If you could release one skill and one mutant deathless, who would it be?

So we’ve got Thanos and King Groot (Cosmic), Guillotine (Mystic), Vision (tech), She-Hulk (Science). Their all cool in their own ways, but there’s one issue.
Why don’t we have a skill and mutant one?
Who do you think would be the best skill and mutant deathless champ, how would they work, and why?
Why don’t we have a skill and mutant one?
Who do you think would be the best skill and mutant deathless champ, how would they work, and why?
Maybe Taskmaster or a Daredevil. Not sure what kit to give them, but I think they’d just be rad.
Deathless blade might be good, instead of holding block to regen, apply degen to opponent.
I think Karnak could be really cool. Iceman I'm on the fence about. Psylock as mentioned could be really interesting.
So at max sig he will definitely be a viable option for bg and aw
Deathless winter soldier would be the best deathless we could ever get because we have emotional attachment with winter soldier so maybe with some combo mechanic and high bleed damage could be interesting and would be loved by the community
And for mutant , deathless Archangel or Wolverine don't sound half bad
For mutant storm X!
Deathless Rogue
Skill could be Elektra or punisher