SUMMONER’S SIGIL SUBSCRIPTION (Updated 1/15 to include additional comp for Arena Express)



  • rdonohue833rdonohue833 Member Posts: 3
    I got more use out of the way it was before than I ever will now. Faithfully bought every month, and the unit package. This store has become now become the 2nd most useless store next to the amazing traders outpost...what a joke
    Locking paths, this trash sigil and worse "reward" wtf is going on kabam? I had "no love lost" done in 40 minutes, seems fair to wait 28 days for a 6* awakening gem at paragon lol! Thanks!
    Been with the game almost the full 10 years, you have gotten quite a bit of my money, never again.
    Get your s*** together.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 6,883 ★★★★★
    DrZola said:

    I know they have promised to review and consider changes; but I haven't seen any details yet.
    Just wanted to say that this is week 3 of the sigil and the 2nd week I am staring at a store full of items on cooldown, that have no convenient value, or I can't get. Seems like an awful situation for a recurring renewal subscription to have a 1 week a month use value.

    At a minimum, the items that are readily available for a given progression level shouldn’t be on a month long cooldown.

    Fine for Titans or T4a. Not fine for crystals bought with shards or cats bought with lesser cats.

    Dr. Zola
    As of right now I don't know if I will gather enough 6* shards to take advantage of the trade for 150k 6* shards for a 7* crystal.
    Am I going to keep my subscription if I dont have 150k by the time it expires? No, I will wait until I get enough to take advantage of all the trades and renew it then.
    See Kabam why the design is terrible?
  • rdonohue833rdonohue833 Member Posts: 3
    Last time they did this with arena and it was a mess. They fixed it pretty quick. Kabam seems to only understand money so maybe there's enough pissed off people that won't be renewing the sigil and they might get the hint? Who knows. Ruined a good feature though, that's for sure. They have become money hungry greedy pigs and are ruining the game. An express pass for arena should be sold separately or the right thing to do would be to include it in the game. Express doesn't really do you any favors, just guarantees way more fights than you need to do to clear milestones.
  • ButteredPopcorn8008ButteredPopcorn8008 Member Posts: 46
    When will credits for attack boosts be fixed? Why are you guys scared to answer the community
  • rdonohue833rdonohue833 Member Posts: 3

    I just canceled my automatic renewal. They are definitely ignoring their paying members.

    Same here, not that they will give a ****. They definitely will not see another dime from me. Again, not that they give a ****.
  • MidnightfoxMidnightfox Member Posts: 1,442 ★★★★
    I am not liking the sigil now and will probably stop renewing. There is just no value in it like there used to be. I like changing in my lower crystals for higher crystals and otherwise just used it for unit access to prerelease crystals. Something needs to change. It was not a good change to this subscription.
  • MidnightfoxMidnightfox Member Posts: 1,442 ★★★★
    DrZola said:

    I know they have promised to review and consider changes; but I haven't seen any details yet.
    Just wanted to say that this is week 3 of the sigil and the 2nd week I am staring at a store full of items on cooldown, that have no convenient value, or I can't get. Seems like an awful situation for a recurring renewal subscription to have a 1 week a month use value.

    At a minimum, the items that are readily available for a given progression level shouldn’t be on a month long cooldown.

    Fine for Titans or T4a. Not fine for crystals bought with shards or cats bought with lesser cats.

    Dr. Zola
    Completely agree. That’s the other reason I’m thinking of cancelling my subscription. Long cooldown on swap ins and junk amounts of sigil credits. I could have sworn we were supposed to get weekly sigil credits on top of the monthly, but I got the one time monthly and nothing since. Sigil is junk now.
  • UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,790 ★★★★★
    Kabam, I'd still like to know what/when both the Sigil updates and the Compensation Package for early adopters is.

    We should absolutely know these things before the next automatic subscription takes place.
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  • BahubaliBahubali Member Posts: 440 ★★★
    Some useless trade-ins especially relics
    Discounted 6* Featured Gone
    25k health potion options for trade-in gone -- Only reason people did Apothecary easy difficulty, now that quest/those potions are just useless..

    Bought subscription to see.. How many can be useful in a month compared to old sigil..But cancelled it immediately.. Not worth it just for extra inventory..
  • PseudouberPseudouber Member Posts: 866 ★★★

    So went to the sigil store today and found nothing worth to buy. So I won’t renew as it is just lame now in what the store has to offer, I like the extra inventory but not paying monthly for that soiwill bail on this $#@£show. Question is if I cancel do I get the days remaining or does it stop then?

    Yeah its terrible. Its like you can only use it once a month and that just to trade some things that are not even a great value, it basically an even trade just for other material. This store is garbage now. I used to trade stuff every week that I was able to use.
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  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,050 ★★★★★

    @Kabam Crashed @Kabam Miike Where is the Compensation Package and why is Kabam not responding to their paying members? Your silence speaks volumes.

    We are going to be about to be done with 1st months and plenty of people are not going to renew and a lot of negative feedback.

    Any changes next week? Because yall haven’t said anything lol
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