skill is timing and health, I go in a quest expecting to go reviveless. necro is reviving camping and a minimum of 5 hours continous gameplay
    Gonna dive into the history books.

    Did abyss first run before they announced TB.
    When they announced TB, I already had a r3 6* for its requirement. And I was not any exception, plenty of players were in that postion.
    As gamer mentioned in previous comment either explore act 6 or do 1 abyss run. And You do not want to explore act6 in 2019, I can guarantee you that.

    Don't bring down f2p with those statements.
    Here's my f2p alt account, without doing necro.

    how do you even do that
    Gamer said:

    Lokx said:

    PT_99 said:

    Rankup resources and r3 gems are available in single and full Necro run, 9.1, crucible, AoA, SQ quests, glory BG shops, July-4 cyber Banquet deals.

    You just don't want to play these modes which is okay,
    But then you also can't go, "wahhh, getting T4 alpha as Paragon is hard 😭"

    bro you say single necro run like it's a walk in the park
    Well i mean if you’re so skilled, why can’t you do it?. You’re bragging about completing act 8 and 9 with a 6* and 5*, surely you can easily go through a necro path. Or even better a crucible run.
    where was this same energy back when abyss was released, oh yeah that's because it was understandably hard content for ultra endgamers and wasn't required to progress.

    if you say necro is also optional I'd agree but anytime I ask people where to get r3 resources, they say "rUN iN tHe NecRo" valiant is side and hand mentioned with necropolis all the time unless you're p2w of course. in that case just pick up a few bundles and woah you're valiant.

    universal idea of skill is timing and health, I go in a quest expecting to go reviveless. necro is reviving camping and a minimum of 5 hours continous gameplay
    Gonna dive into the history books.

    Did abyss first run before they announced TB.
    When they announced TB, I already had a r3 6* for its requirement. And I was not any exception, plenty of players were in that postion.
    As gamer mentioned in previous comment either explore act 6 or do 1 abyss run. And You do not want to explore act6 in 2019, I can guarantee you that.

    Don't bring down f2p with those statements.
    Here's my f2p alt account, without doing necro.

    how do you even do that
    Buy playing and doing the content necessary. It that’s simple
    ok makes sense. ig but necros still too hard for me to ever touch because I'm not that good and the next time endgame content comes around the rewards might be too meh for the effort.

    I've concluded that I'm just too lazy and will never invest too much time into "endgame" so I'm sorry for sounding dumb.

    I think I'll reach valiant by the time 9.2 rolls around anyways
    If that’s genuinely your attitude then there’s no point in making this thread. Don’t want to do Necro? Fine, don’t do it. Want to be Valiant? Do the other things to get the right ranked champs for it, meaning 100% Act 8, 100% Act 9.1, 100% the Crucible, each of which give a r3 gem. Complaining about not wanting to play the game and advance your roster (which should be a natural progression) to get higher rewards is pointless.
    bro aside from ultra hard content the side quests barely give out any r3 mats if at all

    No seriously, why cant it just be "woah you're skilled enough, here's the title"

    it takes the fun out of the game as I finished act 9 chapter 1 a long time ago with my 6 and 5 stars and after all this time I still have only barely enough to rank up 1 rank 3 seven star.

    people have told to explore act 9 and 8 but doesn't that go against the point of titles. honestly at this point just make it explore 100% and get the title

    I don't understand. There's definitely enough mats in 8 and 9.1 to get two 7R3s. And you finished those with 6s and 5s, and got some more 6s and 7s along the way now. So what's the problem again? You can totally become Valiant with little effort if what you say is true.
    Or are you saying you Herc'd your way through 8 and 9.1, but are doubting whether you have enough Hercing and revives left to fully Herxplore 8 and 9.1?
    I don't have hercules
    You’re missing the point - r3 mats shouldn’t be hand-outs for those not willing to put in the slightest bit of effort.

    Do the content - it’s not ultra difficult. Act 8 100% takes the longest but is relatively easy; Act 9.1 is easy if you’re so skilled; Crucible isn’t difficult. Do two of those three things, get the rewards, rank up two 7*s to r3.

    We’ve all given you the answers, but if you don’t want to do the work then don’t complain about not being Valiant. Simple.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 6,788 ★★★★★

    PT_99 said:

    Rankup resources and r3 gems are available in single and full Necro run, 9.1, crucible, AoA, SQ quests, glory BG shops, July-4 cyber Banquet deals.

    You just don't want to play these modes which is okay,
    But then you also can't go, "wahhh, getting T4 alpha as Paragon is hard 😭"

    bro you say single necro run like it's a walk in the park
    A bit of contrast with "woah you are skilled here is title"...
  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 662 ★★★
    We have paragons who don't have 2x 7* rank 3 and we have paragons who have 2x 7* rank 3 (lazy to do story quest requirement?)
  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,680 ★★★★

    We have paragons who don't have 2x 7* rank 3 and we have paragons who have 2x 7* rank 3 (lazy to do story quest requirement?)

