T6 Basic and T3 Alpha

Lil_DraKulaLil_DraKula Member Posts: 55
now there’s gotta be something wrong with how the game is handling T6 basic and T3 alpha catalysts, like seriously atm i have all the t6cc and the t4 alphas i would want to have yet i cant get enough T6b or T3a.

the way its being given in a very scarce amount yet all rank ups for 7 stars require a HEFTY amount of those catalysts. wanna rank up a 6 star instead? surprise you still need them.

im an endgame valiant with all content done and i shouldn’t struggle more with getting t6b and t3a than i do with t6cc or t4a


  • Soumemiakas1926Soumemiakas1926 Member Posts: 481 ★★★
    Same here
  • Envi1Envi1 Member Posts: 66
    TyEdge said:

    This is interesting because I don’t have this issue at all. I’ve already maxed and ascended around 30 6-stars so that probably helps. I want t4a more than anything and can’t get it.

    1) get the webstore crystal every day
    2) I take the t6cc selector and t4a every day from DSE rewards.
    3) I run map 8 for top 200ish AQ. Honestly it isn’t difficult once lanes are assigned.
    4) I don’t rank 6-stars unless I need them for specific content. It takes 9 of those catalysts and 3 t6cc to get a champ who matches a 7r2 once ascended. A 7r2 only takes 4 of those catalysts. I was very late getting Abs Man, for example, but I ranked him and FAntman for Carina.
    5) once you’ve got 15+ r3 champs, your major value is in more r3s moreso than r2s. Focus on who you want to be the top of your roster and see if it helps.
    6) I spend 26,000 mysterium per week getting 2 t6b and t3a. I spend about 2900 glory getting 1.2 of each (4 buys).

    I hate to say it this way but I don’t know how else to put it - if you have a catalyst shortage and you’re also saying that you’re using those catalysts to rank champs for funsies, that’s the problem.

    Banquet crystals only had 7-star mats because even several months ago, the valiant focus should’ve been on 7-stars. They’re gating ordeal and epoch for 6-stars. They don’t have an act 9 story boost for 6-stars.


  • Txthree1710Txthree1710 Member Posts: 10
    I think it's also absurd that t6b and t3a are also required for taking a champ to r4. R4 already requires t7b and t4a anyway
  • Lil_DraKulaLil_DraKula Member Posts: 55

    Yet people called me an idiot for buying 100 T6B/T3As for 10 units a pop.
    I went through them all and actually would love another offer like that, but I think that was a once in a lifetime deal.

    i did the same with that offer it was really helpful with how much t6b snd t3a are needed
  • Lil_DraKulaLil_DraKula Member Posts: 55
    edited March 25
    TyEdge said:

    I hate to say it this way but I don’t know how else to put it - if you have a catalyst shortage and you’re also saying that you’re using those catalysts to rank champs for funsies, that’s the problem

    i dont see where i stated im ranking up champions for funsies, i only rank up 7 stars atm and every single rank for 7 stars require a lot of t6b and t3a, even rank 4 which doesnt make sense why are you taking both t6b AND T7b

    i was just stating how ALSO 6 stars require the same catalyst why is it needed for sooo many levels of rank ups it seems theyre just slapping it on every rank for the sake of it.
  • Lil_DraKulaLil_DraKula Member Posts: 55
    edited March 25
    @TotemCorruption it was needed to take up 7R4s actually, also i see what you did there flexing your R4 spider punk lol great choice
  • TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★

    @TotemCorruption it was needed to take up 7R4s actually, also i see what you did there flexing your R4 spider punk lol great choice

    Thanks, I probably should've gone with Photon though.
    But yeah, I'm in the same boat, I have T4A and T6CC but not enough of the other stuff.
    So I'm basically choosing the T5CC from the daily reward, and then getting T6B and T3A from the traders outpost and BG store.
    I'm not thrilled to use those resources on lower tier stuff instead of T4A and T6CC, but there's no other option at this point to take my champs to 7R2 and 7R3...
  • Lil_DraKulaLil_DraKula Member Posts: 55

    @TotemCorruption it was needed to take up 7R4s actually, also i see what you did there flexing your R4 spider punk lol great choice

    Thanks, I probably should've gone with Photon though.
    But yeah, I'm in the same boat, I have T4A and T6CC but not enough of the other stuff.
    So I'm basically choosing the T5CC from the daily reward, and then getting T6B and T3A from the traders outpost and BG store.
    I'm not thrilled to use those resources on lower tier stuff instead of T4A and T6CC, but there's no other option at this point to take my champs to 7R2 and 7R3...
    its actually funny how trader’s outpost only gives you 2 of each a week as a valiant player, and the bg store takes 2000 tokens for one catalyst of those, glory and monthly eq? it gives u fractions of the catalyst. nothing seems to be updated which is why its very frustrating
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 12,130 ★★★★★

    Yet people called me an idiot for buying 100 T6B/T3As for 10 units a pop.
    I went through them all and actually would love another offer like that, but I think that was a once in a lifetime deal.

