Arenas Question
Member Posts: 771 ★★★
Just curious to hear different people's perspectives on this if anyone cares to share.
As I've cleared content this year from beginner through all of 9.1 (and some side content), my sources of units have dried up.
Thanks to the gracious advice of some forum members, I did figure out how to get the infinite streaks, but it still takes me about 2 hours to clear each of the two main arenas. (I wish I could do the 4 star arena easily too, but I only have a handful of ranked up 4s).
So just taking the Border Tribe one as an example, that's 2 hours for 135 guaranteed units and, even assuming good RNG, maybe like 65 units on the chips. So 200 total. Heck, let's go crazy RNG and make it 270 total.
Now if we take the worst unit deal you could possibly buy, the Peter Parker 135 units for $5, or 270 for $10, that comes out to $5 worth of units for an hour of grinding Arena.
It's kind of a bitter pill to swallow because I would not do anything I didn't enjoy for $5 an hour. That would be absurd.
I still kind of enjoy arena for now, especially for testing out new champs or new strategies/tactics, but I can see it becoming tiresome pretty soon.
So, if you do find it more of a grind than enjoyment, how do you justify it?
As I've cleared content this year from beginner through all of 9.1 (and some side content), my sources of units have dried up.
Thanks to the gracious advice of some forum members, I did figure out how to get the infinite streaks, but it still takes me about 2 hours to clear each of the two main arenas. (I wish I could do the 4 star arena easily too, but I only have a handful of ranked up 4s).
So just taking the Border Tribe one as an example, that's 2 hours for 135 guaranteed units and, even assuming good RNG, maybe like 65 units on the chips. So 200 total. Heck, let's go crazy RNG and make it 270 total.
Now if we take the worst unit deal you could possibly buy, the Peter Parker 135 units for $5, or 270 for $10, that comes out to $5 worth of units for an hour of grinding Arena.
It's kind of a bitter pill to swallow because I would not do anything I didn't enjoy for $5 an hour. That would be absurd.
I still kind of enjoy arena for now, especially for testing out new champs or new strategies/tactics, but I can see it becoming tiresome pretty soon.
So, if you do find it more of a grind than enjoyment, how do you justify it?
Suicides cut your time by about 25-30% (depending on the AI), and express arena cuts your time down by about a guaranteed 30% or so. So if you're at two hours without those things, you can knock it down closer to an hour or so.
But as is said above, I am usually doing other stuff while running arenas. I'll do them at the gym while I'm on the bike or treadmill. I'll pull up YouTube videos and put them in a pop-up window and watch/listen while I play. I also try and spread them out. I really only do featured and basic and only ever touch the other when when I am bored and have extra time. If I just put in 45-60 minutes a day, I'll finish the milestones of the two without much stress.
First, it doesn't take me two hours to grind each of the 6* arenas. Typically, it takes me about 40ish rounds for the featured and 35ish rounds for the basic these days, which is like an hour and a half or less. The amount of time drops over time as your roster grows. And I owe that large roster in large part historically to grinding arena. Going all the way back to when there was a 3* and 4* arena, I would do as much as I could to try to land 3* and 4* champs, even if it was just the basic, to fill out my roster. This gave me more champs to grind arena faster, which accelerated my ability to get more champs to speed up my grinds. Even up to the point where I was still growing my 6* roster I would try to get the basic where possible, specifically to deepen my roster. It just comes automatically to me at this point, even though I am not really using arena for that purpose any longer as I don't have that many gaps outside of 7* rarity. But I still make it a point to pick up the 3* and 4* versions of every new champ, because why not.
But the more important reason these days is simply that while I could spend money to buy units and no longer have to grind arena. that would defeat the purpose of me playing the game in the first place. I am not a free to play player: I do spend on the game. But to the largest extent possible, I want my account to be built with my own efforts. Spending might disproportionately affect my account, but nevertheless if I can do it, I want to do it, for no other reason than my own knowledge that I did it.
I could buy everything and do nothing, and that would be much faster and more economically efficient. But I play the game to play the game, and i grind arena to earn those units in the game because I can.
Not many games allow its players to earn usable currency for free and its great that we have a choice either way.
No one is suggesting its stimulating and the best format in game but at least its there.
Like, it may not be strictly necessary, but we at least all want units if we're playing this game. So I can play arena for 1 or 2 hours and get $10 worth of units. But then, if I'm strictly chasing units and don't enjoy Arena, I could also just take on 2 extra hours of work in my own field for let's say $200.
But then if I end up spending that money to buy units, assuming that was the sole motivation for taking on that extra work, I'm sure a lot of players would call me a whale who was ruining the game for everyone else. While I don't 100% believe that's a correct sentiment, I definitely sympathize with it and am uncomfortable being part of that resentment.
Featured takes 39-40 so I'll usually play 5 rounds on day one whenever I have time. Then finish up over next couple days at lunch. If I'm taking my kid to activities, I'll play while I wait for her. I rarely play much at home for long periods of it's not a weekend.
4* arena I really only play on day 3 when I've done the other two, unless I'm grinding hard. And I often skip it entirely. Many times I only do half of the featured also. If I don't feel like playing the game I don't. Like right now feeling kinda burnt out so haven't done any arenas today. Butt there's plenty of time to finish them if I feel like it tomorrow.
I low-key enjoy arenas though. Playing lots of champs I rarely use, easy fights, kinda relaxing.
Buy them or grind them, you do you, just value your time in game appropriately and you'll enjoy it
On top of that, you log in daily and get the login calendar units: 100 per month, 1200 per year.
Then you autofight the low tiers of Monthly EQ. That’s 150 units x 3, plus 171 units from Proven just because, or 621 units per month, 7452 units per year.
While you’re autofighting, max out the Super Daily Event. 30 units per day, 10950 units per year.
That’s gets you to 47,682 units. Not an unlimited supply, but not bad for a little bit of grinding and a bunch of unattended autofighting. And in fact, it’s a bit more than that because you’d also get units from battlechips from all that arena grinding. You’re actually looking at on the order of 60,000 units per year at this level of activity.
If you want to spend money, buy the $5 USD unit card first. That’s 735 units per 30 days, or about 8820 units per year at a cost of about $60 USD. You’re now approaching 70,000 units per year, for some grind and minimal spend.