Power gain metas.. please… just stop Kabam. I’m literally begging you.
Kabam, I love the fact that we’re going to back to two BG metas a season- because if it wasn’t for that; I wouldn’t touch this GC node with a ten foot pole.
Anyway, please stop bringing variations of power gain metas to BG’s- and make a mode that’s already heavily RNG based, even more RNG based.
It doesn’t matter how much skill or gamesense I have (or don’t have sometimes) if the AI is just like “Nah, you get no openings today” and ONLY throws specials- during the timer after you knock them down.
Anyway, please stop bringing variations of power gain metas to BG’s- and make a mode that’s already heavily RNG based, even more RNG based.
It doesn’t matter how much skill or gamesense I have (or don’t have sometimes) if the AI is just like “Nah, you get no openings today” and ONLY throws specials- during the timer after you knock them down.
If that’s deemed as “skill based” this mode is chocked.
For example, I’m very very much looking forward to the safeguard meta- where my max sig R3 Emma Frost will shine on defense.
I don’t complain about metas typically (or I try not to at least) unless they’re power gain related.
Because then you take most of the skill out of the mode, and make it a “Who’s AI will be more or less cooperative” matchup.
It’s just not fun at all.
There is also a power gain meta you complain about too, but since you said you complain about power gain metas, I left that off. I only went back to November also.
Damn AI just turtles till it reach red power bar and then immediately throws it.
Serpent’s SP2 takes so long that the timer elapses and you don’t give him the power gain.
Bullseye and Maestro have SP2s that are much easier to fully evade.
Go as far back into my post history as you’d like, clearly you have nothing else better to do.
I’d like to add by the way, that first one you posted, is technically still a power gain meta.
I hate nuke metas and power gain metas. I’ve said this many times, in both responses to people; and trolls like you on my posts.
I can smell you from here.
Also, if you’ve been stalking me for this long- you’d see that I’ve said multiple times I dislike the state of BG’s and how it’s going.
If you’re gonna do your research, do it right.
Go ahead and keep stalking me, I love my fans
"I never complain, except about power gain".
Also, Will is a very treasured community member who actually helps many people.
I don’t care and wouldn’t know that Will is a “cherished” community member, because unlike the rest of you- I have a life outside these forums.
I will admit though, it’s quite fun seeing how many people downvote me- just to downvote me.
Rent free baby, rent free.
in science, nefaria and leader are way more effective, luke straight up reverses the powergain (not serpent tho),most of the wither and petrify champs are effective. power sting champs (scorpion , ham , etc) work better than usual .
Yes its just a list of 10-15 champs and not everyone owns these champs, but having even 5 of these champs in ur deck is enough to play some of these matchups u mentioned. The draft rng is a whole diff topic but I hope u get my point.
However, for future reference- I’d appreciate you not undermining me; by going back to posts I’ve completely forgotten about.
Also, I hit C6 for the first time today- so I won’t be taking a break from the mode; but maybe laying off grinding it as much as I have.
Anyways, have a good day.
So you don't want to be held accountable for things you yourself said, simply because you've forgotten you said it. Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds?
I have to ask, what planet are you from where this is reasonable behavior?
You say my comments are vile, yet the people who instigated me got no response from you. Not that I care that much, as referenced by how long it took me to respond to this; unlike you and others I don’t live on this forum.
Also, I brought up me hitting C6- to show that I won’t be taking a break from BG’s for a while; so as to grind the leaderboard more.
I appreciate you trying to insult me or get me started though, that was pretty cute.
I self admitted myself, that I TRY not to.
Anyways, I don’t care enough past this to keep responding to any of you. So, peace