    130 is too much tbh. I brought 50 and it was really helpful.
  • Asher1_1Asher1_1 Member Posts: 957 ★★★
    Start buying them Instead of t4a , t6cc from bg store + glory store
  • Lil_DraKulaLil_DraKula Member Posts: 55
    Asher1_1 said:

    Start buying them Instead of t4a , t6cc from bg store + glory store

    well thats what i do and my point here its not enough, u get fractions of the catalyst in the glory store it aint even funny, bg store gives you only 5 catalysts for 10k tokens (you get 10k tokens for placing in uru III in the GC for example) so its not like cheap at all
  • Java_JunkieJava_Junkie Member Posts: 686 ★★★
    @TotemCorruption that post Banquet flash offer was AWESOME. not as deeply as you, but I 100% stocked up. wonder if that offer may have coincided too neatly with this drought? or is that paranoid.

    I will say, while the materials are actually there, the rate at which you can acquire all the materials collectively seems to be out of synch within the subset. as @AndiKnight said earlier “goal should be that as soon as you collect the highest materials [T6CC and T4A in this case], you can rank up a champ’; not sure if that was ever a stated goal, but if not it’s a super common perception.
  • BosleyBosley Member Posts: 507 ★★★
    A lot of these great points could also be rolled into the Resource Budget post......
  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 1,333 ★★★★
    Isn’t there a ton of it in the traders outpost? I have it overflowing
  • Cloudddey_broCloudddey_bro Member Posts: 518 ★★★

    Isn’t there a ton of it in the traders outpost? I have it overflowing

    I think it’s 4 of each a week. Keep in mind you need 7 of each to rank 2 a 7 star. Wouldn’t call that a “ton” but to each their own
  • Lil_DraKulaLil_DraKula Member Posts: 55
    edited March 25

    Isn’t there a ton of it in the traders outpost? I have it overflowing

    if two t6b and two t3a a week is what you call a ton when you need 7 of each for one R2 7 star rank up then idk what to tell you buddy you probably rank up one 7 star a month thats if you got any
  • Supersha7Supersha7 Member Posts: 355 ★★★
    edited March 25

    12 t4a

    0 t6b
    0 t3a

    6+ of each t6cc (12 of skill cos skills meh)

  • Lil_DraKulaLil_DraKula Member Posts: 55
    Supersha7 said:


    12 t4a

    0 t6b
    0 t3a

    6+ of each t6cc (12 of skill cos skills meh)


    its absurd man they gotta do something about it and buff all the t6b and t3a across all game modes or else this all doesn’t make sense
  • Toproller89Toproller89 Member Posts: 1,725 ★★★★
    The struggle is real, lol. They should halve the price of the traders deals that have those catalysts in the selectors and increase the cap.

    Also a price reduction in BG store and when valiant event quest drops, they should include a nice amount of t6b and t3a
  • Lil_DraKulaLil_DraKula Member Posts: 55
    edited March 27

    The struggle is real, lol. They should halve the price of the traders deals that have those catalysts in the selectors and increase the cap.

    Also a price reduction in BG store and when valiant event quest drops, they should include a nice amount of t6b and t3a

    yea its very clear how the amount of t6b and t3a is completely outdated, im actually wondering what @kabamcrashed thinks of the catalyst rewards allocation around all game modes or if they acknowledge there’s an issue with it and have something in the works for it as a fix

    (ion even know if i tagged him right lol)
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,809 ★★★★★
    Gotta change your store buying habits, balance them out a bit.
  • Lil_DraKulaLil_DraKula Member Posts: 55
    edited March 27

    Gotta change your store buying habits, balance them out a bit.

    i literally spend all my glory, mysterium and bg tokens on t6b and t3a and strictly that. its very obvious how there’s a huge shortage of them in the game or the demand for it when you rank up 7 stars is much more than whats available to be purchased
  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,987 ★★★★★
    @KabamPinwheel could you pass this to the game team pretty please ?
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