Asking for a 7* thor ragnarok and buff

summerdeersummerdeer Member Posts: 236
I really think they made thor ragnarok a rlly mid character he should be buffed and his synergies are trash can they please make him better live him up to the mcu the STRONGEST AVENGER


  • summerdeersummerdeer Member Posts: 236
    nah thor slams him in thor ragnarok i rlly want him to be super strong i wanna r4 his 6 star i can play with him now but the damage is not it make him like hercules and hulk thats what i want and make better synergies for him
  • summerdeersummerdeer Member Posts: 236
    Buttehrs said:

    But the strongest Avenger is hulk....

    thor slammed him in mcu
  • IAmGrO_ot78IAmGrO_ot78 Member Posts: 239 ★★

    200 sig 6R4 Rags, does he really need a buff ? But yeah, a 7* would be nice tho 👍
  • summerdeersummerdeer Member Posts: 236
    he kinda does need a buff or a fix atleast make him shock immune at least and make him shock opponents more often not just after sp3
  • summerdeersummerdeer Member Posts: 236

    200 sig 6R4 Rags, does he really need a buff ? But yeah, a 7* would be nice tho 👍

    also do you like playing thor rags do you play him alot
  • summerdeersummerdeer Member Posts: 236
    i saw someone named onyxx say this and i agree 1000%
    1. His sigs ability which he will make his opponent suffer ability accuracy need to be his base kit, but his increase attack rating keeps in his sigs.
    2. Additional ability in signature ability, same as og Thor, which he will place armor break debuffs when stun the opponent.
    3. Make him immune to shock, or get healed when his opponent places shock debuff/passive on him.
    4. After 5 armor break, 100% chance to inflict Armor shattered debuff on his opponent with max of 2 stacks.
    5. Boon of gods ability will no longer need to be combo hits, he'll trigger it after landing or receiving hit to/from his opponent which in context, he'll lose 1 stack from landing or receiving hit and after all stacks are gone, Boon of gods will trigger.
    6. 100% chance to autoblock basic attack if Thor about to get intercept while doing dash attack if Boon of Gods is active.
    7. Special attack 1 will guaranteed stun if boon of gods is triggered.
    8. Special 2 pause shock debuffs on the opponent and attack deals additional energy damage per shock.
    9. Landing hits while thunder gods wrath is active will always apply shock debuff, if the opponent is immune to, deals energy damage instead.
    10. He's a god, do we need herc signature ability?
    I SAY MAKE HIM HAVE GUARANTEED SHOCK like idoom and doom also make him energy resistant he took power of the power stone to the head make the boon of god active after 20 hits not combo and his boon of god also active after 10 hits from opponent also make him have combo shield when boon of goods active every 10 hits while active chance to armor shatter break also give him immortality and indestructible after sp3 also make him resistant to dot
  • IAmGrO_ot78IAmGrO_ot78 Member Posts: 239 ★★

    he kinda does need a buff or a fix atleast make him shock immune at least and make him shock opponents more often not just after sp3

    He should be shock immune 💯

    His synergies gives him the possibility to shock his opponents more, so it depends on what you want.

    200 sig 6R4 Rags, does he really need a buff ? But yeah, a 7* would be nice tho 👍

    also do you like playing thor rags do you play him alot
    I ran him a lot with Hulk, Korg, the Champion and Proxima when he was my nr 1 champ, but those days are long gone. I like his half sister better, Angela, with Odin pre-fight and synergy.
  • summerdeersummerdeer Member Posts: 236

    he kinda does need a buff or a fix atleast make him shock immune at least and make him shock opponents more often not just after sp3

    He should be shock immune 💯

    His synergies gives him the possibility to shock his opponents more, so it depends on what you want.

    200 sig 6R4 Rags, does he really need a buff ? But yeah, a 7* would be nice tho 👍

    also do you like playing thor rags do you play him alot
    I ran him a lot with Hulk, Korg, the Champion and Proxima when he was my nr 1 champ, but those days are long gone. I like his half sister better, Angela, with Odin pre-fight and synergy.
    i like angela a lot to but you know how cap marvel movie can go binary thor should go supercharge lightning and he should have odinforce
  • summerdeersummerdeer Member Posts: 236
    thor deserves to go haywire like cap marvel movie whilst binary but him lightning supercharged with shock
  • summerdeersummerdeer Member Posts: 236

    he kinda does need a buff or a fix atleast make him shock immune at least and make him shock opponents more often not just after sp3

    He should be shock immune 💯

    His synergies gives him the possibility to shock his opponents more, so it depends on what you want.

    200 sig 6R4 Rags, does he really need a buff ? But yeah, a 7* would be nice tho 👍

    also do you like playing thor rags do you play him alot
    I ran him a lot with Hulk, Korg, the Champion and Proxima when he was my nr 1 champ, but those days are long gone. I like his half sister better, Angela, with Odin pre-fight and synergy.
    did you need him awakened i have him at r2 and he is my favorite mcu character that its self makes me wanna r4 him as a 6 star unduped but he is not that strong
  • summerdeersummerdeer Member Posts: 236
    they have to buff him
  • summerdeersummerdeer Member Posts: 236
    PT_99 said:

    God no, pls,
    Let him be midass,

    What we need is Stormbreaker+ Mjolnir new Thor combined might of pure meta overpowered attacker,
    He's god of thunder afterall.

    Having not a single playable Thor in game is very disappointing.

