I'd love if Kabam only released 1 new champ every second month instead of 2, so you'd have a release cadence month to month of 2 new, 1 new, 2 new, 1 new, etc. This SHOULD give them additional bandwidth from the right teams to ramp up the old champ buff timelines, while they still get to wet their beaks on new champs. As it is right now, they release 2 new champs a month, one is good/decent and the second is meh/forgotten. Then they could bump up their batch cadence to every 3 months instead of every 6 months.
I've never asked for a 7* of any champ.. I know 7* is useless if the champ sucks. Im seeing some great DD themed updates in other games and Im starting to kinda lose interest on MCOC... Taking it on the forum is all I can do really.
I'd love if Kabam only released 1 new champ every second month instead of 2, so you'd have a release cadence month to month of 2 new, 1 new, 2 new, 1 new, etc. This SHOULD give them additional bandwidth from the right teams to ramp up the old champ buff timelines, while they still get to wet their beaks on new champs. As it is right now, they release 2 new champs a month, one is good/decent and the second is meh/forgotten. Then they could bump up their batch cadence to every 3 months instead of every 6 months.
I don't see a good reason that the two new champs need to release as playable in the same month as their story content. It would definitely be easier on Kabam if they weren't. Everybody's familiar with the Boss version vs Playable version, so there's no expectation for them to be exactly the same. In their monthly content as bosses they're wildly different because they're noded out of control anyway. Get the broad strokes for their story and then get them tuned for the playable release.
I'd love if Kabam only released 1 new champ every second month instead of 2, so you'd have a release cadence month to month of 2 new, 1 new, 2 new, 1 new, etc. This SHOULD give them additional bandwidth from the right teams to ramp up the old champ buff timelines, while they still get to wet their beaks on new champs. As it is right now, they release 2 new champs a month, one is good/decent and the second is meh/forgotten. Then they could bump up their batch cadence to every 3 months instead of every 6 months.
Releasing new champions isn't something they can just decide not to do, marvel likely push them to release a specific amount of new characters per month
I've never asked for a 7* of any champ.. I know 7* is useless if the champ sucks. Im seeing some great DD themed updates in other games and Im starting to kinda lose interest on MCOC... Taking it on the forum is all I can do really.
Someone asked revan this question, not you... unless 🤔
I've never asked for a 7* of any champ.. I know 7* is useless if the champ sucks. Im seeing some great DD themed updates in other games and Im starting to kinda lose interest on MCOC... Taking it on the forum is all I can do really.
Someone asked revan this question, not you... unless 🤔
I haven’t noticed DD events in other games, that said, I don’t really play anything else. Like I said I’m done making forum posts myself, if I see someone else show mutual support for my cause, great, I thank them but that’s really it. If @KabamPinwheel and @KabamDORK now both say message heard and he’s on queue, that’s fine with me. Think the next DD post I’d make will simply showcase the 7* at R4 since I’m one of the 6 people out there buying him XD
I've never asked for a 7* of any champ.. I know 7* is useless if the champ sucks. Im seeing some great DD themed updates in other games and Im starting to kinda lose interest on MCOC... Taking it on the forum is all I can do really.
Someone asked revan this question, not you... unless 🤔
I haven’t noticed DD events in other games, that said, I don’t really play anything else. Like I said I’m done making forum posts myself, if I see someone else show mutual support for my cause, great, I thank them but that’s really it. If @KabamPinwheel and @KabamDORK now both say message heard and he’s on queue, that’s fine with me. Think the next DD post I’d make will simply showcase the 7* at R4 since I’m one of the 6 people out there buying him XD
I've never asked for a 7* of any champ.. I know 7* is useless if the champ sucks. Im seeing some great DD themed updates in other games and Im starting to kinda lose interest on MCOC... Taking it on the forum is all I can do really.
Someone asked revan this question, not you... unless 🤔
I haven’t noticed DD events in other games, that said, I don’t really play anything else. Like I said I’m done making forum posts myself, if I see someone else show mutual support for my cause, great, I thank them but that’s really it. If @KabamPinwheel and @KabamDORK now both say message heard and he’s on queue, that’s fine with me. Think the next DD post I’d make will simply showcase the 7* at R4 since I’m one of the 6 people out there buying him XD
I've never asked for a 7* of any champ.. I know 7* is useless if the champ sucks. Im seeing some great DD themed updates in other games and Im starting to kinda lose interest on MCOC... Taking it on the forum is all I can do really.
