Next Batch Champion Update in August... Is Kabam okay?

First of all, and that's a personal rant, still no Daredevil HK buff mention, even though he is being sold right now. Second... We're going to wait nearly 6 months MORE for the next set of buffs, which is going to be Patriot, Modok and Yondu. This will be nearly a year after a Patriot release, and we've been waiting for his announced buff for nearly three months already..
This is not an April 1st joke by the way, I'm speechless. This kind of thing immediately makes me question why I ever bought anything with real money in MCOC... Batch updates for a Live Service games are an absolute necessity, and what we have now is surreal levels of dung eating.
This is not an April 1st joke by the way, I'm speechless. This kind of thing immediately makes me question why I ever bought anything with real money in MCOC... Batch updates for a Live Service games are an absolute necessity, and what we have now is surreal levels of dung eating.
RIP DDHK bros.
They have now pushed his buff back twice. You prob don’t but some spend good money on this game and want to know what they’re paying for is what they’re getting. In this case, they are not.
Patriot is not far from being good either , he needs an infuriate , less debuffs neeeded for non science , and a fury boost + maybe some boost before he gets the furies. Not a lot at all. It’s really not a good look imo.
They know exactly what they're doing...
But, I agree - Patriot shouldn't be in these Batch groups.
I know, nobody remembers him. Rofl
They say they are "listening" (sure but it takes almost 1 year to increase ex rewards which are outdated since long..
I love Krasched but he is blind.. he just refers to "data" and says it's OK. No. It's not. Traders outpost? Kabam: It's good, literally everyone else forums, reddit, streamers etc says NO. BGs? champions buffs etc nothing is done and ignored saying: we know, is not enough.
Releasing Epoch and Ordeal is not enough, especially Epoch which is copy paste -.- (except Ares) (Sure some like it, more hates it).
You really need to get your stuff together.
I know its early, but I don't really see any of the payoffs of less "month-to-month" stresses. The Batch update change was announced in Dec, with Patriot being the first one subject to this. We've now experienced three months of Patriot-free developer time and.... no Overhauls, and people are still complaining about AW and BGs (and AQ Raids). Maybe the Ordeal and Epoch is where this developer time is going? Because otherwise, there is no noticeable improvement as a result of "supporting other content".
While they have a point that a lot of players still think Luke Cage is trash despite the buff, I don't think an extra 6-months is gonna change anything. Most players are gonna end up forgetting that there is a buff to be expected and still consider Patriot trash.
Additionally, a Batch release dilutes the focus on any particular champion buff. Now Patriot has to contend with Yondu and Modok getting the spotlight, as opposed to having the spotlight all to himself or sharing it with one other.
Evidence for this can be seen with the Glorious Guardians reworks. With a batch of 6 buffed champions, 1 or 2 buffed champions stole the spotlight while the rest were mostly forgotten. BPCW buff would have been forgotten already if he wasn't an Ordeal defender. Purgatory is great but a vast majority of players probably don't know much about what changed. And even though I read through Sentinel's buffed kit, the only thing I know about the buff is that he is an annoying defender in the last 15% health.
But that said, I'm a little confused by the Yondu buff. He'd not bad and actually quite effective in some specific matchups - he's just not very interesting to play, to me at least.
It's his second buff though, so there's hope for the likes of Civil Warrior and DDHK.
-Kabam makes 7* DDHK-
OP: Buff him now please.