Just a quick post for Valiants regarding the 7 star pull chance.

I'm just checking in to see if my luck with these has been horrible or everyone is experiencing more or less the same stats. I got Valiant almost day one (which was 15 months ago), making each month 29 days for just some approximation, this yields: 15 x 29 = 435 daily's. The web-store daily's came in probably half way-ish into this time so 435/2 = ~220. So since become Valiant, I am ~0/655 for 7 star champions. Assuming that I pull one today, that leaves me with about a 0.15% chance to get a 7 star from these daily's. Is this lining up with your guys' luck?
They are essentially the new PHC, which felt much the same. What hurts more about Valiants is that in the PHC era, a 3* or even a 2* with a special kit might actually make it on your team and be of some use (poison immune 2* Black Bolt was a mainstay of my 2015-16 quest team).
Today, a 5* (the Valiant default drop) is pretty useless to all but the most nooby Summoner (and with the increased progression rate, they are quickly useless).
I am doing a little documentation on my own pulls. I expect it to yield nothing interesting or beyond the statistical pale, but I’m doing it just to satisfy my self (and to squelch any appetite for Valiants). Will let you know how it goes.
Dr. Zola
EDIT: Just realized you’re talking about Dailies. I’ve gotten one 7* in about the same time period.
But my point about Valiant crystals remains.
as for the daily valiant, i have been valiant since december 2023 and have yet to pull a 7 from them. same strategy too, save to 10 and pop em all at once... i noticed if i popped them 1 at a time, i only get 6B an 3A fragments. when i go 10 at a time usually get some class shards or whole cats and occasionally 7* shards.
Main account from 30 nov 2023.
Second account valiant since August 2024
Rarely missed login crystals. Let's just assume I missed 10 on main and 30 on alt.
0 7*s.
Just usable for arena and that's it