What is this VT node in bgs? Is this a joke?

All my champs melt from incinrate in 20 seconds
Dont see a reason to waste time on this season
This bgs rewards not even good enough anyway
Dont see a reason to waste time on this season
This bgs rewards not even good enough anyway
And im valiant 3mil rating
Not everyone have all champs in the game
There are lots of ways to play around Hazard Shift, it’s really not that bad of a node if you take the time to plan out your deck.
That didn't seem very productive though.
I'll share the link anyway. He streams sometimes and does BGs regularly. Chill dude fr
So, for example, Photon will be fine against any defender, but if like Hulk is facing a non-#Sugar Pill defender, then he will take hazard damage until he's in gamma and inflicting and pausing his various debuffs.
Ditto for someone like Gamora, who's also #Decay, but won't be putting up enough Debuffs on her own to mitigate hazard damage. She'll need to face a #Sugar Pill defender to get those extra debuffs from the sugar pills.
“Not everyone have all champs in the game” might be true for Cavs and TB. I expect a Valiant to have at least 99% of champs as a 6*. Ranked up is another story but you became valiant too fast
There is a downside to her: she'll take a little health loss getting to BI. And once her Indestructible expires, it takes 40 seconds to regain it. So she'll lose more health if there are any damaging debuffs on her. Also, she's likely to get banned lol. Not always, but expect it. Mine gets banned quite often this meta. But she's still worth the investment.
They said that you need to be facing #SugarPill OR can inflict a lot of debuffs on their own. You said so yourself: "...if u have the debuffs..."