6* are becoming obselete in 2025?
We have 290x 6* and 179x 7* champions
For the remaining 111 champions, is there a schedule to release them as 7* over time or are they joining Quake and Magik in a retirement home?
For the remaining 111 champions, is there a schedule to release them as 7* over time or are they joining Quake and Magik in a retirement home?
Actual photo of champion that never see action in MCOC
Also I never subscribe to the idea they're obsolete. A 6* will do what a 6* does, no matter what 7*s are out.
Unless they release him as a 7*, which they won't because he's too broken, Red Mags will always be relevant against metal.
I don't think they will be completely obsolete in 2025, but their relevance is dropping steadily
In terms of individual rank up decisions, 6* champs are becoming moot for a larger percentage of the end game community, although they aren't quite there yet for most of them. But in the context of the OP's original question regarding whether Kabam intends to release most of the 6* champs as 7* champs, 6* relevancy to the game as a whole means it is still business as usual for rarity releases. Every champ is still going to be released as a 3* and 4* and 5* and 6* and eventually 7* by default, absent some explicit decision by the dev team to not release individual champs specifically.
For myself personally, I wouldn't say 6* champs are completely irrelevant in terms of chasing them down: I would still like to have all the champs as 6* if possible, because you never know when one will be useful for something, and 6* champs can still be *used* even in end game content. But in terms of rank up decisions, my priorities are 7* first, just plain hold the resources second, and then use expiring resources on the best 6* option available. Since those resources are not generally used much for 7* rank ups, I usually try to get most interesting 6* champs up to rank 2 or 3 just to hold them there in case I decide to rank them up for something. But increasingly, that doesn't happen much.
6* I already gave ranked up, I still use in lots of content e.g. 6* Void, 6* Red Mags, 6* Hulkling. But unless I have a rank up gem, I don’t remember the last time I ranked up a 6* champion. If I pull a new 6* champion even if I don’t have them as a 7* I’m putting any rank up resources into them. I feel I already have so many options from my 7* roster, it’s going backwards ranking up a 6*. Unless there is a very specific piece of content that requires a niche champion I can’t see me ranking up a 6*
Now on my alt account, which only has 3x 7R2 champions, I’ll still rank up any good 6*. That roster needs to grow! New accounts steam roll through the game so quickly you don’t have the same level of champion acquisition, so the number of options I have on the account is far more limited. So need to rank up everyone.
My 6 stars are awesome and will guide me to Paragon
Then I will start to rank my 7 stars
No need to hurry
So I'm just going to R5, sig 200, and ascend my 6* Onslaught.
Waste of resources?
This whole game is a waste of resources (time, money, etc.).
Play for today and enjoy the game.
It's not a 401K account that needs to grow for the next 25 years.
Now this month most people are going to get their first (and possibly second) 7* R4. 6* are toast in competitive matches
I just wish they would balance it a bit and give away more 3-4 and 4-5 rank up gems in monthly content to give people some incentive too.
At the very least for Valiants.
I had to rank 6* odin for a carinas which sucks but the payoff was there.
I have 12 r3's, enough materials for 4 more.
In PvP content 7* are king but 6r5a can do all solo content currently in game.