Kabam, are you ever going to acknowledge this AI intercept issue? It's getting infuriating!

UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
Since the 60fps update, and especially since one of the newer updates (can't remember exactly when it started, but I'm sure lots could chime in cause I know a ton of us are experiencing this), now when you go in to medium intercept, the defender can half the time counter with their OWN medium intercept, like it can move and 'input' during invisible frames that no human can do.

I know the difference between a light intercept counter, and the defender literally rushing in in a way that should not be possible.

I have seen numerous complaints throughout other posts the past month or so, and not a single acknowledgment from Kabam. It has made certain characters feel nearly unplayable, and just makes the overall play style less fun and the game a lot less fun as a consequence.

Is this even on Kabam's radar? It feels like the type of thing that should be at the forefront of their fixes, but there's practically 100 things that need fixing in this game, so I don't even know anymore.


  • UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    Thanks Bendy for that -

    Just did another fight where the Parry that clearly should've been just... wasn't, and I took a 5 hit combo to the face. I know that related issue was also happening. Hopefully that's on their radar too.
  • MasquiradeMasquirade Member Posts: 275 ★★
    If I get light/sidestep intercepted one more time I'll be in need of a new device 🤯
  • Darthbane3141Darthbane3141 Member Posts: 804 ★★★★
    It's happening to me too. I get consistently medium intercepted while I am medium intercepting, getting light intercepted, side stepped, my parries aren't registering even as a blocked hit, my medium attacks are whiffing, sometimes when I dash forwarding I dash backward with no reverse control node. This is all happening since the latest update, none of this used to happen. I'm not just bad😂
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,638 ★★★★★
    Bendy said:

    Yes its on their radar on still being worked on to being fixed

    From a previous post of intercepting with mediums from a guardian

    Hey, I’m in this picture!

    To OP’s point, it’s on the radar. Hopefully it gets fixed soon, it’s a real bummer when you do everything correctly, the AI doesn’t even do a weird thing, and it just doesn’t work.
  • xLunatiXxxLunatiXx Member Posts: 1,490 ★★★★★
    Asher1_1 said:

    The thing is before the update they never mentioned it was a bug anywhere 🤷🤷
    But they mentioned it's fixed in the monthly update

    I was in 30 fps before the update it was working fine but now it's happening in 30 fps 🤷🤷.

    Tbh I wish I never got to see what 60fps looked like (cause now you can't go back to 30) and we stayed in a stable 30 fps version with it's own bugs yes, but less than now with introducing this new feature. I was among others already talking back then about 60fps related bugs that were going to appear and months later here we are...
  • Supersha7Supersha7 Member Posts: 320 ★★★
    It’s getting a lot again - all the failed inputs again - getting hit at the very start of fight because block at start fails to register. Getting hit at start of fight because you decide to dash back instead of block, and it fails to register. Med intercept as stated above, special misses - punishing a special that used to be punishable, only to have your attack whiff, and then you get hit. Special attacks that miss in parts . I was fighting deathless vision, and his sp1 straight up missed me. I was standing next to him, he fired sp1, block failed (I just stood there) and the sp1 just passed through me, allowing me to continue.

    It’s also getting slower - all the extra time simply navigating around, not even on a fight screen, because the game takes so long to load some screens and when using iso.

    Taking 30 seconds endlessly swiping down on my boost screen to try and make it move down to the 20% atk hp boost. That’s just annoying. I mean…wtf…how can it not register an input to swipe down on a menu screen….

    I wonder if it’s all connected. Failed input on menu screens? Failed input in fight screen? Just errors in one part of the game leeching into others now?
  • AjisdopeAjisdope Member Posts: 968 ★★★
    OMG the amount the ai intercepts so easily is very frustrating. About to take a break after ten years with this game just because of it. And trust me, there have been many things over the years that have caused people to leave.
  • DontsellthemDontsellthem Member Posts: 809 ★★★
    Been happening to me too. Not constantly but several times when I go in for an intercept and get my teeth kicked in. The same intercept will work more than 90% of the time. And I’m not even on 60fps. I didn’t notice big enough change so I went back to 30
  • gannicus0830gannicus0830 Member Posts: 696 ★★★★
    No. No they won't. Not until every other post is a complaint about it and they can't ignore it anymore.
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,224 ★★★★
    Would be nice to hear something substantive from Kabam. It’s great that Pikolu chimed in but I’d appreciate something official. I’m tired of losing intercepts and checking the hud to make sure they don’t have some random untouchable they I missed.
  • DedeskalionDedeskalion Member Posts: 12
    How is this still not fixed?
  • J0eySn0wJ0eySn0w Member Posts: 990 ★★★★
    I mentioned this a while ago and people didn’t take it serious. Intercept for me is now a 50/50 on 60fps. I just don’t know if it will land or not. I’ve played this game 8+ yrs and I know when I’ve landed a successful intercept but somehow I get hit. But I do like how dexterity is now on 60fps, so I just stick to playing it more safely and minimising intercept in my gameplay. Sucks but working with what I’ve got.
  • PenzitoPenzito Member Posts: 107
    J0eySn0w said:

    I mentioned this a while ago and people didn’t take it serious. Intercept for me is now a 50/50 on 60fps. I just don’t know if it will land or not. I’ve played this game 8+ yrs and I know when I’ve landed a successful intercept but somehow I get hit. But I do like how dexterity is now on 60fps, so I just stick to playing it more safely and minimising intercept in my gameplay. Sucks but working with what I’ve got.

    Happens on 30fps too.
  • IronwarriorIronwarrior Member Posts: 109
    Bendy said:

    Yes its on their radar on still being worked on to being fixed

    From a previous post of intercepting with mediums from a guardian

    how can a problem like this even be fixed if its a animation fps issue or is it totally an AI issue?
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,034 ★★★★★

  • IronwarriorIronwarrior Member Posts: 109
    J0eySn0w said:

    I mentioned this a while ago and people didn’t take it serious. Intercept for me is now a 50/50 on 60fps. I just don’t know if it will land or not. I’ve played this game 8+ yrs and I know when I’ve landed a successful intercept but somehow I get hit. But I do like how dexterity is now on 60fps, so I just stick to playing it more safely and minimising intercept in my gameplay. Sucks but working with what I’ve got.

    same I usually dex and heavy bait but nowadays the defenders just LOVE to 4 combo into a block and back at the usual defensive gimmick. to be safe I push them against the wall and then intercept
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