Looking for semi active alliance
I play pretty regularly, Valiant, 24k Prestige. Don't mind doing all of the things (haven't tried raids yet), but want to do a little less after carrying my entire alliance for several months. And I won't get on Line but discord is fine. Let me know if you have a space.
Ping me ingame: zuffy
We are an active semit-retired alliance. Adult alliance so we don't tolerate discrimation or hate speech.
AQ we run map 6x2 and map 4x1. We have one raid BG group when it's on (first come basis). Must help with AQ everyday
War is optional, 3 groups, only need to use the 40% revives for the cost of 1 loyalty, must place different defenders for diversity.
No minimum required for BG, our score is around 3-4.5 million on a normal BG event and during a special event than we get close to 9 million.
We use line to communicate.
Line name is Aydennoah1 and ingame name is Ayden_Noah1. Let me know if you interested.