Valiant with this roster......

I have been playing the game for quite some time (on-off) and after 3 years of not playing I started again in Nov 24, became valiant with the below roster. I am not particularly a skilled player but okayish, just wanted to know if becoming valiant with below roster was good or normal

it's normal as there is lot of content which easily can get you valiant compared to last year. Nothing that super amazing considering you wanted to hear Amazing but not in that way i guess.
If its about achievement, here you go then
Solid job. you have unlocked solid perks being Valiant. Now try to improve your roster and take on endgame content if you haven't done like Necro 100% or Carina's challenges. That will give solid rewards and might help your roster to bridge gap more.
I have written down both the perspective which others might also want to say or maybe not. Nonetheless good luck for future content.
Congrats, though!
Time to tackle some endgame content! 💪