Recruiting 6 relaxed/casual players

Looking to recruit 6 players.
1. No drama
2. No expectations
3. Game is a game not a job
4. Capable of completing a map 2 AQ route alone
5. Have fun

If any of this interests you contact me via LINE Devonius


  • DevoniusDevonius Member Posts: 32
    Still looking 6 players.
    Alliance name is RESPECT and my IGM name is the same as above. Once we have map 2 repetitive successes we will further recruit to map 3 and perhaps above with AW additions as well as long as it doesn’t interfere with life and everyone else’s fun factor.

    Contact me
  • DevoniusDevonius Member Posts: 32
    Still looking
  • Berserk_NationBerserk_Nation Member Posts: 223
    I see ya have 2 ppl in your alliance. GL!
  • DevoniusDevonius Member Posts: 32
    Alliance is now at 3 mil and we still have room. We are currently running AQ map 3 and are participating in AW as well. If you’re interested I ask that you first check alliance page and read the alliance statement in the general tab before requesting to join. Also reinforcing that anything beyond map 3 is not currently being considered at all for those looking to go beyond map 3.

    I’m going to also take the opportunity to thank the previous commenters wishes of luck as I am sure it was a very influential reason why we have expanded our membership in alliance.

    Looking forward to accepting new membership.
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