Someone asked revan this question, not you... unless 🤔
I haven’t noticed DD events in other games, that said, I don’t really play anything else. Like I said I’m done making forum posts myself, if I see someone else show mutual support for my cause, great, I thank them but that’s really it. If @KabamPinwheel and @KabamDORK now both say message heard and he’s on queue, that’s fine with me. Think the next DD post I’d make will simply showcase the 7* at R4 since I’m one of the 6 people out there buying him XD
Future Fight just dropped a born again update
Is future fight even good?
Right now as it stands, this year has been one of the games' slowest tho its anniversary is very quickly approaching in April/May and stuff usually ramps up *quick* around and after then.
Like Luna Snow for instance is popular because of how MFF is since she was an OC there (Originally released in January 2018) who became a fan fav on the MFF side, to then having that success put her into actual books and now, Rivals.
MFF is MCOC done right imo, tho a fighting game focusing on character builds would be annoying so pretty much everything but that only due to genre.
I'd love if Kabam only released 1 new champ every second month instead of 2, so you'd have a release cadence month to month of 2 new, 1 new, 2 new, 1 new, etc. This SHOULD give them additional bandwidth from the right teams to ramp up the old champ buff timelines, while they still get to wet their beaks on new champs. As it is right now, they release 2 new champs a month, one is good/decent and the second is meh/forgotten. Then they could bump up their batch cadence to every 3 months instead of every 6 months.
Releasing new champions isn't something they can just decide not to do, marvel likely push them to release a specific amount of new characters per month
And it's also sales/how it looks from the outside.
Mobile games have no choice but to keep a constant stream of stuff going and they need to make it look presentable to people who don't play, so let's say they have a month and they *just* release one champion.
If the potential new player, or potential returning player or whoever see that and do not care whatsoever for the character then they won't jump in.
Like this month has Jean and Bastion, with Jean of course taking most of the spotlight since not many really knew of Bastion's existence before X '97 and even then they still might not like him that much.
Last month with Joaquin and Zola, both can't hold a full month alone.
I've never asked for a 7* of any champ.. I know 7* is useless if the champ sucks. Im seeing some great DD themed updates in other games and Im starting to kinda lose interest on MCOC... Taking it on the forum is all I can do really.
Someone asked revan this question, not you... unless 🤔
I haven’t noticed DD events in other games, that said, I don’t really play anything else. Like I said I’m done making forum posts myself, if I see someone else show mutual support for my cause, great, I thank them but that’s really it. If @KabamPinwheel and @KabamDORK now both say message heard and he’s on queue, that’s fine with me. Think the next DD post I’d make will simply showcase the 7* at R4 since I’m one of the 6 people out there buying him XD
Future Fight just dropped a born again update
Is future fight even good?
It's decent but much more of a money sink to be able to do anything substantial
I've never asked for a 7* of any champ.. I know 7* is useless if the champ sucks. Im seeing some great DD themed updates in other games and Im starting to kinda lose interest on MCOC... Taking it on the forum is all I can do really.
Someone asked revan this question, not you... unless 🤔
I haven’t noticed DD events in other games, that said, I don’t really play anything else. Like I said I’m done making forum posts myself, if I see someone else show mutual support for my cause, great, I thank them but that’s really it. If @KabamPinwheel and @KabamDORK now both say message heard and he’s on queue, that’s fine with me. Think the next DD post I’d make will simply showcase the 7* at R4 since I’m one of the 6 people out there buying him XD
Future Fight just dropped a born again update
Is future fight even good?
I have seen random discussions in random places of people mentioning FF and rivals. I never came across a random mcoc discussion. It's Weird.
The first reason being more freedom of Dev Timeline. Moving the Champions to be in a more open timeline lets us remove a good portion of the month-to-month stresses that the current Re-Balance Process puts on the team, and use that time won back to focus on Overhauls, or supporting other content like Alliance War, Battlegrounds, Everest content, etc.
I know its early, but I don't really see any of the payoffs of less "month-to-month" stresses. The Batch update change was announced in Dec, with Patriot being the first one subject to this. We've now experienced three months of Patriot-free developer time and.... no Overhauls, and people are still complaining about AW and BGs (and AQ Raids). Maybe the Ordeal and Epoch is where this developer time is going? Because otherwise, there is no noticeable improvement as a result of "supporting other content".
