That one champ…

We all have that one champ we cannot seem to pull from a crystal, no matter how many times you open a featured, basic, class based or nexus they still elude you, for me it’s 6* future ant man, I reach the solo BG milestone every time, pick a 6* tech nexus he isn’t there, I open abyss nexus tech crystals and he isn’t there, dual class tech cosmic he isn’t there, and the best joke of all, I have every other 6* in the game LMAO, so anyway let me know what champs you cannot pull no matter how hard you try and work for?
I also can’t pull aegon or fant man for the life of me
Once he's caught the last hunt will be for Galan.
And I never had Apocalypse for the longest time so when that offer came up to get him for $10 I did it… and I haven’t used him since.
Wanting this guy for long, but saw this from my alliance mate n want him more
I have 72 crystals and hoping to get to 100 before opening because I feel like it would help.
similarly, Kitty Pride eluded me forEVER. and I counted. first time I chased class crystals and such. also Electro didn’t drop for me as a 6* until like two months ago? he bothered me just for his absence, but God love you people ranking him as the annoying defender he was meant to be!