Beta Ray Bill and Enchantress Balance Update Discussion



  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,623 ★★★★★

    I've been trying to read the nodes but can't find it - which one is Heavy Hitter?
    Ok so by coincidence I’m watching lags’ new war video which has an enchantress on that node lol. It’s path 5 node 14
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,623 ★★★★★
    BigBlueOx said:

    Yeah it’s a heavy hitter type node. She’s unstoppable throughout her heavy. And there’s a 90% chance of her getting the untouchable active at the start of the fight (I’m calling absolute BS on whatever the kit says). It’s not an impossible fight but it can fall apart super easily, and if you can’t hit her to dispel the green after 4 tries and loosing 30% of your health trying to bait heavys that’s the “fun” we are intended to have.
    Yea I wish the miss wasn’t rng reliant but idk exactly how to balance it without taking it away entirely but that seems too drastic
  • xLunatiXxxLunatiXx Member Posts: 1,493 ★★★★★

    So, there's a bit of a mis-interpretation here which has really spiraled and become a thing ever since the rebalancing period was announced. Almost making the term 'rebalancing' itself a misnomer. At least how we, the community, view it vs how it's used and intended by the development and balancing team.

    Rebalancing isn't aimed at making champions perfectly balanced characters. They're not supposed to be. They're not all meant to be both great attackers and defenders. They're not even necessarily meant to be comparable to each other. At least not all of them all of the time.

    That's not what rebalancing is nor is it what it's intended to mean.

    Rebalancing, is regarding the champion's specific and uniquely projected goals. When a champion does not attain the marks that was set for them by the team - they get rebalanced. Balanced back towards those markers/goals. So whether they're over-performing or under-performing, it doesn't matter.

    The process has nothing to do with whether or not Leader is perfectly balanced overall as a character in the eyes of the community. The Leader was designed and released with very specific goals. Does he meet them: Yes -> No rebalance is needed. No? -> Rebalance.
    What was The Leader intention and goals?
    Being utterly useless across the board ? The goal was reached -> no rebalance
  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 2,324 ★★★★
    Personally I think if they're focusing on rebalancing a set 3 characters per half year I can understand why they left them both. BRB is perfectly fine as is, and while enchantress getting a bit of an offensive buff would have made her better I think she still works well in longer fights as long as you make sure to keep her charm up as long as possible for the extra power. Once she gets her spells locked in and you're spamming sp2s she absolutely shreds, and as much as she would be better with less ramp up for short fights I think it becomes a case of whether or not she's far enough away from the mark to take up one of the 3 slots.
  • Awesomep12Awesomep12 Member Posts: 1,686 ★★★★
    Why are you surprised? Kabam suck with rebalancing. Just ask leader and serpent. Nice one guys! You suck sometimes
  • Beerus2StrongBeerus2Strong Member Posts: 46

    See title

    Personally disappointed that Enchantress hasn't received a slight defense nerf or attack buff. Her damage reflection is a bit too much making for oddly lopsided matchups even when fighting a much lower PI Enchantress than your attacker.

    Buffing her attack would be great but nerfing Enchantress would be absolutely nuts. I couldn't beat her until just 3 days ago when I finally decided to learn how she works. She's been so much easier to fight since. More like a punching bag really.
  • BosleyBosley Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    KABAM is so out of touch with the game and the community now that it's actually laughable.
  • J0eySn0wJ0eySn0w Member Posts: 1,001 ★★★★
    I believe she should be removed from the game—it would be better off without her. I have a Rank 3, Sig 100, and I still don’t care. I hate fighting her and refuse to use her. I completely agree with KT1’s critique of her character design. Just in the last war, one of my alliance mates was so frustrated that they considered quitting the game. We had to calm him down.

    Her defense RNG, the poorly thought-out node interactions (Kabam even calls it “nasty spot,” as if they’re proud of it), completely ruin the fun and joy of playing. This trend of creating champions that guarantee health loss is exhausting. If this keeps up, even if you don’t lose existing players, newer players won’t join. Personally, I can’t recommend this game to anyone given the current state.

    The decisions and logic from the team are baffling. Serpent is balanced, and so is Enchantress. But Black Widow Clairvoyant (BWCV) as a 7-star? That’s not balanced. If Serpent and Enchantress are deemed balanced, then champions like Magic and Doom should also be fine as 7-stars. It’s clear there’s a massive double standard at play. Defensive threats are acceptable, but offensive champions are apparently not? The hypocrisy is staggering. It feels like Kabam sits on a judgment throne, deciding what’s right or wrong without any consistency or logic.
  • Chosen85Chosen85 Member Posts: 68

    The miss is so damn annoying. I missed like 4 times in a row . It was worse in power struggle where you would keep getting a bar of power less when you got clipped
    This is my one gripe with her defensive kit. Adding missnwas justin overkill.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,141 ★★★★★

    Pretty much what I expected. Base enchantress isn’t a big deal it’s only really when nodes are added on that she gets rather unbalanced.

    I don’t play aw, but to those who do, is she still broken op on heavy hitter? I remember even 5* were getting kills with that node but idk if that’s more so due to the tactic or the node.

    100% agreed. Enchantress on her own is nothing special, needs nodes to be a nuisance defender.

    Shes like the mystic Arcade. Without additional nodes, they dont really need a counter, just a specific playstyle
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,644 ★★★★★
    Dont mess with my Enchantress 😍
    Only if a buff

    Or else...

    I will crush you, honey!
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