The second being releasing a “Batch” puts a bigger spotlight on these changes. One of the biggest things we’ve noticed with the current Re-Balance process, is that often the player's tone of a Champion does not change, even if they are in a much better position post-Re-Balance. We feel that bundling the changes together, and looking into the possibility of supporting them with other content, will help put a bigger spotlight on these Champions' refreshed kits, breathing new life into them.
While they have a point that a lot of players still think Luke Cage is trash despite the buff, I don't think an extra 6-months is gonna change anything. Most players are gonna end up forgetting that there is a buff to be expected and still consider Patriot trash.
Additionally, a Batch release dilutes the focus on any particular champion buff. Now Patriot has to contend with Yondu and Modok getting the spotlight, as opposed to having the spotlight all to himself or sharing it with one other.
Evidence for this can be seen with the Glorious Guardians reworks. With a batch of 6 buffed champions, 1 or 2 buffed champions stole the spotlight while the rest were mostly forgotten. BPCW buff would have been forgotten already if he wasn't an Ordeal defender. Purgatory is great but a vast majority of players probably don't know much about what changed. And even though I read through Sentinel's buffed kit, the only thing I know about the buff is that he is an annoying defender in the last 15% health.
The issue is that Epoch and Ordeal are rehashes of old content. It’s difficult to see any evidence that the buff cadence has freed resources up there, so you make a great point.
Batch releases (in my opinion) allow the team to obscure disappointing buffs. Diluting the impact is the point—it’s a bit like buying a bundle of things where you wind up getting more “value” but much of it is stuff you don’t really need or want. In the end you pay more just to get the one thing you do want.
Patriot just happens to be on the edge of the new buff cadence. He was the first to fall out of the old sequence, so he waits a full year for redress. I would hope future buff candidates don’t have the same experience.
However…all I can say is that his buff needs to be spectacular—he hogged a spot in the Titan for months, and now he’s been under the knife for a year. Failure to deliver a champ who’s more than a niche solution would send a bad signal about team capabilities. If he’s not operating at least at a Luke Cage level post-buff, I don’t think I can take the *buff program* seriously.
The first reason being more freedom of Dev Timeline. Moving the Champions to be in a more open timeline lets us remove a good portion of the month-to-month stresses that the current Re-Balance Process puts on the team, and use that time won back to focus on Overhauls, or supporting other content like Alliance War, Battlegrounds, Everest content, etc.
I know its early, but I don't really see any of the payoffs of less "month-to-month" stresses. The Batch update change was announced in Dec, with Patriot being the first one subject to this. We've now experienced three months of Patriot-free developer time and.... no Overhauls, and people are still complaining about AW and BGs (and AQ Raids). Maybe the Ordeal and Epoch is where this developer time is going? Because otherwise, there is no noticeable improvement as a result of "supporting other content".
The second being releasing a “Batch” puts a bigger spotlight on these changes. One of the biggest things we’ve noticed with the current Re-Balance process, is that often the player's tone of a Champion does not change, even if they are in a much better position post-Re-Balance. We feel that bundling the changes together, and looking into the possibility of supporting them with other content, will help put a bigger spotlight on these Champions' refreshed kits, breathing new life into them.
While they have a point that a lot of players still think Luke Cage is trash despite the buff, I don't think an extra 6-months is gonna change anything. Most players are gonna end up forgetting that there is a buff to be expected and still consider Patriot trash.
Additionally, a Batch release dilutes the focus on any particular champion buff. Now Patriot has to contend with Yondu and Modok getting the spotlight, as opposed to having the spotlight all to himself or sharing it with one other.
Evidence for this can be seen with the Glorious Guardians reworks. With a batch of 6 buffed champions, 1 or 2 buffed champions stole the spotlight while the rest were mostly forgotten. BPCW buff would have been forgotten already if he wasn't an Ordeal defender. Purgatory is great but a vast majority of players probably don't know much about what changed. And even though I read through Sentinel's buffed kit, the only thing I know about the buff is that he is an annoying defender in the last 15% health.
The issue is that Epoch and Ordeal are rehashes of old content. It’s difficult to see any evidence that the buff cadence has freed resources up there, so you make a great point.