    I AGREE WHOLE heartedly i love thor he deserves better
  • JLordVileJLordVile Member Posts: 283 ★★
    Bro we need war thor (search him up)
  • Java_JunkieJava_Junkie Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    PT_99 said:

    God no, pls,
    Let him be midass,

    What we need is Stormbreaker+ Mjolnir new Thor combined might of pure meta overpowered attacker,
    He's god of thunder afterall.

    Having not a single playable Thor in game is very disappointing.

    one, why you gotta hate? agree dual wielding one-eyed ascendant Thor would be INCREDIBLY awesome, but TRags was from a fun movie and people are allowed to wish some of their faves could get justice done (#Groot).

    two, Beta Ray Bill would like a word about playability.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,829 ★★★★★

    PT_99 said:

    God no, pls,
    Let him be midass,

    What we need is Stormbreaker+ Mjolnir new Thor combined might of pure meta overpowered attacker,
    He's god of thunder afterall.

    Having not a single playable Thor in game is very disappointing.

    one, why you gotta hate? agree dual wielding one-eyed ascendant Thor would be INCREDIBLY awesome, but TRags was from a fun movie and people are allowed to wish some of their faves could get justice done (#Groot).

    two, Beta Ray Bill would like a word about playability.
    Beta ray bill is not thor though.
  • summerdeersummerdeer Member Posts: 236
    i agree thor needs something good make thor infinity war idc or buff trags
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,709 ★★★★★
    Well, guess who I pulled

  • summerdeersummerdeer Member Posts: 236
    EdisonLaw said:

    Well, guess who I pulled

    u should r4 him for fun I'm thinking of making mine rank 4 just cause I like him in the MCU and I pulled beta ray bill so he is a bit better
  • summerdeersummerdeer Member Posts: 236
    EdisonLaw said:

    Well, guess who I pulled

    and awaken and ascend
  • summerdeersummerdeer Member Posts: 236
    also day 18
  • summerdeersummerdeer Member Posts: 236

    day 24, and the day has finally come. I ranked 4 my thor rags; he is now my second rank 4. He still needs a rework, like I said before, but I love him. The reason I now decided to rank him 4 is because I awakened him.
  • summerdeersummerdeer Member Posts: 236
    Thor Rags Buff Proposal

    Signature Ability Adjustment – Thor’s ability to reduce his opponent’s Ability Accuracy should be part of his base kit, while his increased Attack Rating remains in his signature ability.

    Additional Signature Effect – Similar to OG Thor, his signature ability should allow him to apply Armor Break debuffs when stunning an opponent.

    Shock Resistance – Thor should either be completely immune to Shock effects or be healed when inflicted with a Shock debuff/passive.

    Armor Shatter Mechanic – After applying five Armor Break debuffs, Thor should have a 100% chance to inflict an Armor Shattered debuff (max 2 stacks).

    Boon of Gods Rework – Instead of requiring combo hits, Boon of Gods should activate after landing or receiving a hit. Each hit (dealt or taken) removes one stack, and once all stacks are gone, Boon of Gods will trigger.

    Auto-Block Mechanic – If Boon of Gods is active, Thor should have a 100% chance to auto-block basic attacks when an opponent tries to intercept him during a dash attack.

    Special 1 Enhancement – When Boon of Gods is triggered, Special Attack 1 should guarantee a stun.

    Special 2 Enhancement – Special Attack 2 should pause Shock debuffs on the opponent and deal additional Energy Damage per Shock effect.

    Thunder God's Wrath Enhancement – While Thunder God's Wrath is active, every landed hit should apply a Shock debuff. If the opponent is Shock-immune, they instead take Energy Damage.

    Thor Deserves More – He’s a god, so why not give him a Herc-style signature ability?

    Guarantee shocks like Infamous Iron Man and Doctor Doom.
    Gain Energy Resistance—he literally took the Power Stone to the head.
    Make Boon of Gods activate after 20 hits (not a combo) and also after taking 10 hits from the opponent.
    While Boon of Gods is active, gain a Combo Shield, and every 10 hits have a chance to Armor Shatter the opponent.
    Grant Immortality and Indestructible after Special 3.
    Increase resistance to Damage Over Time effects.
    Like Captain Marvel (Movie) going Binary, Thor should enter a Supercharged Lightning mode and wield the Odinforce for even more god-tier power.
    This rework would make Thor feel like the powerhouse he truly is! Thoughts?
  • CandyCane2CandyCane2 Member Posts: 735 ★★★
    I would prefer having og thor buffed but that’s my opinion
  • summerdeersummerdeer Member Posts: 236

    I would prefer having og thor buffed but that’s my opinion

    Yeah, he's not a bad option, but I really like MCU Thor, and Thor: Ragnarok was my favorite movie.
  • summerdeersummerdeer Member Posts: 236
    also remove his damage cap on sp3
  • Revan0607Revan0607 Member Posts: 197
    His biggest problem is his reliance on synergies which ruins a lot of champions. Synergies should not make or break a champion. EX: DDHK, Wolverine, agent venom, cable, colossus, blade
  • summerdeersummerdeer Member Posts: 236
    Revan0607 said:

    His biggest problem is his reliance on synergies which ruins a lot of champions. Synergies should not make or break a champion. EX: DDHK, Wolverine, agent venom, cable, colossus, blade

    agreed i feel as if he should have more boosts on his own and he should get a high chance to shock people without synergies
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