What will it take for people to quit sleeping on Diablo?

R4 Onslaught on Node 48 wiped in 1:14 with yellow bar.. help me help you lol
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But damn never thought that he can beat Onslaught that much on that kind of node, that heavy into heavy is cool.
But I mostly believe in sp1 spam to stop the poisons then big fat sp2 burst to finish off fights.
But.. aside from crazy DOT (Passive with KP/RS Synergy) and insane damage mitigation/sustainability.. the coolest thing about him is how many different matches he can take in AW:
Korg, Onslaught, Serpent (depends on node set), Attuma, Red Skull, Domino, Thing, Terrax, Gorr, Adam.. the list goes on
Do you play BG competitively? But honestly, even if so you can use Recoils for other games modes?
Edit: I do actually turn them off for long form stuff (most recent was Epoch), but that's about it honestly.. everything else I have them on
Turns an R3 defender (with Regen) into a literal arena fight..
It's super forceful to run MD with recoils. And he wants that MD. (A very long time recoil player)
Haha I would be so bold to say that I don't think anyone agrees he is better without Recoil lol.. he may actually receive the most benefit in the game of any character
- 60% more damage on basics and Poison
- 90% more damage on specials and I believe special related Poison
- literally heals constantly from them
- takes 30% less damage from ALL sources with them 😂
Also, I run Recoil plus MD 5
And second, I just don’t want to pay units to flip recoil on and off. I agree that it’s great for certain champs and content but the range of applications is just too narrow for me — if I have to pay for each change.
Switching masteries regularly was never my style and I have enjoyed diablo outside BGs. He will be great in GC. Nobody will use recoils and a lot of players will run him. Including me.
I don't like running recoils with md.
I rather run 3 coagulate and always runs 3 inequity + 5 limber.
Don't need the extra cost of units to cater 1 champ. For most Mystics, md and recoils don't go side by side.
But.. I don't switch masteries regularly either - there are only two reasons to spec out of a recoil build imo.. BGs (but only if you are actively pushing for a competitive placement - otherwise, who cares?) or long content like Epoch.. AQ, AW, Solo content, Arena.. anything else in the game you will be more successful with Recoil active (regardless of champions)
There are certain matches that would be unsuccessful with them on.. but it's wayyy less than you think
I'll give you Spiral vs Serpent.. Wigra vs.. anyone 😂.. but I'm failing to think of much more atm tbh
Congrats! And great choice
And the username.. this guy just gets it