Just a quick post for Valiants regarding the 7 star pull chance.

Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 710 ★★★
I'm just checking in to see if my luck with these has been horrible or everyone is experiencing more or less the same stats. I got Valiant almost day one (which was 15 months ago), making each month 29 days for just some approximation, this yields: 15 x 29 = 435 daily's. The web-store daily's came in probably half way-ish into this time so 435/2 = ~220. So since become Valiant, I am ~0/655 for 7 star champions. Assuming that I pull one today, that leaves me with about a 0.15% chance to get a 7 star from these daily's. Is this lining up with your guys' luck?


  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,473 ★★★★★
    edited February 7
    I hate Valiants.

    They are essentially the new PHC, which felt much the same. What hurts more about Valiants is that in the PHC era, a 3* or even a 2* with a special kit might actually make it on your team and be of some use (poison immune 2* Black Bolt was a mainstay of my 2015-16 quest team).

    Today, a 5* (the Valiant default drop) is pretty useless to all but the most nooby Summoner (and with the increased progression rate, they are quickly useless).

    I am doing a little documentation on my own pulls. I expect it to yield nothing interesting or beyond the statistical pale, but I’m doing it just to satisfy my self (and to squelch any appetite for Valiants). Will let you know how it goes.

    Dr. Zola

    EDIT: Just realized you’re talking about Dailies. I’ve gotten one 7* in about the same time period.

    But my point about Valiant crystals remains.
  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,505 ★★★★★
    I wasn't active when Valiant released, so I think I got it around August of last year, maybe a bit earlier. Definitely haven't counted all my dailies, but I know I've gotten at least two 7* champs out of them.
  • Friendly001Friendly001 Member Posts: 890 ★★★★
    I’ve been valiant for like a year and have never gotten a 7 star champ before, some shards sure but no champ.
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,888 ★★★★★

    I’ve been valiant for like a year and have never gotten a 7 star champ before, some shards sure but no champ.

  • Chilling421Chilling421 Member Posts: 37
    I pulled 7* rocket raccoon from daily valiant crystal once. Not the best pull but I'll take it.
  • KontraktKillaKontraktKilla Member Posts: 53
    i stopped buying the crystals with units a long time ago, the value just isn't there for the expense. they really are just units in exchange for iso and and a few 6star shards at a much higher cost margin. i just save them up now that i get as rewards or freebies until i hit 10, and just pop them all at once 10 at a time, that seems to net be a slightly better pulls with the RNG gods, but still mostly 5*'s and an occasional 6* and almost never a 7*. id rather see them bump the cost up and increase the drop rate to something fair. and make it exclusive to 6 & 7*'s... or just make the exalted crystal purchasable. really nothing of value in them for the chance to win at the drop rate they are set at. 5* and below have nothing of value any more save for quake and magik... and 6* too except for the top of the tier that still await release as 7*s... for valiant and most paragons too at this point anyways.

    as for the daily valiant, i have been valiant since december 2023 and have yet to pull a 7 from them. same strategy too, save to 10 and pop em all at once... i noticed if i popped them 1 at a time, i only get 6B an 3A fragments. when i go 10 at a time usually get some class shards or whole cats and occasionally 7* shards.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,369 ★★★★★
    Two accounts.
    Main account from 30 nov 2023.
    Second account valiant since August 2024
    Rarely missed login crystals. Let's just assume I missed 10 on main and 30 on alt.

    0 7*s.
  • Average_DesiAverage_Desi Member Posts: 1,442 ★★★★
    I don't know if it was paragon or valiant, but the other day I opened 4 and got 2 7* (Juggernaut and Attuma. Both dupes).
  • GizzillaGizzilla Member Posts: 33
  • TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 1,649 ★★★★

    Two accounts.
    Main account from 30 nov 2023.
    Second account valiant since August 2024
    Rarely missed login crystals. Let's just assume I missed 10 on main and 30 on alt.

    0 7*s.

    Question about alt accounts? Do you just use the app on two different devices, or do you constantly log in and log out to switch accounts?
  • Frumpy_geezerFrumpy_geezer Member Posts: 129
    I pulled a 7* Wong from the dailies..... in Beta. Still don't have it in real life.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,369 ★★★★★

    Two accounts.
    Main account from 30 nov 2023.
    Second account valiant since August 2024
    Rarely missed login crystals. Let's just assume I missed 10 on main and 30 on alt.

    0 7*s.

    Question about alt accounts? Do you just use the app on two different devices, or do you constantly log in and log out to switch accounts?
    Two devices.
  • MasquiradeMasquirade Member Posts: 282 ★★
    Pulled one, Killmonger, after about three months worth of dailies at the time, was very taken aback haha
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,885 ★★★★★
    Been a valiant over a year. Still no 7*.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,472 Guardian
    Dr. Crab said:

    I'm just checking in to see if my luck with these has been horrible or everyone is experiencing more or less the same stats. I got Valiant almost day one (which was 15 months ago), making each month 29 days for just some approximation, this yields: 15 x 29 = 435 daily's. The web-store daily's came in probably half way-ish into this time so 435/2 = ~220. So since become Valiant, I am ~0/655 for 7 star champions. Assuming that I pull one today, that leaves me with about a 0.15% chance to get a 7 star from these daily's. Is this lining up with your guys' luck?

    As mentioned in your other thread, the posted odds are one in a thousand (0.1%). So most players have not yet pulled enough Valiant crystals to likely see a 7* champion drop, even if they have been pulling them since Valiant day one and have doubled up on the web store crystals on top of that.
  • Dtl7714Dtl7714 Member Posts: 493 ★★★
    I open em 7 to 10 at a time. Gotten 3 or 4 since becoming Valiant close to it being released including 1 today.

  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 999 ★★★
    I have at least 2 maybe 3x 7* champ pop up when I least expected them but don't expect anything earth shattering and game breaking

    Just usable for arena and that's it
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