    My alli mate who is paragon and has 2 7r3s tells me he mostly does arenas and bgs. Now that he has 7r3s from banquet he's getting around to story. I see who he has troubles with in AQ and AW so I'd say he's got ok skills so shouldn't take long.
  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 662 ★★★

    We have paragons who don't have 2x 7* rank 3 and we have paragons who have 2x 7* rank 3 (lazy to do story quest requirement?)

    My alli mate who is paragon and has 2 7r3s tells me he mostly does arenas and bgs. Now that he has 7r3s from banquet he's getting around to story. I see who he has troubles with in AQ and AW so I'd say he's got ok skills so shouldn't take long.
    Story quest requirement is the easy part actually
  • IronwarriorIronwarrior Member Posts: 100

    PT_99 said:

    Rankup resources and r3 gems are available in single and full Necro run, 9.1, crucible, AoA, SQ quests, glory BG shops, July-4 cyber Banquet deals.

    You just don't want to play these modes which is okay,
    But then you also can't go, "wahhh, getting T4 alpha as Paragon is hard 😭"

    bro you say single necro run like it's a walk in the park
    A bit of contrast with "woah you are skilled here is title"...
    necro is not fun
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 6,788 ★★★★★

    PT_99 said:

    Rankup resources and r3 gems are available in single and full Necro run, 9.1, crucible, AoA, SQ quests, glory BG shops, July-4 cyber Banquet deals.

    You just don't want to play these modes which is okay,
    But then you also can't go, "wahhh, getting T4 alpha as Paragon is hard 😭"

    bro you say single necro run like it's a walk in the park
    A bit of contrast with "woah you are skilled here is title"...
    necro is not fun
    Exploring the acts and every source available for r3 rank ups is really not that hard either...
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,400 ★★★★★

    PT_99 said:

    Rankup resources and r3 gems are available in single and full Necro run, 9.1, crucible, AoA, SQ quests, glory BG shops, July-4 cyber Banquet deals.

    You just don't want to play these modes which is okay,
    But then you also can't go, "wahhh, getting T4 alpha as Paragon is hard 😭"

    bro you say single necro run like it's a walk in the park
    A bit of contrast with "woah you are skilled here is title"...
    necro is not fun
    Don’t need to I giv you 2 combo you can do.
    1 is act 8 and 9.1 100 that valaint the second is 9.1 100 and crucible. That gives your mat to.
  • IronwarriorIronwarrior Member Posts: 100
    Gamer said:

    PT_99 said:

    Rankup resources and r3 gems are available in single and full Necro run, 9.1, crucible, AoA, SQ quests, glory BG shops, July-4 cyber Banquet deals.

    You just don't want to play these modes which is okay,
    But then you also can't go, "wahhh, getting T4 alpha as Paragon is hard 😭"

    bro you say single necro run like it's a walk in the park
    A bit of contrast with "woah you are skilled here is title"...
    necro is not fun
    Don’t need to I giv you 2 combo you can do.
    1 is act 8 and 9.1 100 that valaint the second is 9.1 100 and crucible. That gives your mat to.
    yeah I will.

    I really didn't mean to dislike farm and sound like a bum. sorry people
  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 662 ★★★
    I'm a valiant
    You are a valiant
    Everybody is a valiant

    Especially after banquet where 6x T4A were available at a lower price than normal
  • GrabmeMCOCGrabmeMCOC Member Posts: 101
    edited January 19

    Everyone knows Story content is easy. That’s why there’s speed runs to Valiant in less that a few weeks. The roadblocks are pulling the right champs for the right content. If you’ve completed 9.1 I’d assume you’re set.

    I really wish the next progression title is locked behind some seriously hard requirements, cause these casuals are getting too cocky and undeserving.

    Minimum requirements.

    100% all story content
    1 path in lab, abyss, necro.
    Must have 15 r3 7*, 3 x r4 7*
    Account no less than 3m
    PVP streak above 200
    Achieve Gladiators Circuit 10 times.
    Full deathless team unlocked.

    Speed run that noobs

    That might honestly be the worst idea I've seen on the forums, and there are a lot of bad ideas. That is what the top few players in the world do, do you want like 5 people to have the next title?
    I want the next progression title to be earned and not given away like the last one. And everything I suggested is achievable. Most top players (who this is aimed at) have all those 100% already besides r4.

    Get a grip.
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,633 ★★★★★

    Everyone knows Story content is easy. That’s why there’s speed runs to Valiant in less that a few weeks. The roadblocks are pulling the right champs for the right content. If you’ve completed 9.1 I’d assume you’re set.

    I really wish the next progression title is locked behind some seriously hard requirements, cause these casuals are getting too cocky and undeserving.

    Minimum requirements.

    100% all story content
    1 path in lab, abyss, necro.
    Must have 15 r3 7*, 3 x r4 7*
    Account no less than 3m
    PVP streak above 200
    Achieve Gladiators Circuit 10 times.
    Full deathless team unlocked.

