That one champ…

Greed_ExodusGreed_Exodus Member Posts: 457 ★★★
We all have that one champ we cannot seem to pull from a crystal, no matter how many times you open a featured, basic, class based or nexus they still elude you, for me it’s 6* future ant man, I reach the solo BG milestone every time, pick a 6* tech nexus he isn’t there, I open abyss nexus tech crystals and he isn’t there, dual class tech cosmic he isn’t there, and the best joke of all, I have every other 6* in the game LMAO, so anyway let me know what champs you cannot pull no matter how hard you try and work for?


  • Friendly001Friendly001 Member Posts: 880 ★★★★
    I don’t have that champ, I just pick a random class with every nexus.
  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,832 ★★★★★
    Hulk, I couldn’t get a single variation of him for as long as I wanted, I got a 6* from that calendar, but he’s one of my most wanted 7*, I hope to get him.

    I also can’t pull aegon or fant man for the life of me
  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,344 ★★★★★
    I'm firmly in 7* land now, but I'm still vainly hunting Scorpion - gone through about 10 Science Abyss Nexus crystals without luck, not to mention all the normal 6*s as well.

    Once he's caught the last hunt will be for Galan.
  • UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,895 ★★★★★
    I somehow don’t have 90’s Blue Team Cyclops.

    And I never had Apocalypse for the longest time so when that offer came up to get him for $10 I did it… and I haven’t used him since.
  • SpiderVerseSpiderVerse Member Posts: 409 ★★
    Corvus Glaive. I don't have in any rarity. He's like a trophy champ for me.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,880 ★★★★★
    I'm trying for a 6* prowler since forever. Multiple abyss and tech nexus crystals still cannot pull him.
  • Darthbane3141Darthbane3141 Member Posts: 1,010 ★★★★
    I don't have Medusa in any rarity. Really sad since she got buffed.
  • KennadoKennado Member Posts: 1,014 ★★★
    edited January 31
    Been waiting on a 6* Black Bolt for going on 8 years now. No joke. If I ever got him, he’ll sit unranked for just as long. It’s the principle at this point.
  • arifin74arifin74 Member Posts: 368 ★★★
    edited January 31

    I'm firmly in 7* land now, but I'm still vainly hunting Scorpion - gone through about 10 Science Abyss Nexus crystals without luck, not to mention all the normal 6*s as well.

    Once he's caught the last hunt will be for Galan.

    @PantherusNZ Damn! I'm in the exact same spot as you, in a land of 7 stars. Got all the required 6*s and was hunting for Scorpion and then Galan. Just yesterday got Scorpion from the Science Nexus of BG Solo. Now my next hunt is for Galan. Hope you get yours soon too! My previous hunts were She-Hulk and Red Mag (grinded him from Arena, but still never found him in a crystal).
  • dr2wsdr2ws Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★
  • DarkZenDarkZen Member Posts: 295 ★★
    edited January 31
    Archangel... id trade 10 of my 5*, 6* just to get this Character
  • Zacharias10719Zacharias10719 Member Posts: 40
    6* Og scarlet witch
  • 713_o_f1673r713_o_f1673r Member Posts: 617 ★★★
    6* Ghost, Dr. Doom, and absman
  • TheUglyone123TheUglyone123 Member Posts: 323 ★★★
    Kate Bishop. I have lost count of how many skill nexus crystals I have opened, abyss and regular. I cannot pull this champ 😂
  • Hilbert_unbeatable2Hilbert_unbeatable2 Member Posts: 809 ★★★

    Wanting this guy for long, but saw this from my alliance mate n want him more
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,136 ★★★★
    The current chase is Titania as a 7 star. Surprising I stll haven't gotten a 6 star blade yet. When he was the top champ I saved up like crazy trying to get him. Not that I need a 6 star blade but it would be nice to finally get him .
  • Koustav04Koustav04 Member Posts: 52
    Archangel. He's avoiding me for years.
  • Sachhyam257Sachhyam257 Member Posts: 1,284 ★★★★
    Jack and Scream continue to avoid me in every rarity. I'm really deep into both 5*/6* featureds and even the titan. It seems like they're trying to spite me for picking nefa over jack from my titan nexus lol.
  • ZsirhcZZsirhcZ Member Posts: 282 ★★
    Waited over 7 years for a Hyperion higher than a 4 star. Finally pulled the 5 star and 7 star about 3 months ago.
  • Frumpy_geezerFrumpy_geezer Member Posts: 129
    I have 72 crystals and hoping to get to 100 before opening because I feel like it would help.
  • SmallTimeANTSmallTimeANT Member Posts: 219
    7* Hyperion dupe! Literally have opened countless cosmic valiants but to no avail. A personal favorite of mine and I prematurely took him to r3 even without the dupe because of how much I love him. It will be a day I least expect it when I get that dupe smh
  • Annihilator13_Annihilator13_ Member Posts: 368 ★★
    Archangel, opened lots of crystals still haven't got him.
  • Ragnaruk5178Ragnaruk5178 Member Posts: 332 ★★
    Cgr for me like bruh the amount of cosmic nexus/ abyss I’ve opened for that unit
  • BogoBogo Member Posts: 97
    Kate bishop has evaded me many times.
  • Java_JunkieJava_Junkie Member Posts: 679 ★★★
    dig the people still hunting THAT ONE 6*. missing AA, FAntman, Scorp would annoy me regardless of how far into 7* I got.

    similarly, Kitty Pride eluded me forEVER. and I counted. first time I chased class crystals and such. also Electro didn’t drop for me as a 6* until like two months ago? he bothered me just for his absence, but God love you people ranking him as the annoying defender he was meant to be!
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    I just pulled a 6* Immortal Iron Fist lol. I still don't have a 6* ghost but I've never really used her as I couldn't pull a 5* until I stopped using them.
  • DRagonKNIght27DRagonKNIght27 Member Posts: 47
    Scorpion 😭 I've lost count of the amount of 6* shards u spent on science/mystic dual crystals just for him
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,725 ★★★★★
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