My 1 Year Account Progression

Happy Women’s Day!
I do not have any screenshots of my account from a year ago so I will share my Battlegrounds Deck from last year (thank you Lefty Knox Women’s Day stream)

Account on 3/8/24. Yes I got destroyed.

Account on 3/8/25. I also have 32 6R5 but that’s a lot more screenshots.
That’s it… Thank you for reading.
I do not have any screenshots of my account from a year ago so I will share my Battlegrounds Deck from last year (thank you Lefty Knox Women’s Day stream)

Account on 3/8/24. Yes I got destroyed.

Account on 3/8/25. I also have 32 6R5 but that’s a lot more screenshots.
That’s it… Thank you for reading.
That’s incredible.
Been playing about 10 and your team is probably better than mine.
And congrats. 👏
Makes sense, he needs the dupe.
How many seconds this Luke Cage get no damage at the start of fights?
Amazing job! Keep it up.