    Speed run that noobs

    That might honestly be the worst idea I've seen on the forums, and there are a lot of bad ideas. That is what the top few players in the world do, do you want like 5 people to have the next title?
    I want the next progression title to be earned and not given away like the last one.
    The progression title that required Necropolis exploration for the first several months of its existence was “given away?”
  • GrabmeMCOCGrabmeMCOC Member Posts: 101
    Wicket329 said:

    Everyone knows Story content is easy. That’s why there’s speed runs to Valiant in less that a few weeks. The roadblocks are pulling the right champs for the right content. If you’ve completed 9.1 I’d assume you’re set.

    I really wish the next progression title is locked behind some seriously hard requirements, cause these casuals are getting too cocky and undeserving.

    Minimum requirements.

    100% all story content
    1 path in lab, abyss, necro.
    Must have 15 r3 7*, 3 x r4 7*
    Account no less than 3m
    PVP streak above 200
    Achieve Gladiators Circuit 10 times.
    Full deathless team unlocked.

    Speed run that noobs

    That might honestly be the worst idea I've seen on the forums, and there are a lot of bad ideas. That is what the top few players in the world do, do you want like 5 people to have the next title?
    I want the next progression title to be earned and not given away like the last one.
    The progression title that required Necropolis exploration for the first several months of its existence was “given away?”
    After the initial necro dust settled they made Valiant accessible to speed runners. Within 6 months. Yes. Gave it away.
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,633 ★★★★★

    Everyone knows Story content is easy. That’s why there’s speed runs to Valiant in less that a few weeks. The roadblocks are pulling the right champs for the right content. If you’ve completed 9.1 I’d assume you’re set.

    I really wish the next progression title is locked behind some seriously hard requirements, cause these casuals are getting too cocky and undeserving.

    Minimum requirements.

    100% all story content
    1 path in lab, abyss, necro.
    Must have 15 r3 7*, 3 x r4 7*
    Account no less than 3m
    PVP streak above 200
    Achieve Gladiators Circuit 10 times.
    Full deathless team unlocked.

    Speed run that noobs

    That might honestly be the worst idea I've seen on the forums, and there are a lot of bad ideas. That is what the top few players in the world do, do you want like 5 people to have the next title?
    I want the next progression title to be earned and not given away like the last one. And everything I suggested is achievable. Most top players (who this is aimed at) have all those 100% already besides r4.

    Get a grip.
    I see you edited this to make it a worse take after I quoted it. Your original list of requirements isn’t a bad list because it is overly difficult, it’s a bad list because it’s not well thought out. 100% story? Why? Why does it matter if somebody has 100% explored act 3 in 2025? Same with a path of LoL or Abyss, that’s largely obsolete content today, what does it matter if somebody has skipped it? 200 PvP streak? Truly who cares what somebody’s PvP streak is. 10 seasons of gladiator’s circuit? Why force people who don’t care about the mode to do it ten times? That’s just bad game design.

    As it stands the only content that Kabam *requires* to be played for progression is story, and that makes sense. Everything else is ancillary. It will dramatically speed up your progression to do those things, but they are not and should not be required.
  • GrabmeMCOCGrabmeMCOC Member Posts: 101
    Wicket329 said:

    Wicket329 said:

    Everyone knows Story content is easy. That’s why there’s speed runs to Valiant in less that a few weeks. The roadblocks are pulling the right champs for the right content. If you’ve completed 9.1 I’d assume you’re set.

    I really wish the next progression title is locked behind some seriously hard requirements, cause these casuals are getting too cocky and undeserving.

    Minimum requirements.

    100% all story content
    1 path in lab, abyss, necro.
    Must have 15 r3 7*, 3 x r4 7*
    Account no less than 3m
    PVP streak above 200
    Achieve Gladiators Circuit 10 times.
    Full deathless team unlocked.

    Speed run that noobs

    That might honestly be the worst idea I've seen on the forums, and there are a lot of bad ideas. That is what the top few players in the world do, do you want like 5 people to have the next title?
    I want the next progression title to be earned and not given away like the last one.
    The progression title that required Necropolis exploration for the first several months of its existence was “given away?”
    After the initial necro dust settled they made Valiant accessible to speed runners. Within 6 months. Yes. Gave it away.
    You say speed runners so derisively, but that’s silly. Speed runners (like Cant0na) are people who are immensely talented players of the game. They didn’t just pick up the game fresh, learn controls, trip, and fall into Valiant. They took the time on their main accounts, strategized the most efficient possible way to accomplish a goal, likely practiced difficult content with suboptimal options, and then executed. They worked harder on those speed runs than I ever have for anything in the game. That doesn’t prove the game is easy, it proves those people are just built different.
    Just going to have to disagree. Those rushing to Valiant can do so with average ability. Bypass core game elements and the complain about game economy and balance.

    This will be my last reply as we clearly have different views. Ultimately, I want senior Valiants to be able to progress and be rewarded.

    Enjoy your day/evening.
  • Mughal50XMughal50X Member Posts: 27
    I did become valiant without doing a necropolis run so it is possible.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,027 ★★★★★
    Necro only looks hard. Once you jump in. It's not that hard.
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