Power back boosts should be able to be sold for loyalty at full price

For people who have accumulated power back boosts for their inventory based on a years-long understanding of how these boosts function, Kabam should enable the ability to sell these boosts for the same loyalty cost needed to purchase the boosts in the store.
I’m not over here throwing a hissyfit about the changes. I guess I see where they’re coming from even if I don’t support it. But people deserve to be able to sell the boosts to recoup loyalty if they choose, especially since it can go toward the 7-star crystal or war items.
I’m not over here throwing a hissyfit about the changes. I guess I see where they’re coming from even if I don’t support it. But people deserve to be able to sell the boosts to recoup loyalty if they choose, especially since it can go toward the 7-star crystal or war items.
Anyone care to enlighten me?
I need to frantically do 9.1 this weekend lol
But i don't want to sell them, still could have some use,
I'd rather ask to make them cheaper, more available and increase the inventory😅
I have been watching dll for years. Power back boosts is a trigger word in his streams, long before the introduction of 9.1.
No, pbb doesn't work in Necropolis
9.1 boss is nothing. Most of us soloed it without even trying. 9.1 boss cheeze is just a facade.
There was a cgr nuke war showcase half a year ago, that is one of the reason. Px doing his thing in war is one of the reason. Herc hulking corvus, they are one of the reasons.
Mentioning 9.1 is a pure deception tactic.
Knowing Kabam they will reduce the cost to the current sale price THEN tell everyone they can sell them back for "full" price