Batch releases (in my opinion) allow the team to obscure disappointing buffs. Diluting the impact is the point—it’s a bit like buying a bundle of things where you wind up getting more “value” but much of it is stuff you don’t really need or want. In the end you pay more just to get the one thing you do want.
Patriot just happens to be on the edge of the new buff cadence. He was the first to fall out of the old sequence, so he waits a full year for redress. I would hope future buff candidates don’t have the same experience.
However…all I can say is that his buff needs to be spectacular—he hogged a spot in the Titan for months, and now he’s been under the knife for a year. Failure to deliver a champ who’s more than a niche solution would send a bad signal about team capabilities. If he’s not operating at least at a Luke Cage level post-buff, I don’t think I can take the *buff program* seriously.
Dr. Zola
I tend to have lower expectations than the good doctor here, but I think we’re pretty fully in agreement on most of this. Epoch, at the least, had a brand new boss, some node tweaks, and a restructuring of paths. Those things did take work and so I don’t want to call it a pure rehash.
But Ordeal was very literally just the Gauntlet with bigger numbers. That’s not a big project. It was good content because the underlying stuff is some of the best Kabam’s ever put out and I’m glad we got it, but I don’t know that I’d buy somebody saying that it wouldn’t have happened if not for the reallocation of resources. And I’m not asking for just a bunch of endgame content! I hope to see things like AQ and EQ be prioritized, as those are the day to day gameplay modes. If they’re healthy, the game is healthy.
As for Patriot… yeah. If he can’t be salvaged into a genuinely great champion after over a year of data revision and tinkering, then what are we even doing here.
There are too many champions in game already that we can't utilize. KABAM should reduce the number to 1 release each month at most. OIr fix the game so we can use more, but that's not gonna happen.
Multiple defender nodes and specific champ abilities have become gates decreasing the number of viable options players have for most content. I have so many champs at r1 cause I don't want to use them or simply can't (aside from in arena).....
Right now as it stands, this year has been one of the games' slowest tho its anniversary is very quickly approaching in April/May and stuff usually ramps up *quick* around and after then.
Like Luna Snow for instance is popular because of how MFF is since she was an OC there (Originally released in January 2018) who became a fan fav on the MFF side, to then having that success put her into actual books and now, Rivals.
MFF is MCOC done right imo, tho a fighting game focusing on character builds would be annoying so pretty much everything but that only due to genre.
Mobile games have no choice but to keep a constant stream of stuff going and they need to make it look presentable to people who don't play, so let's say they have a month and they *just* release one champion.
If the potential new player, or potential returning player or whoever see that and do not care whatsoever for the character then they won't jump in.
Like this month has Jean and Bastion, with Jean of course taking most of the spotlight since not many really knew of Bastion's existence before X '97 and even then they still might not like him that much.
Last month with Joaquin and Zola, both can't hold a full month alone.
I never came across a random mcoc discussion.
It's Weird.
Batch releases (in my opinion) allow the team to obscure disappointing buffs. Diluting the impact is the point—it’s a bit like buying a bundle of things where you wind up getting more “value” but much of it is stuff you don’t really need or want. In the end you pay more just to get the one thing you do want.
Patriot just happens to be on the edge of the new buff cadence. He was the first to fall out of the old sequence, so he waits a full year for redress. I would hope future buff candidates don’t have the same experience.
However…all I can say is that his buff needs to be spectacular—he hogged a spot in the Titan for months, and now he’s been under the knife for a year. Failure to deliver a champ who’s more than a niche solution would send a bad signal about team capabilities. If he’s not operating at least at a Luke Cage level post-buff, I don’t think I can take the *buff program* seriously.
Dr. Zola
But Ordeal was very literally just the Gauntlet with bigger numbers. That’s not a big project. It was good content because the underlying stuff is some of the best Kabam’s ever put out and I’m glad we got it, but I don’t know that I’d buy somebody saying that it wouldn’t have happened if not for the reallocation of resources. And I’m not asking for just a bunch of endgame content! I hope to see things like AQ and EQ be prioritized, as those are the day to day gameplay modes. If they’re healthy, the game is healthy.
As for Patriot… yeah. If he can’t be salvaged into a genuinely great champion after over a year of data revision and tinkering, then what are we even doing here.
Multiple defender nodes and specific champ abilities have become gates decreasing the number of viable options players have for most content. I have so many champs at r1 cause I don't want to use them or simply can't (aside from in arena).....