Kabam, you said that

that the valiant ones will need about two months to get to level 61, and generally, two months each for new levels. It's been the third month since I've been pumping my 61 levels, (I've only missed 3 days of higher experience) maybe you have a problem calculating? I know that if I went to the age of pain, I would have already reached level 62, but this content is not for me yet. so how much experience will you have to pump with ordinary efforts?
Average them out, and you come to under 2 months average.
Yes, 61 seemed to have taken longer than the “average time per level” initially mentioned.
But offset tremendously by the jump to reach 62 in very short order afterwards (so fast, they weren’t even prepared for it, lol)
Were you ever showing your Bar progress in the “How's your journey to lvl61 going ?” thread ?