Which Mystic champ would you R3?

My final help request for the evening: Which Mystic champ would you R3? Here are the options:

I’m leaning pretty heavily towards the Hood who I have an sig 65. He’s got so much going for him and generally is pretty underrated. I know most folks will probably suggest Spiral but I’ll admit I don’t love her play style. White Tiger and Doggo could also be options. I already finished the Carina’s 10 year challenges, so don’t think I need to R3 my Wong or D Guilly at this point.
What do you all think?

I’m leaning pretty heavily towards the Hood who I have an sig 65. He’s got so much going for him and generally is pretty underrated. I know most folks will probably suggest Spiral but I’ll admit I don’t love her play style. White Tiger and Doggo could also be options. I already finished the Carina’s 10 year challenges, so don’t think I need to R3 my Wong or D Guilly at this point.
What do you all think?
Which Mystic champ would you R3? 56 votes
if not hood is great
Still love my Hood though so tough call.