Has anyone actually done this? If so, what’s your opinions on it?

After completing the tech one, I decided to try out the science one of course

Now I know the perfectly balanced and thought out rewards from this content is supposed to be enough to encourage me to push through and be a champion! However, it would cost me ranking up a 6* Luke Cage for this sole champion… buttt, I figured; being that she’s such a balanced champion in the contest AND their was sooo much consideration put into making this specific content and node from the devs part, I would like to ask my fellow peers, who has got pass Enchantress in the Glorious Games Showcase without a Luke Cage? And how was your experience? Thoughts? Etc?
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk 😃
I want to learn more about how to fight E in general. I can do okay against her in the showcase, but with the health pools being so large plus the waiting game of the protection, her RNg gets me sooner or later.
Second, the reward for doing all these fights is pretty ridiculously small. I don't blame anyone for not bothering.
Unduped rank 2 silk, she serves as practice figth before this fight I relay had bad time facing her but now is more than before.
Just played very carefully and patiently. Wasn't really hard just long
Also after she throws a special 1, 80% of the time the first thing you’re gonna wanna do is bait a heavy and punish it. If she’s got the thing that makes her unstoppable on dash, punish the heavy. If she’s got Untouchable, punish the heavy. If she’s got her green spell, punish the heavy.
If you can get past her, the rest of the quest is overall pretty simple, with the exception of Ebony Maw, I found him to be an annoyance in combination with Provocateur. But if you can get past her, even if you’ve lost a couple champs, you should be able to get through the rest.
No opinions.